[Suggestion] Harrasholes take damage for running over a MAX

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Saool, Nov 1, 2014.

  1. Saool

    For both of you that regularly pay attention to my posts, you will be well aware that I hate Harrasholes and think them OP. Today I was run over, in a MAX suit, twice, by Harrasholes. IN both cases they were instant kills (I was on 100% health) and the Harrasholes just carried on as if I was not there.

    To my mind, a MAX is heavy and solid. If a lighter vehicle hits one I would expect it to be at the very least, slowed down, if not stopped dead and take some damage. Is it stands this is just another example of these piss take vehicles doing what they do best: take the piss.

    *Dons flame ******ant clothing*

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  2. FrozenCustard

    Well I guess your right, if a harrashole killed you then it must be OP and nerfed to the ground so no one will ever pull a harrashole again and you'll stop dying because it's dumb how when you sit out in the open completely unaware of your surroundings you get run over.
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  3. SeanFree

    You're playing in a MAX suit and calling something OP?

    I lol'd.
  4. KiakoLalene

    Just jump next time. This nerf you're asking for isn't even worth the hassle.
  5. Pardus

    At the very least just call the exact same function that hurt the MAX on the harasser with the same force just change the parameters to make the harasser the target. One right after the other. "For ever action there is a equal and opposite reaction."

    Changing that should not be anymore more then exactly two lines of code.
  6. Leftconsin

    But driving around like a careless jerk IS OP.