All, In October of 2017 a tumor was found in my eye. It was causing some distorted vision and headaches. With all of the tests and CT Scans along with MRI's that were needed and all the doctors visits to properly diagnose the extent of cancer in my body I haven't been able to play very much of anything. I had surgery in June of this year and the tumor was burnt to a crisp with a laser. Unfortunately, my vision was impacted as my tumor was so close to the center of my vision. I ended up losing all of my center sight but did retain all of my peripheral vision and the best migration outside of the eye. It was my left eye so not my dominant eye but still it has made me change and adjust even the smallest of tasks. I am currently cancer free and very thankful to everyone that sent me well wishes and words of comfort. Those of you who did I am extremely grateful and it just goes to show that although Planetside 2 has some issues on the tech side of the house I truly believe our players are quite frankly some of the most amazing individuals I have ever dialogued with and had the pleasure to play alongside. Their commitment to the community never shined brighter with all of the messages and thoughtful concern for my condition and that they would continue to keep in touch during the long road to recovery I faced. I am without words to express my thanks and appreciation. I would mention them in this forum but they know who they are. I will leave it at that. I am at a point with my vision that I want to play again. However, Planetside is not really Planetside without playing as a unit with others. I am hopeful that I might find a group of players willing to give this old fart a shot. At any rate I just wanted to say thank you to everyone and that I have returned home. Thank you again and I look forward to playing with each of you again. I know this isn't a thread discussing performance or gameplay but I am hopeful the Moderator will allow it. I just wanted to say THANK YOU TO EVERYONE!!!!!
You wouldn’t like my group, they are real toxic. Which server you on? There are some wonderful outfits who would be more than willing to take you on And also congratulations on curing it, a lot of my family couldn’t.
LOL@HippoCryties! On another more serious note, Kentucky Windage, I am glad that you are recovering well. I know some people who did not win their fight with cancer, and many that did. What they had in common was that they never gave up. I'll bet that you take that same attitude into Planetside too. Oh, and I dont' belong to a outfit, sort of. Its a funny story. Wish that I could help.
HippoCryties, Thank you for your reply. I have multiple characters on different servers but my Main is TheopholusTR. My KD is not very good on this character but I did play some yesterday for a test run to see how I would perform and it does look promising. Was so excited to be able to play again I put myself in some compromising positions and wanted to at least see how well I would react and if it was doable for me to at least be useful. I was pleasantly surprised. I think it went well. At any rate I play on Connery. I am certainly not MLG but not as bad as my KD would indicate. Also, as a Marine I dealt with a lot of toxic folks. You get used to them after a while. I am sorry for the loss of some of your family members. I am fortunate to have had my cancer diagnosed early in the development of the tumor and had such wonderful people at The James here in Columbus who treated my cancer. I can't say enough about them. In the end I just want to be a part of a good outfit that enjoys having fun whether that's in a casual sense or of a more tactical nature. Either way is fine. If you are ever on Connery let me know and I'd be happy to play alongside. Again, thank you for your reply. I'll see you out there. Semper Fi
Thank you Redoubt for your kind words. I will be taking things slow. I played some yesterday just to get a feel if it was even possible for me to play. I thought it went well. 5:5. Got some good head shots to end a few of the engagements quickly when 1v1. 3 of the engagements was 1v3 but I put myself in those situations and deservedly died. The others I went toe to toe with respectable outcomes. I did some repairing and familiarized myself with all of the keybindings again and to get used to the flow of the game. Things have changed some from 2017. I did have some lag and what looked like some latency issues but other than a few hiccups I like what I see. I guess I'll check on the recruiting board and see what outfits are looking for people on Connery and go from there. Again, thank you for your reply.
Yes good on you my man! Really like your positive attitude. A good outfit for TR Connery is MERCs. Check out cyrious gaming , he’s part of that outfit and I’m sure they’d take you in
I have been playing like crap. Not fairing as well as I thought I would but some of my issues have been hardware performance and my failure to upgrade I think. Just purchased another 16 Gig of Ram(Not DDR4 as my old AMD Setup still uses the PC3-12800). DDR3-1600 I think. I know I will need to upgrade to another Board/CPU but hopefully this will keep me through tax time. I also bought a base gaming mouse(Talon Blu) with a decent sensor. I dug my LG Stereo system out and included it in the re-do of my man cave. The game sounds incredible. Perhaps the upgrades will help. I'll find out soon enough. It really doesn't help either that I have been working like a mad man. 60 plus a week so not a lot of time to get back into playing as much as I want. At any rate I haven't set the bar very high so gradual improvement is fine with me. Most everyone I have been meeting has said the same thing. I'm hopeful to find an Outfit that is gracious and forgiving especially for an old player with a minor handicap like myself. Thank you all again!!! I'll let the thread die. No further replies from me. Semper Fi.