Harasser: Ultimate Anti-Tank?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Laraso, May 8, 2013.

  1. Laraso

    Since the tank buff, the thing that has killed my tanks the most are Harassers with Halberds. The whole thing is really dumb. The Harasser can move at speeds of over 120 kmph, while my Vanguard with a Racer 3 chassis has a top speed of 60. I see people in a Harasser solo, driving way around to the back of my tank, and then shooting me in the rear with a Halberd. I have to immediately stop whatever it is that I'm doing, turn around, and shoot the Harasser if I don't want to die. The thing is, as soon as the Harasser takes any amount of damage from my tank, the guy in the Harasser gets back into the driver seat and speeds way off into the distance to repair himself. I can't follow him, because he's twice the speed of my tank. Then he comes back at some later time and does it again.

    I can survive in a Vanguard because of my beefy armor and Vanguard shield, but when I'm in a Lightning, getting hit by a Harasser is certain death. The Lightning barely has more health than the Harasser, but the Harasser does comparable damage and is way faster than the Lightning. I'd be better off simply hopping out of the Lightning and blowing it up myself upon getting attacked by a Harasser, because the chances of winning that battle are very small.

    The problem here is that you can't run away from the Harasser, and you can't chase the Harasser. The Harasser has total control over you.

    The whole thing is just dumb. Personally, I think they should remove the Halberd from the Harasser. The Sunderer doesn't get a Halberd, the Flash doesn't get a Halberd, so why should the Harasser get a Halberd? (They are all the same class of vehicle; they can all be spawned from land transport terminals.)
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  2. MFP_TK_01

    Harassers gonna Harass
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  3. NoctD

    I guess I see the wisdom in the removal of faction specific tank secondaries that was on test, but they forgot about the Halberd.
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  4. Teegeeack

    Halberd should never have been allowed to be mounted on the thing. It has speed, decent armor, and heavy weapons. There is absolutely no reason to run with a tank anymore.
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  5. BlueSkies

    Don't worry, after enough people spend some SC on vehicle weapons, they'll be tuned.
  6. Zamos

    Yes Harasser is better than a Lightning but you should have a 2nd gunner on your MBT and scare him away
  7. Laraso

    It doesn't matter how many times you scare him away, he always comes back, and you can't do enough damage to actually kill him because he runs away to repair every time he gets hit.
  8. MrK

    Bring infantry with you. Small arms hit Harrassers with ease
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  9. Laraso

    Small arms do nothing to Harassers. They might as well have small arms invulnerability, it practically takes an entire clip from an LMG to remove 5% of the Harasser's health.
  10. Mythicrose12

    It's worse (as in annoying) for a magrider if caught alone.
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  11. TomaHawk

    This is the hardest part of your post to digest here, or to agree with.

    The better you are at managing what's going on around you, the more XP you will earn because you've become a bada**. It's what keeps the game from becoming bland and unexciting. Using the "it's really inconvenient for me to stop what I am doing to pay attention to the Harasser" bit isn't going to help you.

    I've blown up far, far more NC and VS Harassers than have claimed to get me. They're still new, and we'll see what happens in the weeks to come, and maybe having 2 rounds each volley at my disposal makes things easier, but so far, I've seen little to fear from Harassers so far.

    I've been fortunate to sneak up next to an NC WG once and see a stream of Harassers leave the bubble, only to see them get picked off by turrets and Prowlers one by one until there were hardly any of them left. Most had AV on top, too. Maybe that will change as driving skills for this vehicle goes up with time?
  12. Sandpaperypaper

    I second this. Having a gunner for your MBT is just common sense. They can gun anything they tries to flank your tank while your focusing on the main target if need be. As for Lightnings.... Well. Those were never meant to take a beating in the first place. They're basically just like the Harasser but with heavier armor and heavier guns that don't need a second person, or someone twitchy to operate them.
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  13. Ultramarine

    This sounds like the harasser is doing its job, harassing. It gets in, makes a hit and run, and gets out. It cannot, however, effectively attack. you won't see a harasser armor column rolling up because they'd be worthless and dead in seconds. They fill their role normally and as I'd expect them to. They do not have decent armor, 2 MBT tank shots will kill it. It will also go down to small arms fire. So this sounds like you're alone, why are you alone? :p
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  14. holycaveman

    Are the tanks guys whining again?
  15. Laraso

    The Harasser drivers on Connery must really suck then, if they aren't running away after being shot by an MBT.

    It doesn't matter how new they are, I've already seen what happens, and it's dumb.
  16. holycaveman

    I love the harasser. IF its gets nerfed I am nerfing ps2 They nerfed my plane to death. They are not going to nerf my harasser.
  17. Ganelon

    In case of the Prowler, mount a Vulcan on top as point defense. That thing eats Harassers for breakfast.

    I also scared the **** out of a Harasser driver when I decided to chase him with my racer 3 Prowler off a cliff.
  18. Laraso

    I'm not alone. Just last night, I was fighting at NS Research labs with about eight or nine other Vangaurds. Harassers would constantly drive around us and shoot us in the rear. They killed four of the Vangaurds doing that (not mine), and using a Lightning in that situation was just suicide.

    They had about five Harassers in total, and we only managed to kill two of them.
  19. Laraso

    I'm mainly an infantry player who enjoys getting into the occasional vehicle.


    Leave this thread if you plan on starting the whole "he's a tanker / he's a lolpodder / he's infantry scum" "whine whine whine" stuff.
  20. Ultramarine

    That reflects badly on your group of vanguards....
    I'm a terrible player and I've only fallen to a harasser once. It ran me over. I don't think I can believe you had 9 vanguards, and they couldn't kill a vehicle that would die in 2 shots.
    I'm run vehicles often, vanguard and sunderer mostly.
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