GU7 Lock-On Turret Nerf = SOE's Cheap Bug Fix Avoidance

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NoctD, Apr 18, 2013.

  1. ent|ty

    Lock-ons are for noobs and are a cheap, skill-less weapon. I am not sympathetic in the slightest.
  2. Zaik

    do we even know if they're talking about phalanx turrets or ACE turrets? all i saw was "turret"
  3. KanoHe

    You are to lazy to change loadout at any available Sunderer ?
    What is a "team" without a sunderer ?
    Why you need lockons near or in the base ?
    Is it to hard for you to aim just a littlebit above stationary target to hit it from 100m range ?
    Is it realy considered as a nerf ?
    Your teammates/outfit/squad take lock on Launchers to take down Turrets ?
    I'm the only one seen this change as a Buff for STATIONARY HELPLESS TURRETS THAT CANT SHOOT YOU BACK ?
    As i think, even if there is an engeneer repairing it, turret deserves to not being destroyed by a lock on launcher by a single HA !
    If it is a buff for MANA turret, i think devs would say "MANA" turret...
  4. ShureShot

    Good. Finally.

    It doesn't matter how much they buff the phalanx turrets, if people can just lock on to them, you will die in seconds if you get in one of them.

    I wanted to try them after the last changes. It took a few seconds before it got taken out. By lock ons. And there is nothing you can do against it either, because they can just fire from positions the turret can't reach.

    If anything is 'cheap', it's shooting stationary targets that obviously are not vehicles with anti-vehicle lock ons.

    And if you complain about the Striker not being able to shoot them anymore: did you forget you got a dumbfire launcher for free? Maybe try aiming for a change. The bloody turret isn't going anywhere. These lock on scrubs, next they want their pistols and carbines to lock onto players too.

    Yes the Striker is now the only ESRL that can't take out phalanx turrets. But it's also the only ESRL with which 2 or 3 players can keep the sky clear. And you can lock onto tanks and sundies too, no need to equip another launcher. Let me guess, you also want it to lock on to maxes? Maybe do the dishes too?
  5. Morpholine

    HA launchers that can still kill turrets:
    • All default stock launchers.
    • All G2G lock-on launchers (in dumb-fire mode).
    • All G2A lock-on launchers (in dumb-fire mode).
    • The Decimator.
    • The Phoenix (NC only).
    • The Lancer (VS only).
    HA launchers that cannot kill turrets:
    • The Annihilator.
    • The Striker (TR only).
    Are you really complaining that out of all of the above turret-slaying options, the only one you have at hand is the two-annihilators-glued-together Striker, TR? I'm positive every one of you were issued a viable option upon character creation.

    And finally, it's not as if turrets held off any serious push on anything for very long, if at all.
  6. Dubious

    We complain cause TR is the only empire that can't use its faction rocket launcher to its fullest anymore..

    What if turrets were immune to Lancer and Phoenix..
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  7. 89xOnoma89

    Then remove the factional advantage of all the other factional rocket launchers vs tower turrets. kthnxbai
  8. Morpholine

    I'd use the stock launcher. It's only a quick weapon swap/respawn away.
  9. Deadeye

    This "fix" is only really a nerf against TR. As an NC trooper, my Phoenix will still work as well as the VS lancer since neither of us need lock on. TR players will have to use short range dumb fire weapons like their default one ( forgot the name) or decimator.
  10. Koldorn

    Going to have to say this.
    They were re-classified as vehicles to allow them to render farther out. Unintended side effect: vehicle based lockons now target them.
    Bug fix if anything.

    Potentially thinking of wrong turret... (engineer mind)
    However I still don't see base turrets not being lockon-able as being an issue... the blasted things are stationary and get royally pounded by everything in the first push on a base.
  11. 89xOnoma89

    Exactly, and the factional launchers with a camera can still guide their rocket right to the turret. Thank you.
  12. Morpholine

    Anyone regularly using locked-on missiles against turrets already knows it was a completely useless effort (and waste of ammo) more than half of the time, anyway.

