Has Anything In-Game Ever Inspired You?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MisterSlim, Oct 23, 2014.

  1. MisterSlim

    Have you ever done anything motivated by in-game events? I've done a few things myself, including making a GMV, painting my car, and engraving two firearms.

    The car painting has a couple threads related to it, but in short, I was looking to try something called PlastiDip, which is a paint-like rubberish coating. I was curious as to how green and purple would look together (although purple was more expensive than green, so green is the main color, with purple as accents). I am currently in the process of getting a VS emblem decal for the hood, and a stencil for "Technology Equals Might" for the doors.


    The GMV was inspired by an amazing battle on Esamir, during which the song "Badass" by Saliva started playing. It synced so well with the game, that I decided to make a GMV dedicated to PS2.

    I shoot competitively in the realms of real-life, and have a very skilled gunsmith that just so happens to be a very close friend. And being such a close friend, he was totally fine with me using the laser-etcher he owns. I used it to engrave "Technology Equals Might" inside the trigger guard of my Savage 110BA, and "Technology Equals Might" down the side of the 6.5" barrel of my Taurus 627 .357magnum revolver.

    *A disclaimer: I am not an obsessed fanatic. I do enjoy the game, one of the best I've played in a long time. But primarily, the car paint color was more of a whim, the GMV was practice, and the gun etchings were because I really like that motto (I work in computer system maintenance and repair), regardless of its place in the game.

    **A footnote: Sorry if you're in Germany or using a mobile device and can't watch the video. Copyright laws are legit things!

    ***A second footnote: I didn't include images of the firearms because I don't know how SOE feels about that kind of thing, and I don't feel like skimming over an entire EULA to find a vague answer. I also don't know how nonchalant some other countries are about that kind of imagery. So, just to avoid a possible issue, I will leave the images out.
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  2. BobSanders123

    Back when I was just a little private of the TR, I instant actioned onto a biolab pad. Where I was completely obliterated to nothingness from a pre-nerf zephyr liberator. I spawned a good ol prowler, and was completely destroyed by a tankbuster liberator. Then I pulled a MAX, and was destroyed by a AV turret 700m away on top of a mountain I couldn't see.

    I was inspired.

    I bashed my head against my 120 dollar keyboard and chucked my garbage can out the window, breaking the window with the trash landing on my car.
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  3. MisterSlim

    Either you have an INCREDIBLY muscular throwing arm, or you have an INCREDIBLY reinforced trash can. I'm pretty sure my trash can, even moving near escape velocity, wouldn't shatter any windows xD
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  4. BobSanders123

    Just my left arm.

    If you know what I mean...
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  5. MisterSlim

    -Shakes hand- -...right hand specifically- You, sir, for that use of innuendo alone, are now nearing the top of my "Cool Forumsiders" chart. A pleasure to make your acquaintance.
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  6. Masterofm

    Anything that's inspired me..... double xp weekends?

    There is good glass and bad glass. Good glass (double pained or plexi) and unless your garbage can is made of explodium it's going to just tink off of it and maybe scratch or ding it. Crappy old glass? It's going right through it.
  7. ajma

    How? Infantry does not render after 300m.
  8. Masterofm

    At one point maxes had a fairly far render distance at one point. Not sure if that is the case now.

    The game itself has inspired me to pull my hair out at one point or another.
  9. MisterSlim

    Only on Forumside will the topic swap to the durability of glass vs. trashcans. I live in a dormitory, so I would be willing to say that my windows are far from "explodium resistant". You should teach SOE a lesson in glass-ery, and tell them how to make some glass that can be seen through from both sides. If I'm going to be shot down by an ESF, I want to be able to see the pilot as he does it. xD
  10. Utrooperx

    LoL...I'm "inspired" to "/rage quit" on a nearly moment-by-moment basis...:D
  11. Masterofm

    So you know he can see you flipping him the bird as you are about to enjoy your fire'y demise?
  12. BobSanders123

    Glad to meet you sir, just so you know, I use my right hand for helping Ebol- *COUGHCOUGHCOUGH* Ah, my apologies, anyway, hope to see your around!
  13. MisterSlim

    Yes. I would also like to know he sees me aiming my high-powered sniper rifle at his face.. It may not be able to pierce the glass of a cockpit, but that won't stop me from aiming it menacingly.
  14. Masterofm

    Um.... this begs the question of.... why are you an infiltrator flying a scythe? I mean engi or even LA I can understand, but that confuses me just a wee bit. It's like thinking "welp... time to pull this tank.... now to switch class to medic." Which I'm always kerfuffled when I blow up a tank and I kill a single BR 90 medic. It's like.... whyyyyyyyyy??????!!!!!1!!!one!!!
  15. MisterSlim

    I never really use it for fighting anything. I run Stalker a lot, so I use it more like an injection-vehicle for distances that I don't feel like driving a Flash across. I have it built with maxed Afterburners, Racer Chassis, Stealth, and Ejection Seats. I'd almost call it the "Flash of the air", but I play with the Flash far more aggressively lately.
  16. Siilk

    This thread already contains a week worth supply of :eek:
  17. MisterSlim

    Elaborate. What is :eek: exactly?
  18. andy_m

    I suppose the only real inspiration that Planetside 2 provides for me is to keep on playing, and playing, and playing...
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  19. MisterSlim

    I've noticed you lurking around forumside quite a bit over the past day or so. If you're new here, glad to have you. If you're not a new forumsider..well, continue being cool!
  20. MisterSlim

    Also, while the video is in a thread, any feedback from those that decide to watch it would be great!