Hate tells, does it mean I'm good :D

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NinjaTurtle, Aug 24, 2014.

  1. NinjaTurtle

    Over the last week or so I have been getting a bunch of hate tells and accusations of hacking. Does this mean I am doing it right?

    Over the last 2 years I had received 1 accusation of hacking now I seem to get one a session :D

    Lol my stats aren't good enough to be a hacker. But the compliment is welcome I am pleased to have owned you enough you would assume

    Thank you
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  2. a-koo-chee-moya

    You could be hacking O.O. Nah, it either means your farming hard in vehicles or are starting to kill players less gracious in losing. The same thing seems to be happening to me. I never got any hate tells before, but in the past 2 weeks I've gotten 2.
  3. Trebb

    Yeah I get them a lot while trying to get my Banshee kills. Most of the time it's from lone-wolf snipers camping our adjacent base. One guy was really crying, while at the same time camping our vehicle terminal. REALLY?!
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  4. Iridar51

    Recently received a "Clap Clap" tell after I knifed a guy in close quarters. I apologized for not bringing a sniper rifle to a knife fight.
    Also received "you really love your Nighthawk, don't you?" tell. I apologized and explained I only do it for directives.
    If you're receiving a hate tell, most likely you're cheesing, or the guy is a sore loser. I send "go **** yourself" tell pretty much anytime a vehicle kills me. Sadly, most people don't get offended by it.
  5. a-koo-chee-moya

    Heh *facepalm* I was looking for sore loser for about 10 minutes before I gave up.
  6. Posse

    The number of rage tells is directly proportional to how easy it is to write your name in chat, skill is a secondary factor

    Source: Most of the hate tells we have collected in DA are from the guys with those 5 character super easy nicknames (and no, it's not only Vonic)
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  7. eldarfalcongravtank

    got a hackusation whisper for sniping an NC Max once on an open field with my AP Magrider from ~200m away. apparently i am good? (i aint)
  8. DatVanuMan

    Yes, YES. Welcome to the hackusation club, brother:D
    Lately, I've been getting one hate tell every two days. Could be that the people who are starting to like this game have played CoD at least once somewhere in their lives.
  9. Nexus545

    Either doing it right or the poor server quality has people paranoid.
  10. Allin

    Treasure your hate tells and hackusations. Never get angry at them. This is the best reward of planetside. Honest players values them.

    I used to have a lot back in beta, now, when actual ESP and no-recoil people are around, I'm falling short on people's scope and I miss them.
  11. Vertabrae

    Lol I get a lot of them, and send my fair share. Mainly for cheese kills, and because I enjoy being somewhat of a troll in game. People get mad so easy, so I enjoy pissing them off. Got 6 or 7 last night while using the failstorm as LA and camping on top of doorways in a tower fight.
  12. Rikkit

    When they call you a hacker, and you don't know what you have done,
    ask them, why they call you so.
    by doing this, you may learn what you have done right...
  13. Allin

    Sorry but I always thought this approach is plain stupid. Cheeze kill only happens if you allow it to. It's like "mlg 1337" pilots complaining about coyotes, when they could stay 200m away, dodge every salvo and still kill that guy who used them WITH EASE, becasue their aim is much superior to the other guy. That's somehow fault of the guy with coyotes to them, that they were killed.
  14. Tyrant103

    I've never gotten a hate tell sadly, I've sent a few though. For things like deploying to a 1-12 1-12 region to find out it's just the NC with 5 Vanguards 2 Lightnings and 1 AMS that kept loosing to a stalker cloak because they were scared to stay on point.

    Or in a 1-12 fight and some A2G ESF shows up.

    I've started doing with like this though. Helps my sanity.
  15. MajiinBuu

    I get hate tells every time I pull a PPA harasser, even after the nerf.
    EXCUUUSE ME for using an anti-infantry weapon against infantry!
  16. Ohforsake

    Got a couple hackusations..
    - Headshotting infantry with default Lightning and thermal scope repeatedly
    - Counter sniping sniper nests ( killing the same guy 6 times with silenced phaseshift )
    - Killing a BR 100 with the default LA gun on a low level alt repeatedly
  17. miraculousmouse

    Damn, so no one ever calls you "posse"? And I assume "LADYPEEEEEETRREEEEEEEEE" doesn't get too many ragetells :D
  18. Gambitual

    I've been directly accused of hacking a few times, but twice the accusers would not tell me what I did. They kept saying stuff like "you know what you did and "stop acting dumb, you know."

    It hurt me deep inside. :eek:
  19. Konstantinn

    Takes too much effort to send a hate tell, plus yelling profanity at the monitor feels somehow more natural and satisfying in the long run. My neighbors probably think I have Tourette syndrome by now.
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  20. NinjaTurtle

    So you're saying because my name is more than 5 then they have gone to the extra effort because I am so fabulous :D

    Also why does it matter how long the name is? Just right click on the name in the kill feed and select send message