Harasser (buggie): What purpose will it serve?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Harbinger, Apr 13, 2013.

  1. Rabbitz

    4 seats flippable coffin. :eek:
  2. PyroPaul

    It's a Flash that you can't get shot off of and won't insta-flip-kill you as often.
    that's the only purpose it will serve for roughly 90% of the player base.
  3. Stealth1

    Time to start saving 2k certs just for Acq Timer 7, IR Smoke 3, Stealth 3 and Combat Chassis. Wonder if it'll have any different utility/defense slot abilities...
  4. Eclipson

    Hope it has a low resource cost similar to the flash, like 100, with a relatively short respawn timer, that can be removed like the flash's. If it does, it will be my go to vehicle.
  5. Cpu46

    No place for it? It's fast and maneuverable, has a turret that can probably equip different AV, AI, and AA turrets, and the potential for a heavy assault to sit in the back and increase firepower or an engineer to drop mines/ repair on the fly. I have big plans for this vehicle once it hits the main server.
  6. Deronok

    It's job is being both fun and awesome. More awesome than most people can handle. Now we just need engineers to be able to build ramps.
  7. Chiggerbite


    I think the buggy will be a hit and run platform. Zoom in, take out a sundy, zoom out. I'm anxious to see what kind of accessories/weapons/armor they're going to make available to this. Logically, it sits somewhere between a flash and a sundy... just a matter what kind of armaments and defenses it'll get.

    If it gets a wraith module... watch for the flood of tears when a MBT or Sundy get smoked when a buggy uncloaks behind them with HAs/LAs/MAXes riding along.

    If they give it an AA gun, get a good driver and it's going to be havoc on air. Due to the speed and agility of a flash the buggy seems to have, it'll be a more difficult target to lolpod than other AA platforms.
  8. meucha

    My thoughts exactly. :D
  9. Lafladitu

    I think the Harasser will be used in alot of support roles and possibly as a scouting tool. lets say your in a full squad, you can then pull 1-2 Sunderer with AMS then 2-3 Harrassers. now you have a rather nicesupport when rolling towards an enemy base. Equip each of themto 3/12, 3/3

    Sunderer can be all about AA while the Harasser can be a mix of AT/AA and AI. it will give a nice all around support when moving. and you have alot more focused fire on the move and you wont waste tons or resourcers on pulling 4 Sunderer's for the same job but without the benefit of the Rumble seats that can have a Burster Max or a lock-on HA. the only true benefit with 4 Sunderers are the HP on the vehicle and that you can have ammo and proximity repair to support the move.

    But I think most people will use the buggie as a ***** buggie

    I don't think i will pull alot of Certs into the Harasser until i see how the empire spesific buggie once are in comparasing. but if they are like the VS one flashed in the CC then i will cert the ESB,
  10. Being@RT

    If it gets a Scout Radar, I will use it. If it doesn't, I won't.

    It seems like it could have one useful role: Minesweeper. The Flash can already be equipped with mine guard, I hear you say.. but the Mineguard on Flash does not protect the driver. Quite funny to drive into mines and die with the Flash intact..
    Although I think I'd still put Stealth on the buggy. Which, btw, is a counter to lock-ons (someone asked if it will get something to counter lockons). How much time it adds to lock-on time remains to be seen. The Flash version adds 2 seconds maxed.

    I find it interesting that they make a 3 man buggy where the driver has no weapon but give the primary gun to an MBT driver.

    The rumble seat will be of very limited use. Aiming from that while moving is.. difficult, to say the least. Because pebbles! And if it's similarly limited in field of fire as Flash rumble seat, it will mostly just be a passenger seat that you can be shot at on.
  11. Shockwave44

    Bring on the buggies so I can do more of this...

  12. SgtCheese

    I does sound like fun, but I bet it won't really be used in combat much due it being too fragile. Especially if playing against TR; The striker is a beast against lightnings.
  13. Aegie

    Was hoping for 4 seats.
  14. Stealth1

  15. VKhaun


    It's supposed to be a light vehicle for moving small groups quickly, but no one is going to pack four people into something under MBT defenses, and off-roading in Planetside2 BLOWS. Sorry. Not trying to hate on the devs, but you have to be realistic when you talk about this stuff. Off roading in this game is CRAP and the terrain is EVIL. Even if they gave it better handling than the ATV (which I doubt) people will still be reluctant to use it.

    if they want to do a fast attack craft for small groups it needs to be an aircraft with no guns and amazing handling, or a skimmer of some sort that won't set off mines and ignores rough terrain as it flies over. A buggy in this environment is a waste of dev time IMHO. Maybe the new continents will be better for off roading though. We'll see.
    • Up x 1
  16. Llaf

    I would assume it will serve the purpose it's name implies. It will be annoying, probably used for flanking and distraction, hit and run, etc, as well as of course disposable transport.
  17. Gisgo

    This is what i was thinking too.
    The harasser could be - basically - a multicrew skyguard.
  18. Sen7ryGun84

    It needs 4 seats to be really useful. 3 just seems inadequate. I would never buy a car IRL that could only seat 3 people, why would I want one in a game where everyone is also trying to kill me.
  19. Finli

    Its only purpose will be to give the driver 2 TKs instead of 1 when you clip a pebble and flip.
  20. desktop

    Sit a burster max in the rumble seat, and two engineers driving and gunning a walker as a the primary weapon.

    I could imagine a few of these supporting a tank column would pull their weight when they get attacked by liberators or they would get oneshotted by a doltan who knows.