GU11 landing soon!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Higby, Jun 19, 2013.

  1. haysede

    Wait hang on now, are we implying that Shotguns are equal to SMGs and Carbines in CQC? I'm a bit disappointed that you don't die in a single shotgun hit at point-blank already, to further reduce their damage is too much of a nerf. If we want to discourage spray and pray, tighten the choke but do not change damage. A shotgun should win hands down verses everything if you get into it's effective range and know how to use it, as you have a VERY limited range and are practically harmless outside of it.

    P.S. Everyone is going to be rather unhappy if you nerf the Shotguns on the MAX too...
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  2. dirtYbird

    I hope you list the exact bug fixes in the patch notes.
    Then we can tick off those few in our own lists.
  3. FnkyTwn

    Learn to Q. Then QQ less.
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  4. Konfuzfanten

  5. Ronin Oni

    Going to cost 100

    Still pretty spammable if you aren't buying tanks
  6. MissBiz

    This would be another way to make users think about what they are doing with their load outs and give newbs a way to access vanilla vehicles more easily.
  7. Ronin Oni

    that might be part of their resource overhaul...

    but for now 100 for a transport still isn't all that much unless you pull armor as well.

    Also... more incentive to catch a ride :D
  8. dirtYbird

  9. sindz

    • Thank god!
  10. Konfuzfanten

    First post: nerf not needed: 66 ppl
    2. post: nerf needed: 29 ppl
    So its more like 69% right now, but it has been around 66% the last few days...

    And yes i know its not up to static method, get over it, its the best we have.
  11. Acceleratio

    I hope the nadelauncherchange also goes live

    Another thing I would LOVE to see is and ammobox that you can just drop down like a mine (used to be like that in alpha btw)

    Oh and love the max nervs. hated bursters with a passion
  12. KesTro

  13. HadesR

  14. Konfuzfanten

    Yes and my post qq'ing about the nerf has 67 thumbs up, a clear margin in favour of not nerfing it.

    My point is that the community didnt ask for the nerf and now the community doesnt want the nerf.
  15. Khyrin

    What do NC MAXes get for their now less effective and harder to use only AI option in compensation for the extremely effective and easy to use AI weapons TR and VS MAXes can wield?
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  16. Ronin Oni

    except most people who don't care or don't use IRNV aren't going to even open that thread...

    For example I'd have voted nerf NEEDED yet I'm not going to validate your opinion of that actually even being a poll
  17. disky00

    Oh man, I'm curious about the Drifter changes. Been wanting maneuvering jets for a while and it sound like this will fit the bill. Awesome.

    Also, with the new infantry movement code going in, does it mean that Icarus jets may make a comeback?

    Edit: Totally fine with the IRNV changes, by the way.
  18. Konfuzfanten

    Already answered.
  19. Bill Hicks

    ZOE max nerf is pathetic. VS completely dominate infantry combat. If you see a ZOE max coming you are dead and everyone in the room. There is no point in turning ZOE of ever. All the other max abilities are situational ZOE is now the default choice for every VS max.
  20. Ronin Oni

    I saw...

    In any case... I'm slurping up the delish tears of EZ spot n00b scope users.

    I hate that bloody thing. And it's still perfectly usable anyways. The sway is pretty negligible for the ranges you engage with it.
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