It's role is as it should be, a transport with personell defence capabilities that can run into a battle kill a flash or infantry and get out before being gunned down. This is what it is now and what it should have been from the start. I swear if you people put more time into supporting the game rather than complaining cause they don't cater to one type of person the game would be so much better.
they have catered to 1 type of person. people who are bad tankers/tank duos with below average aim/loadouts/awareness/positioning/decision making who can't look at their own mistakes but cry nerf. most bad harassers duos usually would end up flipping or blown up in a matter of minutes after spawning one. and most above average tankers/duos could handle an harasser duo pretty well (kill it, or simply make it go away realizing it's not worth it to duel with these guys) it was a vehicle with AV options that demanded teamwork, mechanical skill, and a lot of decision making and awareness. instead of raising the skill cap on it by making it more squishy, and slightly nerfing AV options (or looking at buffing lightnings [which were a free kill to harassers]), they completely turned it into useless piece of metal that's high risk - low/medium reward (if lucky or the enemy is REALLY bad).
You see your point is the point that only about 1/4 of the comments on this thread are saying and no they did not cater to one type, harrassers could take out tanks but that was not their limit they still have great power but in the field it's supposed to have. EDIT: Also I misread your last few sentences but the point still stands, SOE sees the lighting as good where it is so they decided to nerf the Harrasser in the way they did because it was how they felt it needed to be now i havn't seen a harrasser ingame (prbly cause of bellyachers not wanting to use it) since the patch so IDK if anything really made a difference but even if they were to buff the lighting they would then have to buff more stuff aswell it's so much easier to take and nerf the real problem. The thing people need to realize is it's SOE's game they can do whatever they want they could take the harrasser out completely if they wanted and replace it with a flying pink panda, and no amount of complaining will change that, you don't like your OP toys being nerfed??? Don't play an MMO this happens all the time, EXAMPLE In a similar type of game I had a gun and when i got it in all fairness it was OP 3 bullets a second and a 4 shot kill, deadly accurate up to 200m that is OP and when it got nerfed guess what I did, I rearranged how I used the weapon and I can still kill with it and am still pretty good because a nerf is not repurposing it is setting it to be more like how the devs wanted it to be in the first place which is fine because the game is their vision not mine.
Agreed. History repeats itself. Just like in every other game, where the disparity gap between skilled players and noob players (players who choose to remain at a novice level and cry hacker when they get killed; or cry nerf when they don't want to develop themselves to counter the very thing that is causing their crying), the noob players cry for changes and they get em. Majority always wins. Desert Combat Final anyone?
And would YOU spend certs on that? Of course you wouldn't. I don't think you are being honest here, what you have described is not a justifiable role for a 2 or 3 man vehicle and is better filled by a cloaked flash. That doesn't work either. Clearly the vehicle was very popular, so lets not try and write "those people" off as one type of person.
I only see one type of person wanting refunds the ones who only wanted and OP vehicle and no i don't want to cert a Harrasser but that is because now and before it did not fit my playstyle, I have no outfit, rarely join squads, and prefer to stick to myself when playing (i do help attack and defend but i do it solo) so a vehicle with 3 seats does not really work for me, i have a highly certified flash and prowler on ther other hand though. Also it is jusifieable because there is no reason a buggy should take out a tank collumn by itself which i have seen they don't allways destroy the collumn but they do heavy damage because they are more manueverable than the tanks which is thier advantage so having high vehicle damage should not be applied to them, and i'm not saying anyone can go destroy a collumn because ik this is not true, but there is still no reason for a 2 maybe 3 man group to demolish tanks in this manner in a ligthly armed transport.
Ah so you can't relate to this topic, or to the players who have the certs in the harasser, used it for duels, were skilled with it, and had fun doing acrobatics with it. For you it was just a taxi service, thus you have no value to add to this thread. Excellent. Less reading for me!
No because i have seen them in action and the only way if a refund ever could be considered is if they did the same thing they did with nanoweave and take away all the certs you put into it, if they did do this then you do have a bit to complain about but otherwise all your points are invalid you still have the certifications you purchased and the vehicle still preforms the same just not a tank buster, you can still pull of your acrobatics and duel with it just not against a vehicle with a round so large that it could technically blow a hole right through the harasser.
No, he's saying that despite the nerf, the Harasser still seems to be performing quite well and doing everything it was doing before. Which it is. There's alot of talk in this thread about SOE only catering to skill-less noobs and such nonsense, which is funny, because the new Harasser is just as capable as the old one, it just isn't as forgiving anymore, so the skill floor has been raised. Good Harasser crews are fine. If the Harasser balance pass has resulted in you not being able to perform anymore, than my I politely suggest that your "leet skillz" perhaps aren't quite as polished as you think they are. (Which would mean that you're arguing that SOE is catering to you...) Servers were actually up for a while last night. I was still seeing Harassers blowing up tanks and farming infantry. The only real change I noticed was that I'm actually seeing Harassers blow up now, which is a first.
And clearly you have never been on the receiving end of a Harasser-mounted Halberd. The people that have been pouring their certs into everything OTHER than the Harasser, only to find that they had no suitable counter-play aside from another Harasser are the ones that were getting hurt. Given that both sides are of equivalent skill level, if a fully-certed FPC/Sauron Magrider went up against a fully-certed Halberd/Engi Dune Buggy and lost, I'd say there's a problem that needs solved. What you seem to be forgetting is that they were able to take 3 direct hits from a FPC, 4 direct hits from a Hades, or at least 3 clips from a Lib Tank Buster. What counter-play was there for a Harasser? Seriously? If you cannot answer this question, then YOU don't have any value to add to this thread. I'm sorry if you feel robbed of your I-Win button, but as far as I'm concerned, it was a completely justifiable move on SOE's part.
