Have you ever noticed how many people on these forums make suggestions with apparently no thought put into having to deal with said suggestions themselves?
"Change game engine to Crytech" <-- My favorite "Add naval warfare" "Add a separate servers for hardcore mode" "Add a separate server for subscribers" "Give me the option to disable nights" "Restore nanoweave" "Make environment destructible" "Add something that is above the power/lethality ceiling" "New guns should be more powerful than old" "Add space combat" "Remove Hossin" "Add a 4th faction" "Re-design all NC and TR infantry" "Make respawn time 30+ seconds" "Vastly increase the graphic violence" "Give defenders all kind of crutch mechanics when they are about to lose to prolong the inevitable"
Not a fan of losing gunfight because of random crap variables. Cone of fire is enough. Cool idea in theory though.
What if there was a small chance that when you pulled a max youd accidentally leave you weiner sticking out and people could shoot it for 4x damage and knife it for 1hk.
I almost choked on my lunch laughing when I read that. Of course VS and NC's would require a smaller hitbox lol
I think it could be an optional attachment. Say for example, you had an option for using ammunition (or batteries or whatever the VS use) that did extra damage, hypothetically 5% more, over an extended minimum and maximum range (say another 5%). The downside is that this out-of-spec ammunition would cause increased wear on the weapon, causing it to randomly jam. Maybe just a 1% chance. A jam would have to be cleared by reloading the weapon. This attachment would be a tradeoff. On the one hand, you get a chance of increased damage, but on the other hand you could find yourself having to reload your weapon while attempting to gun someone down at close range, which could easily result in death.
I think the occasional CTD is enough random game-pointlessly-screwing-you-over element, thank you very much.