Harsher penalties for teamkilling

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Teegeeack, Nov 8, 2013.

  1. Teegeeack

    We really need to have them. Not only a weapons lock, but something else, like a cert loss. There is absolutely no excuse for killing so many teammates that you get weapons lock. In 12 months of playing, never once have I gotten my weapons locked, and anyone who is getting them locked on any sort of regular basis is both reckless and a bad player.
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  2. Pirbi

    Fine as long as friendlies who do stupid stuff also get part credit for their death. Support classes seem attracted to friendly HA weapons like moths to a flame. And the people that think a sunderer can stop on a dime when they jump in front of them. You should lose certs for not looking both ways. Why can't I walk in front of a max that's shooting bad guys? My right as an Amerishian! Sometimes the people that get killed deserve the grief points.

    That said, I don't think I've ever had weapons lock. I just have seen both sides of the complaints.
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  3. TomoB

    Lowering the number of TKs to get weapons locked would be good start, not even the crappiest player in the world would accidentally TK as many teammates as it is now needed to get the lock. I'm not even sure how many you need to kill or is it based on some kind of big damage number that increases towards weapons lock treshold every time one damages his teammates or what.
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  4. Shanther

    You don't actually have to kill people to get a weapons lock.
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  5. Morti

    When players can no longer be road killed we can do this.
  6. Aktarus

    i would agree but as long as PS2 gonna be F2P there will be waaaaaaaaay to many noobs that just jump everytime in front of you in the middle of your burst to get a kill so no , it will punish to many fair players just because of the large amount of brainless lemmings.

    i cant count how many times i died because those guys just jump in front of me and force me to stop to fire and it mostly end with the lemming + me dead while the guy who was basically a freekill end with 2 frags .
  7. ShureShot

    Half the time it's those reckless and bad players that cause the FF warnings and weapon locks by doing stupid things.

    If you never got your weapons locked, but are constantly being shot by friendlies, you're probably one of those. You should get your feet locked so you can't run in front of the more tactical minded anymore.
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  8. Sovereign533

    I disagree, not that I teamkill that often. It rarely happens to me, and I take extra care not to roll over infantry when racing around in my Rival Chassis Vanguard.
    But friendlies are sometimes just stupid. They jump in front of MANA turrets, they jump in front of Sunderers, they stand behind tanks that are under fire, they jump in front of Scatter MAXes, they step in front of your guns when you're going full-auto, thus making 4 headshots in the friendly from behind him, they step in front of your grenade when you throw it making you EMP, Frag, Stun or flash your team mates.
    (Only as a MAX or in a MANA turret I keep shooting when they step in front of me.)
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  9. Teegeeack

    Road kills are as much the driver's fault as the pedestrians. As I said, if you're hurting or killing enough people as a tank driver to get yourself a weapons lock, your tank driving skills are lacking.
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  10. MFP_TK_01

    I agree with several other people in this thread. 90% of my TK's are a result of people jumping in front of my guns when I start firing and they seem to have 2 bars of health left. It's infuriating because there is a good chance that they just saved the targets life and afterward many players tend to get ******** and go on a vengeance run so I end up getting intentionally TK'd during a push or something when I should be watching out for the enemy and not my own team.
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  11. tproter

    Here's a novel concept: how about removing teamkilling altogether?
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  12. Koldorn

    Can confirm.

    My only weapon lock ever was caused by a number of friendlies constantly popping up in front of a window I was pot-shotting through.

    Over... and over... and over... Yes, I mad. I didn't kill a single one of them. Just tagged with 1 round, still got the lock.
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  13. Amouris

    I understand the attractiveness of this idea, however doing so would only encourage more grenade & rocket spam.
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  14. deggy

    No, if you honestly think this you've never driven a tank for any length of time.


    People in PS2 need to learn the Law of Tonnage. AKA, bigger things take longer to stop, so don't run in front of them!

    If I'm in the middle of the road, driving along, and an infantryman dashes his little self in front my my Magrider, he deserves every bit of the pointy hull that hits him. He was being stupid.

    Don't punish me for other players' stupidity.
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  15. WyrdHarper

    Or they don't appreciate in general that their squishy free life is less important than a full sunderer or tank, or understand that in a big fight standing in the road or in front of a vehicle spawn is a poor decision. I was fleeing with a full sunderer back to a base once because the enemy had pulled a big tank column. I was barreling down the road, yelling in Prox chat and most people cleared out of the way except this one guy, who decided to just stand in the middle of the road. So anyway, we repair and drop off everyone except me and a gunner and go into battlebus mode, where my single basilisk gunner gets ~ 20 kills, several sunderer kills, and several tank kills. We're doing really good work, making the difference in saving the base. So we stop and deploy to make repairs and give our squad a flanking spawn, when (around 20 minutes after the roadkill) the guy we ran over comes up with a stock prowler and kills us.
    Tl;dr, most of the people who get TKed by higher BR people (I can forgive some lowbie killing me because I'm wearing esamir snow + dreadnought) are kinda derpy, and we shouldn't be punishing people for the stupidity of others.
  16. Kanil

    So... if I'm driving down a completely empty road with a Prowler chasing me down, and suddenly half a squad of friendlies decides to render in the middle of the road about 10 meters from my bumper, I'm a bad driver for plowing a few over?

    Or the hideously common situation where you drive around someone (leaving 5 meters space) and they die anyway because of lag?

    Roadkill in this game is weird as ****, and I don't really blame either party for when it happens.
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  17. Koldorn

    How about; pull a skyguard and park 10-m from an ammo bus. As friendlies spawn; they all decide my skyguard looks like the best dance platform in the history of Araxis; and proceed to all climb on top. I rotate the gun around... and get 4 kills! Woo! I didn't even freaking move!
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  18. MFP_TK_01

    I hate that most of all. You can flying down the road, see the guy from a long ways away and you practically go off the road to get around him and yet you still see the kill spam anyways.
  19. Teegeeack

    What I love is how so many people defend their teamkilling. It's not my fault! He ran in front of my gun! He was running behind me when I suddenly decided to reverse! I was driving forward and he got in my way so I had to ram him into a rock and blow him up!

    Teamkills are usually as much your fault as the person you just teamkilled. Some of them may not be. Some of them definitely are. My suggestion is that accidental teamkills should not be happening so regularly that you are getting weapons lock. If they are, then the fault probably is yours, and your punishment should go beyond mere weapons lock.
  20. MFP_TK_01

    Well accidental TK's wouldn't happen so regularly if you just just get a little more awareness of your surroundings.
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