Has composite Armour/cameo made your life easier or harder?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by johnway, May 28, 2013.

  1. johnway

    Today's deal for HA Composite Armour was too cheap to pass up. I had some free SOE Cash (from signing up to other SOE games trick) and i felt awesome wearing it and i could take it for a spin for real rather then going to preview and staring at it like some poor kid before christmas wishing for the toy from santa.

    But i've just been hit by buyers remorse as i wonder whether purchasing it was a great idea after all. I play as NC and unless i was fighting in a blue paint factory i will stick out like a sore thumb and i have painted a big target on my back rather then feeling awesome. It might not be so apparent with TR or VS but as NC...

    Its got me thinking about cameos and composite armours and how everyone feels about it and i have 2 thoughts on the matter. The former as i mentioned it makes you a target for everyone, people spot you further away and you're asking for trouble. But on the other hand, if you're skilled it adds a layer of confidence and lesser players think twice or play far more cautiously. I've certainly played more cautiously when i go toe to toe with someone decked out as they probably have spent more money and time on this then i ever would. So i know that i'm on the back foot with someone more experienced then i would be.

    Of course, i might be thinking too deep into this and it will have no impact on my situation and i get to enjoy my investment. i already dress in blue already, but that was less then i have now. Now that i'm covered head to toe in the stuff if i hid in a bush, pillaring or shooting through railings whos to say they won't see me sooner?

    So over to you guys and gals.
  2. Seranov

    Except for the dark camouflage that makes you difficult to see at night (IE: most Vanu camo! and assorted others) I find it does absolutely nothing to prevent me from seeing people. It might just be because I look for movement, not color.
  3. bodmans

    well theres always the giraffe, or another one perfectly blending in with other factions colors
    you know a camo is good when it lets you do this [IMG]
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  4. StrikerKOJ

    Firstly, camo is great. Way too expensive now that they have removed the single-use camos, but overall they look good, and just a nice feature to have.

    Mixed feelings about composite armor. I like the models for the composite armor (VS anyway), as they make the characters look beefier. The default armor for the VS looks like they are fighting in pajamas. Additionally, I like how the composite armors spread the camo patterns around, to better conceal your true faction colors.

    Biggest gripe about the armor is that it still covers up the shoulder decals. I've spent more money on decals than I have on Camo and Armor, but I cannot take advantage of them in conjunction with the armor due to an oversight (that seems to be taking a really long time to fix) even though they are in two separate customization slots.

    So yeah, pointless thoughts, but you asked. So... well, there it is.
  5. Dingus148

    There are some camos which completely obscure faction colors. They're a bit cheesy IMO, because the camo is rarely distinct enough to identify friend from foe (and I'd rather not teamkill on suspicion). It only really comes into play during hectic biolab fights or tower assaults, so it's hardly game-breaking.
  6. Ixidron

    There is a cammo that makes the NC infiltrator look almost exactly as the VS infiltrator, wouldn't be the first time I shoot at one, sadly now I use the shotgun, too bad for them.
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  7. Shellana

    I picked up the desert scrub as part of the infantry bundle, and I am having mixed feelings as well.
    - I run into a group of enemies, and they take 5 second to figure out I am not one of them. 4 people dead by point blank shotgun....

    - Every time an infiltrator hits some friendlies with an emp grenade, I get TKed.
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  8. MaxDamage

  9. bodmans

    does it also affect the NC infils christmas lights?
  10. Blitzer

    I can't seriously believe people are even implying that having composite armor on your character has a negative gameplay impact of any kind. /groan
  11. Sen7ryGun84

    For my VS and NC chars: Much easier. 95%+ body coverage on my cammo means it takes longer to identify me in high speed CQC situations, and sometimes I won't be noticed at all as players run by.

    For my TR char: Little to no difference. TR classes have giant black and red patches all their armor that immediately identifies them regardless of camo.
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