GU08 - What to expect and when.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Higby, May 1, 2013.

  1. Robin

    The NC got the phoenix - hands down the coolest gun in the game - and now they get laser guided missiles?!

    Can the TR (or VS) get some user-controlled ordinance please? As a TR player it's very disappointing to get skill-less weapons like the Striker. Perhaps a laser-guided alt fire mode for it would make it more interesting without buffing it's DPS.

  2. MaCritz

    Take a look at this...


    My knees are shaking just looking at the word 'FRIGHTENING'!! Pfftt...

    Edit: And why the difference in damage is SO OBVIOUS??!! Matt Higby, could you care to explain what kind of benefit does 230 less damage brings to the Vanu players??
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  3. Holomang

    VS population doing just fine on Mattherson.

    Nothing more than a L2P issue.
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  4. Qaz

    Unless the guns were changed from PTS (which it doesn't look like), the DPS of all of the max av weapons is very similar, and the TTK for tanks (front armour) is ~15 seconds. The damage number you see for the vortex are AI numbers (i think). AV is twice that, and tapfiring will probably result in the best dps.

    just a correction. doesn't mean the gun is good.
  5. BalogDerStout

    Well, finished loading the patch and about to log in.

    My guess, this is one more nail in the coffin for the VS. Harder and harder each patch to justify playing Vanu and not jumping ship. Hey maybe I'm wrong, maybe these new toys won't prove what I already suspect.

    I'm not wrong though.
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  6. Quovatis

    Um, no the DPS and TTK on a tank is not similar at all. Go try them out in VR. The difference is staggering. Without charge, the Vortex fires cottonballs, seriously.
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  7. laovniux

    No more wulnerable tank rear... AA being even more dangerous with the harasser... Why did I ever cert my scythe again? What can I kill now other ESF's? The only easy pray to the ESF was a tank (ignoring the fact that it will 1 shot you if he sees you sneaking up behind it) but with this... Mech... At least you could have included the A2G missiles as an anti tank weapon like the dalton... Honestly was there ever a need to buff the tanks?
  8. Xasapis

    I'm pretty sure that one server represents the entire Planetside 2 playerbase and if a faction in that server is fine, it must be fine on all other servers around the world as well.
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  9. Icedaemon

    It is fairly absurd that we can now have different colours for our base assets and actual enemy troops, but cannot switch the colours of platoon squads.
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  10. Lynx

    There is no mention at all of the weak spot in the back of tanks being removed. Tanks getting an armor buff overall =/= no more weak spots. Open your eyes.


    What happened to the faction specific stuff on the harasser? Like the Enforcer for the NC?
  11. Qaz

    Something weird is going on. Tested TTK on a prowler (front) is ~20 seconds with tapfire (and you have to tapfire, it's much more predictable/better DPS. charge ttk was ~23 or so). Problem is, theoretical TTK is 14,68 seconds, so one or more variables must be off. We can verify the damage easily: 64 shots are needed to kill, which falls in line with the known damage of 170 per shot. This leaves reload and refire. Reload is denoted with 2 seconds, and refire with .33s. I'm guessing refire is off by quite a bit. Current RPM is 180 (.33s refire), but a 20s TTK would fit more with .5s refire (=120 RPM)
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  12. TSAndrey

    New TR helmet looks SICK! Too bad I'm Vanu (the other helmets are also good)
  13. biterwylie

    Is anyone else noticing a weird slow down, almost like slow motion that keeps happening since this last update?
  14. ZaebashySoSOE

    Hah, simple. Higby failed to nerf old Vanu weapons so he prenerfed new one.
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  15. WetPatch

    I don't understand why the Vortex got such a awful model. Hand held Lancer pistols? What the hell is Higby's problem with VS?
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  16. Holomang

    Guess they're the only ones that have a clue how to play VS.
  17. Yutty

    can we expect the lattice sometime soon? or next big update?
  18. Caserion

    Meanwhile, in Woodman the VS population is challenging the NC population and the TR is the lowest, i don't even know why...
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  19. CptFirelord

    So why haven't we seen the warpgates rotated again? VS favoritism? HMMM HIGBY?
  20. bNy_

    Why do people even mention travel mode and such? Don't play MAX unless you're with a squad/platoon, easy as that.