Hacker on miller right now @allatum

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mastachief, Apr 22, 2013.

  1. Mastachief

    3 VS hackers under the world blowing the gens Allatum indar miller
  2. GSZenith

    inb4 lock (yes they do that then tell you to use /report :D) anyone know any good upcoming fps game?
  3. Kayfes

    Its rediculous that SOE does nothing about the Hax in this game. I stopped playing this morning and spent money on other games.
  4. RobotNinja

    Impossible. Smedley says they have "very good hacking detection algorithms". Surely, this game's automatic anti-hack detection can't be so blithely and devastatingly stupid and worthless that it can't automatically tell, "Hey...people aren't supposed to be running around underneath the world destroying generators or flying through the air without a plane or teleporting from point to point in the middle of nowhere where there's no teleporter or spawn point. Surely...it can't be THAT completely worthless.
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  5. Acutus

  6. Mastachief

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  7. Mastachief

    Apparently this magically detection doesn't think 155kd's in 4hours of new players(or any player for that matter) is suspicious
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  8. Bad News

    I was banned for cheating a couple of days ago but it was removed because i don't cheat so i do think /report work.
  9. Acutus

    Nicely done, would have nabbed a vid myself but my PC is a toaster/potato hybrid.
  10. Mastachief

    Sadly the guy recording this has had to stop playing as the guys been tk'ing him so much
  11. JeffBeefjaw