    But, I guess if a sailor aint *****in', he aint happy.
  13. KanoHe

    All vehicles can be repaired on a field even by 2 engineers ... Even being offensive ...
    Turret is defencive, stationary armor that protects your base from armor. It cant dodge incoming atacks and most of the time it's easier to pull another tank than try to sustain turret .
    If you have problems with killing/hitting a turret without using lock ons ...
    I usually dont like that kind of people...
  14. 89xOnoma89

    Never had an issue with my striker. kthnxbai.
  15. KanoHe

    No free exp farm for easy cheesy users .... yay.
    Lock-on launchers shouldn't be implemented at first place.
    The only lock-on weapon in the game that should be is Lock on Mana Turret for engineer versus Ground. And AA Lock-on missile system turret at amp stations and may be tech plants ... but i cant find any of those ... :eek:
  16. Jube

    I abandoned the Striker a week after it released because....
    1.The rocket leads the target way too far causing way too many misses.
    2.The guidance being a lock on type is virtually worthless for close ranges. (You'll get killed long before you can lock)
    3. The launcher takes absolutely no skill to use and therefore is absolutely no fun to use.

    So they can nerf the Striker all they want, I'll use my Max for AA ( Which btw is far more effective ) and Decimators for everything else.
  17. KanoHe

    We would go for a Point to Capture ... There are no turrets that can shoot at capture points ... :D
    TR empire doesnt know that. sometimes you need to hack turrets with an infiltrator, or sneak being LA or something ?
    Or TR doesn't need prowler as a MBT to support infantry ... in destroing turrets with AP round ?
    You can't pull Lightning ?
    Even a Single Bulldog on a Sunderer kills turret faster than turret can kill Sunderer ...
    Heck even Flash can gib turret's ...
    Oh Oh TR is the only empire that rule Airspace ... Having a ton's of ESF and Libs in the air is not enough ?
  18. LGhost1904

    Just because arguments are always weak... Those damn turrets are a minor distraction when starting an attack, they're worthless because they're already too easy to take down. Who cares that the Pheonix can take them out, it'd take forever for a single Pheonix to try and take out a single Engie in a Turret combo
  19. Sweet Jackal

    I think people forget something, the TR have been complaining about the Striker constantly as it is an Annihilator 2.0. It makes an NS piece of gear obsolete. If one of the other factions wants to use Striker Tactics they have the NS weapon to use.

    It's not because the Striker isn't effective, when it hits it actually is. The problem is that the Striker is a Lock On Only launcher in the first place by design. This means that it is subject to all of the problems of Lock On: finicky lock-on mechanics, lock-on rockets deciding to just not track at all, the lock-on refusing to even lock on targets that you can see and spot, flare/smoke spam, the lock on launcher deciding to switch targets mid lock and the leading path of the rockets plowing them into rocks, trees and everything but the target.

    The problem with Lock On Only Launchers is not that they are lacking skill to use, it's that they offer no skill plays at all. All of the skill is in the target avoiding the shot, be it a button press to use smoke/flares or dodging the rocket or the lock in the first place.

    The huge, glaring problem with lock on only launchers that people seem to fail to grasp: They are not fun to use. It's not interesting, doesn't add gameplay elements. It's a hope and pray weapon and that is just boring.

    Finally, I use the Striker. I use the Striker when rolling with my Outfit over open plains, most often Esimer. I use it as a deterrent against armor and for this it is effective, a large amount of Strikers will force a mostly infantry force in response. I have gotten creative when using my Striker, taking to using it when deploying by beacon onto a tower, letting us cram a number of Strikers on the top of the enemy tower with an engi for ammo, locking down the air and ground around it and even making it possible to take out the turrets and gunning down engineers attempting to repair them. This let the lock on launcher actually hit the target, though at those ranges for the turrets alone the dumbfires are a better choice.

    This does hurt the Striker as it is another thing on the list that the Striker cannot even damage. This limits the Striker to exclusively Air and Ground vehicles. It's not even an option on anything else. The Phoenix and Lancer bring another set of tactical options into the game that didn't exist before and forces a change in how the other factions deal with said faction. The Striker does no such thing as it is merely a beefed up Annihilator.

    So change the Striker at the ground level of it's design. Make it into something else entirely new, something that isn't a Lock On launcher. Make the unique RL of the TR actually interesting. Make the unique RL of the TR actually unique.

    Umm, no. The smart Phoenix User arcs the shot high and drags it down to hit the engineer repairing the turret. Said engineer now either abandons his repair fountain or takes another rocket and dies.

    The Phoenix might not be the most effective weapon to be used against Infantry, but nothing stops it from doing so.
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  20. Aesir

    They changed all lock ons on the live server ... in overall it's a buff for them all if you look at this ...

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