Ok, so gear up with your hard light armour, grab some extra mags and drop them in your belt… …only to have them hit the floor. Where are my pouches? From TR light assault to TR heavy (of course infiltrator has no belt, it should but that is a conversation for another day). Your belt is empty. You are already bright, but no pouches? Is the hard light is just composite re-skinned? So why not just have regular pouches? They don’t have to be hard light for that is silly. Just the gloweeyy armour bits with pouches! As for hard light armour without pouches, why the hell are the ammo cans on the TR maxes hard light? I am sure they are ammo cans for I think they are ammo cans, WHY ARE THE AMMO CANS HARD LIGHT? Are we going to have energy weapons? TR dropping there guns for the pew pew? New tech? TL;DR bring back the pouches for hard light infantry armour (if applicable) and make the TR Max ammo cans solid. Cheers, Steel CO of PxRR
It's for storing your hard light ammunition, you silly. What? You don't have the new NS-27A LightTronic assault rifle? Just wait 'till the third anniversary bundle.
Hardlight armor is a reskin of composite armor. The TR "ammo" cans are hardlight because they are composite armor so it would make sense to make it hardlight'd
Don't play with my emotions, I scar easily. On the flip side they could have just removed the ammo cans like they removed the utility belts, then the TR Max would look a little less awesome, but still cool. I do like the hard light armour, coupled with Dark Digital Camo, Frumentarii Helmet, and Digital Camo for the weapon IMHO looks very slick. Even without the Dark Digital Camo it looks pretty cool, just the armour does not pop as much. You do get a lot for your buck. 5 sets of armour, a couple of weapons (wish they would have something other then a LMG, something to be used by all/most classes like another SMG ), horns, and a 6 month boost which alone normally costs 5000 SC. I guess I was hoping that the armour would be more then just a reskinning with stuff removed. Screw the nanites, I want to look good running across the field of battle. Only to leave a good looking corpse when I sniped from 1000 yards out as I glow like a beacon in the night. STEEL CO of PxRR