Has TR become the 'win' faction now?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kidou, Nov 21, 2014.

  1. Kidou

    I'm not saying that TR is OP or anything. Just that it seems like a lot of people have moved to TR from VS, on Connery at least.

    Did the PPA nerf really hurt our pop that much? Everything else is fine...
  2. CEGrif

    R18 a Briggs NC outfit jumped ship to join Connery as TR
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  3. barunedpat

    They will run again during next nerf season, apparently lots of TR nerfs incoming if what the Forumside claims is true.
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  4. Kidou

    Well that explains quite a bit... Afraid I don't keep up with outfit shenanigans.
  5. Embermote

    I suppose if someone was on VS to farm infantry with a PPA, the Prowler is now as close as they can get to that.

    TR is not the 'win' faction though, and arguably the weakest in some areas.
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  6. JDCollie=VX9=

    Briggs can take them back. Having 45% TR population is just stupid. Hell, having 45% population of any faction is stupid.
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  7. Xasapis

    I wouldn't say call it the best AI ground MBT in the game "close" to PPA. It was always superior. Now that PPA has been nerfed to uselessness, this is merely a lot more obvious.
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  8. hawken is better


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  9. FateJH

    Last night I heard this odd rumor passed around platoon chat that a large part of the Connery VS were protesting the PPA adjustments by not playing or something to that end. It sounded like another of those "feel good" things you make up for reasons of low self-esteem or victim complex, like the other two factions having an alliance against you, so I ignored it at the time.
  10. Xasapis

    Two phrases:
    • Farcry 4
    • Dragon Age Inquisition
    I know I'll be playing DA:I more than PS2 the coming week.
  11. _itg

    We just need to lure in a Briggs outfit as NC and all will be well.
  12. Towie

    I think the observation that players migrate to a faction which is considered as 'overpowered' (whether real or not) is somewhat plausible. Anyone recall the NC overpop when the shield was truly god-like ? I hang my head in shame when I say that I personally used it a LOT.

    I'm not suggesting that TR is actually overpowered, just that people may perceive this to be the case - or - that VS is perceived to be weak right now.

    Balance and Forumside have a lot of influence...
  13. OldMaster80

    Yeah we are the OP faction. That's why yesterday evening our republican butt got spanked hard repeatedly by NC and VS on Miller.
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  14. Jake the Dog

    This is all because the TR has population atm, a few weeks ago this was not the case and painfully obvious. I think it might be because of some sort of internal vanu disagreement due to infighting im guessing. There were a few outfits that were pretty powerful zergfits that no longer seem to matter anymore.
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  15. Devrailis

    No, TR is not OP. They have some decent farm toys, as do all factions (Lightning is still cheese king #1 and is NS). TR has not been "OP" for a long long time. When I die to TR, I don't think "Holy **** that was OP", I think, "Well that was dumb on my part".

    In fact, TR could use a bit of a revamp to gain some interesting mechanics.
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  16. Flapatax

    With the exception of the banshee, the TR is in a pretty good place. The BRRT MCG is a little OP, but that's more due to the limited abilities of its two counterparts than how good it itself is. Other than that, everything is pretty fun and balanced. People say frequently that TR has the best ARs in the game, but to be completely honest I'm not a huge fan.

    Definitely sounds like a server thing, rather than a factional thing.
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  17. Hammerlock

    on miller is the exact opposite ... near everyone from TR play VS now :eek:
    because of better organisation
  18. Whiteagle

    Basically now that the VS biggest toy has been nerfed, they've all jumped ship to the TR because they "clearly" have Spammy OP Weapons like the Banshee and Pounders...

    ...Those poor deluded fools...

    Basically what I said above, Fourth Factioners when into Vanu Zergfits to farm with the PPA, but now that it's been fixed they're thinking TR is now the OP one...

    ...Those poor deluded fools...

    Pfff, I didn't join the TR for Killing Power, I joined because it was the Faction that expects you to DIE FOR THAT MOTHERFOOKING POINT!!!

    Even if all we are armed with are Chainknifes, we shall over come, and WE WILL WIN!
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  19. TriumphantJelly

    No, TR is not. The 4th factioners want to use the Banshee now that the PPA can't farm.
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  20. IberianHusky

    No, we are absolutely not OP, very, very far from it in fact. Equipment wise I'd still consider us the weakest faction. We did get a slight pop boost after the PPA nerfs, but nothing to bring us to dominance.