Hacking Concern.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zafferano, May 5, 2013.

  1. Zafferano

    Looking for Vetteren players to re-spawn to my questions. I'm new to this game and PC FPS's but used to conceal FPS's.

    1.) How hacked is this game. Iv ran into alot of issues as it is whether its bugged or hacked. Such as a sniper looking east, and spins south fast and head shots me right before i pull the triggure and headshot them. Others such as being stealthed and people seeing me easly and killing me right off the bat. Yes i understand moving and such will cause people to see me but even if im still and im not shotting. people will spin around and shoot me from a good 15 to 20 feet away.

    Just want to know if this is a very commen thing. and looking for mature answers. i know theres alot of threads but most are people complaining and somethings are just good players not hackers, or just a bug in the system. I really enjoy this game but if this is getting to commen and falling threw the cracks id like to know thank you.
  2. FatSheriff

    The spinning thing sounds like your connection? I use to get this in the game that shall not be named and I figured it was just latency. And the cloak is never completely invisible so if your standing in a corner and they are a meter away a good player will spot you shimmering.
  3. Zafferano

    yeah i put my connection into account although i got almost top of the line and turned alot of grafics down to get rid of any lag issues. might try some other things. and yeah iv noticed iv vursed some infantry. just some of this stuff seams almost to good to be true. just want to make sure there isnt alot of auto target programs out there or something :)
  4. ZenTao

    You are visible at all times - even when cloaked you can be seen if someone knows what to look for ....

    There does seem to be a bug where people are not looking in the right direction - they can look to me like they are looking 90 degrees away but be shooting me ...
  5. Zafferano

    :) thanks for the reply, if theses are bugs not to worried any game with any patchs will have issues.
  6. FatSheriff

    What server are you on? There are some aimbots but no more than any other FPS I would say.

    I can't only speak for the server I play on and the experience I've had though
  7. Czuuk

    The rate of hackers in this game is consistent with the rate of hackers in other triple A MMOs. If you play enough you will find them.

    1. /report <playername>.
    2. Submit support ticket through web site.
    3. Go about your business.
  8. Liquid23

    I actually find we here have a lot less hackers than many if not most large F2P FPS games around...

    if you wanna see some real hacking go DL Combat Arms... lol
  9. ShayeUK

    Quite rife, most people (99.9%) don't realize that aimbots / esp / UG are not the only cheats, it's weapon values such as Cone of Fire, Recoil etc... can be manipulated by the cheaters also, only people familiar will most weapons can recognize this.

    When concerning someone doing a 180 turn, I wouldn't be concerned unless the suspect sustains fire while switching between targets and does it in a way that no bullets hit the air in between the switch but has perfect accuracy, I don't care who you are, with the ROF, this is impossible for a human.

    Another indicator I've seen is people switching instantly but after 1 or 2 bullets fired at the second target, they stop, then fire again, like they were not expecting the switch.

    But take into consideration the mini map, silenced guns, recon darts etc...

    However, with current cheats, they can configure the aim bot in so many ways to try and not get caught. Wannabe pros.

    All you can do if you suspect someone is report them and let SOE decide if he/she is a cheater...
    • Up x 1
  10. Zafferano

  11. Zafferano

    Thats what conerns me. no this was a 90 degree turn, high sensitive controle for the spead and no delay just turn shot right in my head. and this is from a good atleast 100ft. If lag issues i can understand but any other no way but aim bot from what im hearing.
  12. Zafferano

    ill keep the report in mind. like i said new to PC FPS. RPGMMO are what i normaly do on PC. BF3 and such on PS3. lol even buying a pc gaming controler been trying for a week now and cant get used to a keyboard for FPS. But thanks for the command that will help alot if i see more issues like that sniper
    • Up x 1
  13. The King

    The mouse can move pretty quick compared to a console controller.

    There are not that many cheaters in this game.

    While cloaking, they can hear you. If you cloak and then they turned around quickly, it's probably because your cloaking sounded so loud that it alerted them to your direction.
    And if they have their graphical settings set to low, you can become like Casper the Ghost.. You're very easily seen as a white see through thing. Or a black see through thing....

    Also, they can be looking one way, but really looking at the other way. Their heads are turning, but not their gun until they start firing.

    I've seen more cheaters in CS:S than I did on PS2. I've also seen 100x more cheaters on WoW than I do here.
    The cheaters will eventually be banned.... So the wannaB pro players pretending to be legit will pretend to quit the game, when they actually were banned. There aren't too many of those players, most of them are just blatantly obvious. Some people will try to defend them and tell you that you're a noob calling people hackers all the time.

    It's probably best to avoid that and just do a /report on them.
    If a GM is on, you can whisper a message to him and the person would be dealt with pretty quick. Every single person I told a GM about got banned pretty instantly.. At least, they haven't logged in since that day.. heh
  14. Liquid23

    ya I wouldn't suggest using a controller... pretty much every FPS designed to be played with a controller has at least light auto-aim/aim correction to make up for the fact joysticks just aren't the precise... PS2 doesn't so you would be at a major disadvantage to anyone using a mouse... which is, well, everyone else
  15. Czuuk

    Crazy spit happens and it's not always hacking. It might be a bug. It might be latency. Let SOE look at the data and figure it out.
  16. SikVvVidiT

    This is the problem that I see, exp the COF hack...

    I am very sorry but they have guys that are lvl 50+ and obviously hacking and SOE does not seem to give a damn. They come on with the scripts and then probably log off and help some guy/girl get there kitty that is stuck inside a wall in EQ2 or Vanguard...

    Every day around the same time it never fails you log in and you have a lvl 5 sniping you with a LMG from across the map on Matterson...

    And then you have your lvl 50+ that have zero COF or seem to know where everyone is on the map at all times. And yes I sweep for vehicles constantly, so that more then likely is not it.

    Now most people will say that I am probably a bad player but that is not the case. I have a 3 k/d ratio as a grunt and grunt only (thats all I do).... So while I am not special by any means I am not bad either, and I can spot a hacker like you would not believe.

    The problem is that the GM's they have working at SOE seem incapable of doing this. Case in point back in Planetside 1 myself and countless others used to report two SG players named SGSwift and SGProphet all day everyday. And it took SOE over a year to finally do something about these obvious cheaters.... A freaking YEAR!

    Another guy I used to report ALL DAY EVERYDAY was a guy named Lazarus111 I would sit there and watch this guy floating (as a cloaker) above a tower sniping people with a AMP on FULL AUTO. And I watched him go from about lvl 5 to lvl 25 (level cap) cheating the whole time... And I kept saying to myself, If I can sit there and watch this dude why can't the freaking GM's do it, they get payed to do it!

    Anyways, it's extremely frustrating. I freaking HATE cheaters in anything. I just wish MMO company's took it a lot more serious. And I am not just talking about lip service, I mean actually making it a very high priority on the list of things they need to do.