Hackers everywhere - customers logging out

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TMU, May 22, 2017.

  1. TMU

    Does DBG ever monitor their games?? It would take all of one hour or less to find out that hackers are living in this game.....and running off your customers.

    Does /report even work?? i was told it doesnt work and post it to /reddit.

    Sunday and Monday I saw first hand two TR hackers taking out VS hives within seconds of each other.
    Sunday there was a NC hacker firing more than 5 rockets from the LA rocket launcher.
  2. Pat22

    On the HIVE killing, you're right. I saw three separate flying, teleporting, one-shot-killing, HIVE-destroying hackers tonight alone.

    However, you do know the Rocklet Rifle has a 6-round magazine, right?
    • Up x 2
  3. NikolaiLev

    I was hoping there'd be more threads about this. I think I've seen over ten separate hackers (or perhaps just a few changing their usernames) across Emerald of varying factions.

    It's quite staggering, but unfortunately I doubt DBG can allocate the resources for a couple GMs to respond to these things. I wish they'd take some focus over those H1Z1 games, but one could speculate that the profit they make from those rote zombie games is what allows them to sustain PS2 and its low playercount (and thereby low income base).

    On one hand I want to be thankful the game just hasn't been shut off, but then I don't know for sure how unprofitable it is, and the fact remains that DBG hasn't tackled the issue or, as far as I know, even given an acknowledgement.

    We'll see I guess. Ball's in your court, devfriends.
  4. LegendarySalmonSnake

    It's starting to feel like the mag dump feature of the rocklet rifle flew over peoples heads. I have seen 3 threads with people complaining about light assaults somehow spamming rocklet rifles. I have also been called a hacker/exploiter when killing a max and a harasser team by mag dumping on them. Had no clue what they were on about until maybe now.