[Guide] Gun accuracy and how it works.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Van Dax, Oct 27, 2013.

  1. Van Dax

    Hey forums, I took a little while to draw up a handy chart that I'll use to explain how the combination of H. recoil and COF produce "accuracy".

    This is a little different from what I normally do, This doesn't prove anything just elaborates on what we already know and explains it to those that don't.

    Horizontal recoil is the amount your gun jumps from the center of your screen to the left and right, most common is what is called balanced recoil. Balanced recoil is when your gun has an equal chance of jumping left and right, you can't fix or counteract this manually at all and is only reduced with a forgrip. Biased recoil is when it has a greater chance of jumping to one side or the other and can be counteracted to an extent but will generally only be a little bit better. H. recoil on most guns is a flat value in degrees, though some have a min and max that they jump between at random.

    COF is a value in degrees that expands with every shot you fire, cof expands more quickly from the hip. COF is almost always the same for any gun of any damage type (143, 167, 200) with rare exceptions (pistols, smgs, and the gd-7f (no reason for this, come on soe)) it can be reduced with a laser sight for hip fire only.(there is some talk of it applying while ads-d but I will assume otherwise)

    I've compared 3 lmgs that should describe the majority of lmgs but with a little bit of critical thinking you can apply it to any weapon via the stat sheet. measured was "accuracy" over the minimum number of body shots needed to down a target.

    here is the SVA-88 in purple, the em6 in blue and the anchor in red. This is ADS MOVE accuracy, the stat I find to be most important when measuring accuracy (hipfire is spray and pray anway, crouch-still ads isn't all that important realistically), the outer circles are the expanded cof values, the final shot will land randomly in one of the two larger circles but DOES NOT create an oval shape as the recoil isn't a variable.

    *note* the two inner circles are just the inital shot's cof shifted via recoil, it is ,in reality, one centered circle.

    the anchor and em6 both have lower H. recoil than the sva-88 but the cof values are different so as you can see the RED and PURPLE are quite close. Interesting to note is that the sva's best accuracy area (The venn diagram overlap) is better but its worst outer lines are worse than the anchor.

    In this case as an NC player, I would choose the anchor if I wanted something "close" to the sva, near identical accuracy and dps, more controllable vertical recoil, better hipfire with adv laser but no move speed multiplier. A similar trade off as the orion v msw-r.

    Comparisons: (ACCURACY ONLY)
    Ursa- slightly further apart centers than the em6, slightly smaller circle
    Flare- further apart centers than the em6 (more than ursa), slightly smaller circle
    pulsar lsw- larger circle than sva
    orion- gets two sets of circles, one the same as sva and one slightly further apart, switches randomly
    polaris- same as sva

    GD-22s- same as anchor
    gauss saw S-same as em6
    em1- same as pulsar lsw

    TMG-50- same as em6
    bull- same as sva
    T9/ (s)- slightly further apart than sva, slightly larger circle.
    MSW-R- orion but only the further apart set

    NS-15m- same as sva

    rhino, gauss SAW
    these have advanced fwd grips, fwd grips reduce h. recoil percentage wise so effect all weapons accuracy equally and thus retain the same circle comparisons. ADV FWD grips enhance some percentage better so they will be more accurate than others in their category. If I missed an adv FWD grip LMG let me know.

    and this completes the LMGs.

    Hope people find this helpful, was fun to make. Ask any questions you like.
    (I do not include vertical recoil as on automatic weapons it can be entirely compensated for, though if their is demand I can make one)