Is this intentional? When you are an infiltrator and hack the turrets, the enemy that gets knocked out of the turret doesn't appear and they can shoot you before they even appear!
That's latency. Depends on what your ping is and what his ping is. It's not intentional, it's a byproduct of playing a MMOFPS.
Not sure if it is latency related. A long time ago, for a few months after beta, the turret user would appear immediately after you hacked them out with no invisibility. Also, while they haven't rendered on my screen they can still shoot me an kill me. If it is latency related, why isn't the information telling me that I have been killed delayed but the information telli me that there is an enemy there is?
For the first part, the only thing I can assure you is that is most probably is not a conspiracy against Infiltrators who hack turrets. For the second part, the reason your kill is not delayed is because you receive asychronous packets. That's the nature of UDP - you don't have to get things in any order, or at all, and the server doesn't have to care. The packets that carry your (not rendering) opponent's damage do not have to arrive after the packet that tells your client to start rendering your opponent and, due to priority, probably will arrive earlier. The reason the former occupant is not rendering, before you ask, is because his model is not loaded into memory while in the turret and only can start rendering when he is kicked out.
Place an anti personnel mine before hacking. It helps. I mean, what are we going to do about latency? It's kinda inevitable.
Its really frustrating to be doing something and get interrupted and killed before its possible for you to do anything about it. And for my entertainment, I'll leave it to the reader to decide which side I'm talking about.
it's way more than the run of the mill latency, most actions can take 0.1s but i've seen or should i say haven't seen situations with 3s+ delays. Standard latency would not be enough to get a clue what is happening, look around for the cloaker and unload half the mag in his face with no reaction. My assumption is that when the dude exists only as a label over the turret, there are no assets cached in memory (if you see the dude enter the turret, chances are he's still cached and will load asap). Only after the hack is complete and the dude gets kicked out, your computer queries the remote db about his loadout, then your pc thrashes the disk to load props and only after that renders the dude for you. In the mean time you are loaded for the guy because you exist as a 3d dude in his world all that time, he has his own assets loaded so the whole deal is instantaneous from his PoV. Fix/optimization would be to prepare assets during the hack, eg you press E, the dude gets put together in memory from assets ready to be switched to render=Y as soon as hack completes.