[Suggestion] Harasser Health Nerf

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Trebb, May 14, 2020.

  1. Twitch760

    If you guys think things are bad now was anyone here pre-Nerf? I'm dead serious a MBT would lose a duel to a Harasser close to 95% of the time easy. It was so bad that pulling a MBT was a running joke in our outfit "I see X wants to die today.". Also if you want to increase the survivability on a MBT you need to separate the driver from main gun responsibility. Make it a 3 person vehicle Drive/Main Gunner/Secondary Gunner. Give them a vehicle only comms channel to stop spam from stepping on Squad chatter.
  2. Werkitten

    I like the idea of a second weapon for lightning more and more. The ESF costs the same amount of nanites and has two types of weapons. This is not difficult and would solve many problems. You can use the same switching between numbers 1 and 2. The second slot has the same choice of weapons as harasser.
    This is especially true for lightning air defense, since skyguard on the ground can't kill anything at all.
  3. Sebastien

    Harassers are fine.
  4. brutes359

    Well this is a man who obvious never faced a pack of cloaking phoenix launcher flash's. Don't worry. They take a lot of effort to organize so it doesn't surprise me. Point is. A flash can be an effective vehicle. So can a harrasser. But both of these should pale in comparison to a main battle tank. Do to the cost. Effort in piloting. Loss in maneuverability and so on. You pay a heavier price for a stronger and more combat focused vehicle. If you can have both in the same package at a third the price. who would bother with a tank?

    in fact who would bother with a lighting either...oh right...They don't. aside from sky-guards, lightnings numbers are absolutely terrible (at least on console not sure about pc) harassers though...
  5. brutes359

    Wouldn't that be the Vangaurd? I mean, they could do a cheaper smaller version of the vanguard sure but....maybe add a machine gun that comes standard to the tank. something that's infantry focused...something that light tanks often did in real life (back when they where relevant anyway). But that doesn't solve the issue of harassers outperforming main battle tanks in the current game.
  6. Biff!

    Totally agree with this last comment.

    I've aurax'd Harraser, MBT and Lightning. My go to is Lightning day to day: groups of Harassers eat Lightnings for breakfast! But I have also gone 3:1 against well trained Harassers because Lightning AP is so great at DPS!

    I feel that overall on a damage / risk reward, Harassers are in a good place. The only weapon that's a bit OP is the Vulcan, but you have to get in close to use it aggressively. I main NC so I'm probably jealous because we NC think the Mjolnir sucks compared to Vulcan :)

    You have to remember that it takes minimum of 2 people to make a harasser work and 3 for the ongoing repair buff. That gives you ONE 2500 - 3000 health harasser vs 2 or 3 lightnings. 3 AP lightnings = 12,000 health and ~2.5 - 4x the DPS of a single harasser depending upon weapons and certs (reload).

    The issue is they are cheap and they can be chain pulled en mass. They are also often mobilized by well run squads because they are super fun. If you're an individual vehicle driver or in a disorganized armor column, they will indeed crush you.

    I don't think the Nanite cost needs to go to 300 or 350, but certainly going from 150 to 250 would provide a little more resistance against chain pulling them. I agree they are too cheap at 150 nanites: to me personally 250 seems about the right amount for the vehicles strength...

    Just my opinion...
  7. Biff!

    This is actually a cool idea:

    Maybe it comes stock with a base level Kobalt that you can cert into.

    For additional certs, you can get a Faction Specific AI weapon. This would help a lot with lightning survivability. Maybe it makes it too AI, but the HESH is still a really much more aggressive platform. Keeping it a one person vehicle still keeps its DPS in line with where it should be.

    And re skyguard: honestly, I think it's in a good place. It shouldn't be able to shred ESFs from a mile away: it's main focus is deterrence which it's exceptionally good at. The biggest challenge with the skyguard is using it and keeping up with an armor column.
    • Up x 1
  8. Werkitten

    Vanguard requires a second player to control the machine gun, and here it's about switching weapons, keeping the idea of a machine for one person.
    In addition, the vanguard is terribly clumsy, without a second player turns into food for harassers.