Gents, you got guys heheheheheEEEEhheheh (vanu) and the same guy #2 (NC) knifing people all around similarly out of nowhere. Maybe TR has one as well. Ban please.
Yea Fitz, Had the same thing happen during several alerts this evening. Using Several different names, all doing the same knife headshot with teleporting. I finally got the guy after he killed like 2 dozen of my platoon and forced us to loose the alert because the people all logged off. He is susceptible to proxy mines and spitfire turrets. On a later note, I have a theory about whom it may be... former SOE/DB employee most likely with a grudge. I do however wish for an auto ban set for reporting players when this kind of thing happens. Like a really low one too!! There seems to be rash of these guys doing these things and we the public don't see any results when we report them. /Signed.
Agreed for a tool. They are so obvious... I've had 1500hrs + in game and I cannot say I've ever had suspicion of facing people cheating. I reported those ones because they are again very obvious. Also several people were complaining in proxy chat in-game.
Today i see one of them, on Cobalt. He hit ESF with M30 Pounders on 400 -500M in the sky, and all bullets hit. Br 7. 6 or more ESF go down coz of him. :/