I've had vehicle debris chase me once while i was in a magrider, vanny blew up in front of me and the debris chased me for a good 200m. the crazy part was, i was going in the OPPOSITE direction of the debris
esf debris is also especially ridiculous. i understand that no one cares if the imbalance/bug hurts liberators, but it does affect them whether you think of it as justice or not. and it hurts galaxies as well, though less often. the debris gets inside your hitbox and you instantly die from 100% if they rammed in a certain way. meanwhile if they ram the tail they explode and you take 0% damage, and sometimes wouldn't even have noticed if you didn't see the certs and the killfeed. so +1, agreed, liked, shared, subscribed. fix debris damage to be a standard, predictable danger in collisions - or else eliminate debris damage altogether, if collisions can't be properly controlled by the physics engine.
This happens to me from time to time on the other end, and I agree it's sill. Why do we even have wreckage, there should just be a 4x8 foot sheet of metal after we get hit by a 50(?) ton MBT. Even worse, IMO, is the trolling you can do if you catch a friendly tank's hitbox. You can push them, drag them (sometimes excessive distances), but the ones that really piss me off are the ones where I get caught underneath and manage to flip them. Seriously, SOE, wtf
Bumping this thread, since threads everyone agrees on tend to slide into oblivion while bad ideas churn near the top.
Tanking yesterday and we managed to shoot down a liberator flying stupidly low, straight at us. The liberator pilot was rewarded with a kill for our tank and the sundy next to it. And then there's all the hysterical stuff ESF debris does. One time I saw a piece of a BR 7 get wedged inside a biolab, he must have hit BR 8 from that.
Well, tbh I have no issues with destroyed airframes falling out of the sky and killing vehicles. It's freaking big and flying and hundreds of KPH. My issues are that ground vehicle wrecks will randomly FLY AWAY like as if some MASSIVE Michael Bay explosion of nuclear grade force enough to shake the ground kilometers away has sent it sailing through the air. We're talking hulls that can weigh literally over a tens of thousands of pounds being sent upwards completely defying gravity. It makes no ******* sense and makes me very angry every time I see it. No vehicle in real life or most video games does this. WHY DO YOU? The other problem is collisions of vehicles vs their wrecked counterparts are wildly inconsistent in the amount of damage they do.
I took my Vanguard to Amerish once. It was hell. Spent like 10 minutes trying to circumnavigate all those damn unclimbable hills and mountains. Finally, we found a vista overlooking the NC-VS border. Then the debris from a dogfighting scythe lands on the tank and instantly kills both of us. ****. That. Shizzle. :<
I'm pretty sure Scythes go nuclear when the turn into debris, whatever they touch they seem to kill instantly, doesn't seem to happen with the other ESFs, its especially apparently in a lib when one hits you and you explode immediately, meanwhile i don't really recall mossies doing that all that often.
I don't think I've ever gotten that close to you, and if I did it was as part of a bunch of harassers to get you. Some animals you just don't go near alone, and Klypto my friend, you are one of them!
Never ran into problem of harasser debris taking out a tank, but overall debris are ok in this game. If you hop out of tank or sunderer before its destroyed there's a mess of debris burning, sometimes it doesn't kill you. Gives a good place to hide for a few seconds before it disappears. On the opposite side, it's almost an instinct now to rush the debris of a destroyed vehicle to mop up survivors. I did run into a problem of being in a tank, then tank in front of me is destroyed. I should be able to ram through the debris in front of me, but physics are a bit unpredictable with those. Most of the time can't push them away. Would be nice if it was possible.
Vehicle debris becomes very, very hot when it explodes, burning through a tank's armor. That's why vehicle debris hasn't been fixed -- it wasn't broken, to begin with.
wy personnal worse debris nightmares are: -Sunderers exploding on a inclined level, mass murdering everything under. -Lightnings acting like terrorists suicide bombers against MBTs (if a lighning explode while ramming you're vehicle; you're dead) -Aircrafts wrecs (that are supposed to be light enouth to fly) that can shut down an high powered galaxy/liberator