[Suggestion] Grenades: untapped potential

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by K2k4, Oct 24, 2014.

  1. K2k4

    Currently there are only a few grenades which get regularly used in this game. I would suggest that grenades get revisited and an update get scheduled on the roadmap. Since standard frag grenades are available to all classes, these changes could potentially affect all classes. So without further adieu, here are my suggestions:

    1: Make all grenade types available to all classes. Why? because currently each class has 1-2 types of alternative grenade available. It's not like any certain grenade is more overpowered than the current frag grenade anyways. This will vary game play up quite a bit I think.
    2: Combine sticky grenades and AV grenades. Why? Because AV grenades bounce away from their target, and the arc for grenades is difficult enough to predict especially in the heat of battle. This change will improve both types of grenade vastly.
    3: make it so the default number of non-lethal grenades is 2. They're less useful and don't always get you points, so you should get more of them. Maybe not for concussion grenades since they're arguably better than the other non-lethal options. In fact maybe just have double grenades for flash and decoy grenades since those are arguably useless currently.
    4: make it so that grenade bandolier 'doubles', 'triples', and 'quadruples' your grenade count per level. this is going along with point 3, so that you get more bang for your buck when you are using non-lethal grenades.
    5: some possible new grenade types could be introduced. Maybe adding some holiday nades (that blow up with holiday specific sounds), incendiary grenades (which create fire over a small area for a few seconds rather than just one explosion), stealth grenades (no marker, less damaging), Flashbangs (lesser concussion and flash grenade effects). There is a lot of potential for creativity here, so I'll stop with the random grenade expansion options.

    I think there's a lot of potential in grenades to be more than they currently are.
  2. Rovertoo

    I don't know for sure about giving all grenades to all classes, I kinda like the way it is now. Gives some character. Wouldn't exactly be against it though. Allowing Engineers to use the new AV/Sticky would be cool though.

    Also, make AV grenades do little to none splash damage, they should follow the AV trend of pinpoint directed explosive damage. Making them sticky would actually go a long way to make them more like their old real life counterparts, and reducing radius and introducing stick would help it actually be used against Vehicles and MAXes instead of Infantry.

    (Also, we already have Flashbangs. They just never work is the problem. I suggest that we make the Flashbang a binary effect. If you're in the radius, you're blinded, if not, you aren't. This would actually make it nearly as reliable as the Concussion grenade.)
  3. FateJH

    Just what I need. More opportunity to unintentionally gib allies.
  4. ajma

    There are a few problems to this, though, namely heal and res grenades. Another thing is that the game should never give you more than 2 grenades by default; instead, fix the grenades that are currently useless. Decoy should, for instance, put a considerably amount of moving enemy dots on the minimap, thus covering your advance.
  5. Makora

    One point that everyone misses: Let us "cook" the grenades. That means let us hold down the grenade throw button to hold the grenade longer for better timing. Bonus points if doing this gives you a "trajectory" crosshair.

    I've never seen a better grenade aiming reticle then in the Section 8 games (RIP). You could quick-throw a grenade (that exploded on contact with enemy and stuck to surfaces to act as a mine for a few seconds) but when you held down the throw button, it gave you a 3D reticle that showed you exactly where the grenade was going to go, and even bounce with grenades that supported that.
    Not saying that this is going to happen in this game. But one can dream.
  6. Axehilt

    1. No. If anything classes should become more differentiated, not less.
    2. AV grenades should be sticky, but should not be "combined" with sticky grenades (which should remain as an AI nade option.)
    3. Increasing non-lethal grenade capacity seem reasonable. Seems like the simplest way to buff them, although a few like Decoy would probably still need tweaks.
    4. Seems like quadrupling grenade count when some start with 2 grenades is going to be a bit overboard. Better to just give them the higher default capacity, and explore options for deployable equip terminals.
    5. New content is good, but I'm definitely uninterested in a "holiday grenade". Incendiary sounds workable. Stealth doesn't (unless the grenade bounce-off-wall sound effect becomes very distinctive, and a grenade-rolling sound is added.) Flashbangs seem like they should just replace the existing flash grenade (give it a weaker concussive effect.)

    I feel like the grenade system could be a lot better, but calling that potential is slightly misleading.

    It's a bit like if you're entering a race, and you have a minivan and a coupe -- which do you invest money into for the race? You could probably improve the minivan by a higher percentage, but overall it's just not going to be an efficient use of your time/resources to try to work within that framework.

    Certainly they could totally revamp grenades' framework to have them function far better than they currently do (essentially dismantle the minivan and use its parts to create a much better framework for racing.)
    • Up x 1
  7. Richter03

    Totally disagree, grenades already fine, do you want it to be more nerf ?
    AV grenades already nerf for long time(its damage is lower then normal grenades), flash grenades and stun grenades even EMP grenades already has been counter with implants, C4 has more delay time and mines has been counter with implants again.

    They has been nerf and nerf, don't bring a subject that will nerf it more than they are. :(
  8. LodeTria

    I'd like a jammer grenade that disables enemy mini-maps if they are hit with it. This would limit the intel they are receiving.
  9. K2k4

    But grenades AREN'T fine. When was the last time you got hit by a flash grenade? When was the last time you fell for a decoy grenade? How often (if at all) has somebody used a healing grenade in your presence? Conc grenades and EMP grenades get used recently because they explode quickly and their effects are devastating. Anti-vehicle grenades, sticky grenades, and regular frag grenades fulfill almost the exact same purpose, tossing them into a clump of people and hope that the victim can't get away in time.
  10. Richter03

    See, Concussion grenade has been nerf, and Anti-vehicle grenade has been change to Anti-aircraft grenade but you might be like it since it stick on Max and vehicle now(not on a floor or infantry). Oh, I forgot to mention about
    Anti-vehicle grenade's radius has been heavy reduced too, about another useless grenade ? they still useless as they were, it's SOE style. :eek:
  11. BobSanders123

    I love flash grenades, I abuse them so much since they only cost 25 resources.
  12. Pelojian

    AV grenades blast radius has been reduced however that is counterbalanced by the fact they will stick to targets (MAXes, vehicles).

    AV grenades are used far beyond their purpose it's the anti everything grenade. kill a max? AV grenade, kill other infantry? AV Grenade, Stationary Vehicle? AV Grenade.

    It had the biggest blast radius and was a straight upgrade from regular frags at AI work when it is an AV, anti-max grenade.
  13. TheKhopesh

    Just what this game needs.
    Grenade bandolier rezzing stalker squads...