Halberd, You Shall be Missed

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Brahma2, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. Brahma2

    No longer as much of a possibilty... and the damn gun only has 60 shots.
  2. Angry Scientist

    Blame the harassers that farmed infantry so hard with it that they threw the stats out of whack. Notice few people were raising issue with it before?
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  3. Brahma2

    So you're saying I'm doing it to myself?

    More fuel for the self-loathing fire.

    (Just nerf the harasser one and let me keep my direct hit one hit kill on tank? It's Christmas SOE.)
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  4. Flharfh

    Harassers have separate weapon variants from MBT right? Pretty sure only the Harasser weapon variants are getting nerfed. The Halberd is good and rewards good aim, but I'm never really sure where to aim with the weird grenade launcher reticule.
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  5. Brahma2

    They lowered the MBT secondary damage to make it not kill anyone with 200 certs to throw into Flak Armor... I figure if you're going to make someone live through things like a Halberd or Heat cannon... at least make them put in the full 1000 for last rank.
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  6. Chipay

    The Halberd is an AV secondary, effectivness against infantry isn't important because it was never intended to be used against infantry.
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  7. Alarox

    Whether or not it was intended to be used to hit infantry in the body or not is irrelevant as the game's been balanced on how it actually performs since beta. Whether or not it is overpowered is independent of that though.
  8. Brahma2

    I feel like they should just remove splash damage on the thing and make a direct hit kill. Situation remedied. Bad Halberd gunners (almost all) don't do anything except kill stationary close idiots, good gunners... do what I do.
  9. Chipay

    how is the game balanced on how the Halberd performs, wouldn't they rather balance the game on AV and AI secondaries?
  10. Brahma2

    Why not balance it on platform? A tank... is not a harasser. The Halberd on a harasser is able to be used differently.

    The issue is, and only really on a tank secondary, that the Halberd reloads after every shot. So unlike the Saron, or Enforcer, there is no immediate followup shot. You're basically putting another main cannon on your tank.

    I Guess we'll just move forward from there.
  11. Alarox

    From what I've seen the Halberd and Basilisk are the "general purpose" weapons, and as sidegrades we have AA, AI, and AV dedicated weapons.
  12. Chipay

    From what I heard that's only the Basilisk, it's the only weapon that states to be general puprose
    "The Basilisk is a slow-firing 20mm HMG that effectively damages all targets."
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  13. Brahma2

    Halberd is the only high burst secondary weapon. There is no magazine.
  14. EliteEskimo

    In a game where infantry are more deadly to a tank than an AP tank is you're trying to say that a vehicle secondary's effectiveness against infantry doesn't matter merely because it's intended use isn't for infantry? I suppose an AP Vanguard shouldn't OHK infantry since it much like the Halberd is meant for AV purposes, is a single shot single load weapon, has projectile drop, and is slow reloading. By that same logic, the logic you're using right now the Vanguard AP turret needs a nerf against infantry.:rolleyes:

    The MBT's Halberd doesn't need a nerf at all, it wasn't OP, there was nothing broken about it. You get one shot with the weapon before you have to reload it, the reload is a slow reload, the projectile itself is unguided and has projectile drop. If you miss you basically lose everything because the splash radius is pathetic and are faced with a slow reload. There are so many factors that make the Halberd balanced that making it not OHK infantry is shenanigans. If the Halberd was some multi-shot weapon with significant splash radius and was great for AV purposes too then you might have a leg to stand on, but it isn't so you don't.
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  15. Chipay

    Yes there was, it had a comparable KPU to the Fury, had a higher KPU than the PPA. It was as effective as a AI secondary but had the damage comparable to the ES AV secondaries.

    It doesn't need a nerf against infantry because it wasn't doing great against infantry, the AP Prowler however....
  16. lothbrook

    You guys realize all of this "nerf" is really infantry using Flak armor right? It will still 1 shot any infantry not using it.
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  17. deggy

    Yes, but all the NW5 heroes will get their certs back...

    And run straight to Flak 5.
  18. Cinnamon

    I think that MBT halberd will still one shot an infantry with flak 5 but H variant will not. Hmm, or maybe it still will unless it's a HA with shield on.
  19. Jalek

    I guess NC tanks will just have to use the C85 Modified against infantry.
    Good luck.
  20. deggy

    Nope, all Flak 5 infantry will survive any Halberd round.

    Makes perfect sense. Right guys?

    We don't want any of those mean heavily armored vehicles ruining MLG infantry play.
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