Hard to explain this emotion...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Lunayce, Aug 26, 2014.

  1. LT_Latency

    They why even play. The game is good enough to play then you must be having fun.
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  2. Yuki10

    Because I have OCD tendencies.
  3. Inex

    If by "that" you mean measure the costs and benefits of each option and choose the path which you believe gives the best overall outcome, then yes.

    If you think it means "Take the guy who's working on the next phase of the mission system off that task for a month to fix somebody's missing farm-a-thon awards", then no... that's probably not what's going to happen.
  4. jiggu

    That's my point
    Why would they design a system like this without backups?
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  5. Atis

    Relax TS, most serious IRL stuff people do, has no meaning too and on top of that less fun than hobbies.
  6. Halo572

    I don't think that most of you have bothered reading and/or understood the original post.

    $2000 (wut, how?) and the time invested does sound like a gaming addiction problem and the loss of the directives has given the individual the perspective to see this.

    That is not a bad thing and all of you are banging on about the loss of some irrelevant data that in time, probably very soon the way they are handling this title, will be erased and will cease to exist. It will no longer matter how much you have pwned.

    That is what is so unpleasant about online gaming, those who have nothing else to prove their worth or ability manifest it in antisocial behaviour to, in this instance, get to rank 100.

    And then they continue to display that behaviour as they don't know anything else, using every exploit, glitch and 3p33n buffing behaviour even after they have long 'achieved' it.

    It is considered an 'insult' not to be rank 100, yet I never will be nor aspire to. I play a game to progress at the speed you progress at, if that is 10 years, so what?

    It ceases to be entertainment, it becomes their reason for being and for the rest of us for who it is just entertainment it is a very large fibrous turd in our jacuzzi bobbing around and bumping at us on a regular and very unpleasant basis.

    I think a lot of rank 100s need medical assistance, if it is only one person playing on one account most of them spend far too much time ingame as I see them on a regular basis not playing much at all.

    And most display the exact same pattern of behaviour to get their k/d fix.

    So, if your qualifications and real life achievements get lost in a data wipe - get highly outraged and do everything about it, if your stats in an ephemeral online title that contribute to the unlocking of a glowing skin of a binary based electronic item get wiped - meh?

    Did you know that there are 3,799,540 archived accounts for BF2 that nobody cares about and never will?

    And that not one of those accounts made the world a better place, got someone a job because it was on their CV or helped them date a super model?
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  7. LaRZy

    I'm sure it would be easy for an SOE admin to just make the op directives fully completed so they can rest easy.
  8. nubery

    This almost touches on a personal level.. except I still go outside along with planetsiding.
  9. Pootisman

    You can have my directive points, i dont need them.

    Directives are a terrible version of achievments ...
    • Other players cant see your "achievements", only a number which doesnt represent skill in any way.
    • Directive rewards are meh. I heard that many of the reward weapons are worse versions of the stock weapons or just weird (a shotgun with a shotgun attachment ... really?). Add some unique experimental weapons. That would be a desirable reward.
    For me there is 0 incentive to complete directives. I dont even know my progress, so i cant tell if anything has been reset.
  10. Inex

    Same reason they'd design a system that resets your directives.
  11. jiggu

    One is accidental, the other is stupidity.
  12. Allin

    So, you played all that time, spent all that money and now something that is a new addition makes you snap, when it's not even remotely important and will probably get fixed or compensated anyways?

    Thing that people don't really care about?

    ****, I delete my characters in 90+ br just to start from the scratch to have some feeling and delusion of achieving something.

    Sorry, but you are just being melodramatic.
  13. SacredRay


    And I don't understand how someone blew $2000 on PS2.. That's mortgage money.
  14. NinjaKirby

    I don't mean to sound like an *******, but I'm glad this happened to the OP.

    I say this, because he is completely right; Games when not taken in appropriate moderation can be badly addictive, and even incredibly unhealthy when considering what might be going along with it (In some cases bad eating habits/bad sleeping patterns etc).

    I wish Ultima Online's Europa Server, or my account with them, would crash and burn much like OP's data did.

    I'm quite frankly envious.

    I'm paying about £100 a year JUST to stop all my virtual sentimental items collected since the year 2000 from vanishing.
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  15. ReformerTR

    Maybe ask for a refund?
  16. Reclaimer77

    You're an idiot.

    This isn't some "FPS" like Counter Strike. This is an online MMO, do you know what that means? That means CHARACTER PROGRESSION. Maybe the fact that there's "Battle Ranks" and EXPERIENCE POINTS in Planetside clued you in?

    The OP had his entire character progression wiped out. The history, if you will, of his gameplay. Everything he's done and accomplished, gone!

    And you're the one who's "frustrated and sad"? Seriously, your entire post is rooted in some kind of stupid.

    Anyone would and should be LIVID at having his happen to them. You probably would be too and don't lie and say otherwise.
  17. Noktaj

    I lost thousands of kills to due to this stupid bug.
    I was pissed for about... uhm 15 minutes. I logged out, played som CIV5. Came back the day later.

    Yours seems like a very different issues though. Videogames can fill some gaps in the life or us weirdos but there must be something out there to keep us on the ground.

    Go find your balance. See you in a couple of months ;)
  18. Hairspray

    Lunayce Cheers! Bro
  19. Bankrotas

    The issue is, as far as I heard, that it doesn't save properly, so there is no back up data, when there is no saved data.
  20. Wecomeinpeace

    Maybe i would if i would play this game for achievements (or stats). But i don't. And untill recently i was under the impression that this is a Planetside game about an ongoing war and not WoW achievement hunting. There were battle ranks and experience points in PS1 too mind you, but not such an emphasis on personal progression aside from the ability to cert things. Once gain, what is this game about now? Grinding for shinies? Really?

    BTW, i also wrote that the feelings of the OP are absolutely valid, so i don't really get your hostility. Besides his "history" isn't wiped. his "directives" were, aka "Achievements". All his XP, his BR and his stats are still there - but that just as a sidenote.