Has tank mines become worthless?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ravenwolf Foxtrack, Apr 3, 2013.

  1. Ravenwolf Foxtrack

    I read that mines can no longer be activated when thrown on top of a vehicle.

    Is this referring to the top of the vehicle, or also the ground under the vehicle and will not arm unless the vehicle is in motion? This has not been made clear and I was wondering because I can't find anything that clearly defines what this means.
  2. Aisar

    They still work in the logical way, like if you run over them. I don't think they blow up stationary vehicles at all anymore.
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  3. Accuser

    Unsurprisingly, tank mines still work as tank mines... but not as anti-vehicle, auto-detonating C4.
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  4. Ravenwolf Foxtrack

    That's just crap. Yes, I loved to tank mine a deployed sundy. it was a viable tactic that can help to swing a battle. If someone didn't invest in mineguard, then too bad for them. Don't punish those that invested in the certs to use them as a means to fight and defend. Hard enough to get any mine kills without being able to control a major choke point or know exactly where a vehicle will drive over at int he most likely hood one comes by.
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  5. Robes

    You see, with this change it seperates the idiots from the good players, good players will still be blowing up those dumb sundys without mineguard where idiots will sit on the forums and cry.
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  6. WalrusJones

    Here is the thing: If you place it under a vehicle, they won't be able to move anyhow, unless a friendly teammate has EMP grenades.

    1. Teammate shoots the mines, they explode the vehicle and get gunlocked.

    2. Tank moves, it explodes.

    3. Teammate saves tank with EMP.

    Its just that they won't work too well on stationary vehicles..... Unless you have time to fumble around with wasteful grenade use.
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  7. notyourbuddy

    Can probably still drop them then throw a sticky grenade on them.
  8. Ravenwolf Foxtrack

    well, just means drop three mines and a sticky nade and run now. would rather not have to waste the nade.
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  9. Xasapis

    Actually they stopped working in a logical way, aka how mines actually work and now work in how cartoons or games depict them. But that's irrelevant really since this is a ... game after all and mines don't have to work in a logical way, just in a way that makes the game fun.
    Are you sure you can detonate them like this? From what was posted on reddit, they intended to make them disappear when damaged, not detonate.
  10. WalrusJones

    .... You could literally save resources by using C4.
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  11. Lyrencropt

    Did it earlier tonight no problem. Makes it even easier since now people are running blockade armor more.
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  12. Aisar

    Mines are not meant to be used that way though. Have you ever used mines in any other game? They are meant to be placed at key entrances to bases or on roads where you suspect the enemy will drive. Placing a mine on a stationary vehicle makes no sense, wasn't intended and I am glad to see it go. Now if you want to cert into C4, there's your stationary explosive meant for the task you used to use mines for.

    People got used to using them improperly to own sundies, now people have to get used to using them correctly ;)
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  13. TrainerS2

    What with VS Tanks they fly abvove ground do mines work on them ???
  14. Cougarbrit

    All it means is we have to buy sticky grenades. I'm sure we've farmed enough stupid suicidal sundies now to have an extra 100 certs. Though personally, my best kill of a sundy was using mines as mines. A full sundy. All that sweet, sweet xp.

    And when they finally destroy AT mines and turn them into laughtrack mines, it will be a sad day, but we will have banked enough certs for 2 C4 and an UBGL.
  15. Cougarbrit

    Own suicidal sundies*

    I mean, mineguard isn't expensive, and it was pretty well known that AMSs attract AT miners, the logical thing to do is get mineguard and/or defend your sundy. The only times I've died to AT mining in my mineguard AMS is when people use C4 at the same time, though I think there was an exploit that allowed them to throw an AT mines with any number of C4 sticks that they had thrown previously, that was pretty BS, was discovered late though and wasn't well known, might've been fixed by now.
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  16. Bad News

    Since C4 cost twice as much cert to unlock and think it is fair that it is cheaper to use.
  17. WalrusJones

    I am simply shocked that people are so insistent on using tank mines.
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  18. MiZrY

    Yup, drop mines.... throw grenade. Boom! Correct way of doing it now.

    So they made it a little bit more inconvenient. What they should do and what is far more effective as well as saving the time to code BS is tell the playerbase, "Hey... radar flash... umm park it next to the Sundy. Now defend your Sundy!"

    People need to think a little bit more. All the tools were provided to all of us to prevent people from mining Sundys, but most people would rather park/deploy a Sundy and do nothing to defend it and then whine about it on the forums when it gets blown up.
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  19. Cougarbrit

    Personally I don't know why people use 3 AT mines, maybe it's just my server but from my experience with the smart fellows who grab mineguard, it's never just level one, every sundy I mined that survived thanks to mineguard (rushing them under fire doesn't usually give a lot of time to check for the coloured band) was left with over a third of health at least.

    I've always had a tendancy to burn through infantry resources as I try to keep full stocks constantly and always resupply ASAP, so the notion of using an extra AT mine just in case was never appealing. Soon as two AT mines fail, it's two C4 time, although that fails depressingly often sometimes as I don't have an UBGL and it's on my LA, so I rarely get the actual kills even if I detonate in time and they're under AV fire/too lazy to come and repair.
  20. Cougarbrit

    AT mines are nice and user friendly (assuming you know how to move your legs in the right way), C4 is clunky and user spiteful (apparently you keep all the C4 in buttoned up pockets on your ankles and your detonator was made by the lowest bidder).

    AT mines are also cheap enough certwise for new players to realistically acquire in a decent timescale for them, and are cheaper resource wise.

    Basically AT mines never let you down, never betray you, and have your best interests in heart. C4 is the direct opposite.
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