I thought ZOE users were going to be crying the most... harasser drivers, in this thread, have out-teared them all. People in this thread need to actually read SOE's refund policy and how it applies to this update patch. Nanoweave and ZOE saw actual mechanical changes; Harassers, and other weapons/abilities, saw straight number adjustments. Is composite armor and other nerfed aspects of the Harasser worth continue using? Maybe not (I chalk it up to being driver's preference now). Does that entitle Harasser users to a refund? No and here is why: were ESF pilots issued mass refunds after they were nerfed in the spring(ish)? No. Were shotgun users issued refunds after the major shotgun overhaul? No. Were NC MAXes, who primarily rely on said shotguns, issued mass refunds? No. Were strikers issued refunds after they were nerfed? No. Were Magrider users issued mass refunds after they were nerfed? No. Were flash users issued refunds after the flash nerfs went through? No. There are many, many, many other significant balance patches that have occurred in the past where numbers were adjusted (in some cases over-nerfed, such as the Magrider); yet no refunds were issued to my knowledge. In all of those cases, numbers, not mechanics, were adjusted. That is the primary difference and mirrors SOE's refund policy.
Thank you very much for this Hannabelle. I'm not, nor was I ever, asking for the removal of a Harasser's ability to kill a Tank. No, I just wanted a somewhat more level playing field for the Tank. Honestly, people, how hard is it to aim a Halberd? Because that's about the skill level required for a Harasser Gunner. Now, a driver is a different story. I have no issue admitting that there were (and still are) very skilled Harasser crews that deserve every cert that they earned. But the problem was that the old Harasser was too forgiving. If you didn't manage to dodge that tank round, who cares? Just Turbo and repair! All that I, and several others, are saying is that we wanted and are glad to see that the new Harasser actually takes some thought and skill to use correctly. Maybe instead of asking for a cert refund you should ask the God of Gaming for better skills. I'm sure the odds are better of that happening.
No I am saying that a Hurasser should not be able to run and gun like a tank, Do tank worthy Damage, and tank more damage then a tank, while being more effective at illing Air, Infantry, and Armor better then the units in the game specifically designed for such things. The Harasser is a "support" vehicle. It's not a vehicle that is meant to be the answer to all other issues. They nurfed it because of the following examples: Need to kill tanks? Pull a Harasser! Need to kill Infantry? Pull a Harasser! Need to kill Air? Pull a Harasser! Need to kill a Harasser? Pull a Harasser! Need to kill an entire Platoon with a mix of all the above? Pull a Harasser! That is why they nurfed it to hell. Because it was the be all end all choice and no vehicle, infantry, or air unit, could remotely even compare to its effectiveness in combat or effectively kill it, besides another harasser.
and that field is? AI? they're a LOT more prone to getting blown up by small arms fire and c4 now, and can't turbo out and repair fast enough. let alone, AI harassing has always been cheese, and VERY situational. transport? ROFL, why would anyone use it as JUST a taxi, when there's sunderers with double OP basilisk now. just cause it says "transport" when you Q one, doesn't mean it was intended to be a transport. probably a sound recording that was laying around since beta and was just thrown there for the harasser to save time in development. no.. they just took shortcuts in balancing the game. why look at sunderer survivability, abuse of AT mines, spawn camping, etc. when you can just overnerf droppods and squad deploy. why look at lightnings, when you can just overnerf harassers. balance is about making everything a viable option. it's not about overnerfing things to the ground and making them not viable. it's a slow progress that involves small tweaks over a long period of time. SOE needs to learn a thing or two from other competitive driven games. get 2-3 competitive level headed players in the balance team. make balance changes directed at high levels, and not just cause some lesser skilled players cry on forums. eventually the meta gets all the way down to the low levels. the whole "i rearranged how i used the weapon" is what harasser duos will have to do now. that costs a lot of certs. that's why we're demanding refunds for the old cert lines that are not viable anymore thanks to overnerfs and reshapes.
I bought stuff for my harasser last night (First time actually), and ran around with some blueberry in it, Killed tanks, libs, and infantry easily enough with the halberd. I'd say nothing has changed except the fact that it's a lot easier to kill and you can't kamakazi entire armor and platoon columns and survive. But honestly yea I'm a fully cert into it now probably. Because it is worth it. And it is still very effective at what it is supposed to do. It just now takes Skill, Awareness, and Observation, Planning and tactics to get it to do what it used to be able to without any of those things.
You know what too bad bout your "poor me i have to play the game to get certs". Look at Torgameda's it explains exactly why you do not get your certs back, in my other game you know I had to buy different upgrades for the gun... i wasn't "happy" but there is nothing we can do SOE is gonna change the game don't like it how bout you uninstall and play a game where a patch doesn't take things away.
Who the hell EVER got a Harasser kill with C-4?? Seriously? And anyone that would take a Sunderer over a Harasser for transport is either a) transporting more than 3 people or b) willing to drive around mountains instead of over them.
Except you outpop us on incredibly on my server. I've seen you with 50%+ before, and I'm not talking about when the servers are down.