Happy Easter!

Discussion in 'Waterson (US East)' started by ({x})Kyoji, Mar 26, 2013.

  1. ({x})Kyoji

    Easter is upon us and so I figured I would share the wealth!

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  2. Razzyman

    Thank you Kyoji. I guess you guys aren't as bad as the TR made you out to be. Maybe there can be peace on Auraxis after all.

    Wait, what's this flashing light? :eek:
  3. Crazy Airborne

  4. gommer556

  5. SwordMaster314

    You know what would be better? A station cash sale during Easter. That way we can all have new weapons to grind each other into pulp with. :D
  6. Total_Overkill

    Dude, its Vanu chocolate... we put flashing lights on EVERYTHING.
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  7. PureSalad

    Kyoji, for awhile I thought XOO never even played the game. I never seen a single member of your outfit, now I know why...your always together in coordinated groups.......painting candy for us all!!!! Touche Sir.
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  8. Shanther

    :eek::eek:We are busy at Zurvan...but people keep trying to pester us. We can't keep making colorful candy if everyone bothers us. :eek::eek:
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  9. doombro

    Terran Republic High Command has mandated that we don't accept candy from strangers.

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  10. vaxx

    The candy is in my pocket....why dont you reach in and grab it...please...
  11. Total_Overkill

    No wonder NC rebelled...
  12. Wargrim

    Does anyone know why they decided to celebrate easter on Esamir this year? I mean seriously, i look out of the window, and nothing but snow and cold.
  13. SkillSet

    I like flash-light chocolate and female Vanu butts... Consider me Romeo, I have a Juliet on Vanu, everytime I think of her tight butt in spandex I get Auraxium everywhere...

    So what's the Easter plan? I will co-ordinate with my outfit to paint up some Easter eggs at Eisa Tech so we can participate in the hunt.
  14. ({x})Kyoji

    global warming. a lot of places still have cold, snow, etc. It was snowing here just a day ago.
  15. Paisty

    I'm still not getting in the back of the sundy with you!
  16. ({x})Kyoji

    awww nuts!
  17. Daibar

    a picture is worth a thousand words.

    Take this for what it is:
    Ruthless mocking with a friendly smile

  18. PureSalad

    I dont get it? Is that supposed to be like a direct insult to me? Looks like 3 are VR suicides and the others are kind of copy and pasted. Either way your attempt at insulting me was pretty poor.

    I didn't think XoO members were so sensitive.
  19. Daibar

    1. They dont track deaths in the VR room.
    2. They are datetimes from your own killboard wall, i didnt make them up, just collected them into one picture.
    3. Not attempting to insult you any more than you were attempting to do it to kyoji ;) hence the words "Ruthless mocking with a friendly smile ;)"
    4. Sensitive, yes, we are, thats why we have such fury in our combat, such ferocity in our easter-egg colour-coating and such passion in our lovemaking, the chicks dig a XOO member. :D
    Thank you for being who you are :D
    Couldn't have done this without you :D
  20. PureSalad

    1. Suicides and Teamkills in VR go on your killboard actually. They may not count towards your actual kills and deaths, but they show up. That's why it says N/A instead of a map. I had mine full of teamkills and suicides from trying to do acrobatics with a galaxy in VR.
    2. Yeah but you copy and pasted.
    3. I was talking to someone known to do jokes on the forums. Not someone at random.
    4. I see that.

    Look at my Killboard now. All those suicides.