Grenade spam

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PlanetSide2Account, Sep 6, 2015.

  1. PlanetSide2Account

    So base after base during alerts its just nade spam from both sides. Way too many grenades, its so over powered. Plus they blow up failed C4 and boucing betties. Their effect area damage is way too high for how many are being tossed during indoor battles. Really annoying
  2. customer548

    We need tennis rackets in order to be able to throw grenades back. (650 Certs)
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  3. PlanetSide2Account

    Omg, Solved ~Close Thread~
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  4. Eternaloptimist

    Totally agree - where do they get so many from ffs?
  5. AlexR

    Man, almost every weapon will become op if gets spammed by squads. Relax, it's Planetside.
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  6. ALN_Isolator

    Step 1: waste your life grinding out the certs for max rank grenade bandolier on your LA
    Step 2: purchase stated upgrades
    Step 3: find a crowded room
    Step 4: ????
    Step 5: profit
  7. Mythologicus

    It's almost as if grenades were designed to clear rooms!
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  8. Taemien

    Flak Armor? I mean seriously.. use it.
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  9. Hammerlock

    who remember the times grenades are glitched and dont detonate ? :p
  10. PlanetSide2Account

    Its true... I watched a guy just run back and forth to terminal like at least 15 times, until he burnt through what appears was 750 resources. Grenade out, grenade out, grenade out.....

    And over...

    Times 10 of these idiots

    lame af

    Put a timer or somthing on that.
  11. Nagant

    (watch this pic form bottom to top! :) )

  12. ronjahn

    Grenades have already been nerfed. It's not the nades fault. It's crappy base layout that causes a 1000 people to crowd in a room that is designed to hold 20. It's also partially to blame that infantry consumables are very cheap and Nanites never run out.
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  13. ALN_Isolator

    All I see here is typical NC behavior.
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  14. HappyStuffin

    Don't forget the Platinum Racket (1,000 Certs)
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  15. Lemposs

    If you find yourself in a situation where you are being spammed with grenades, well all I can say is that you are doing it wrong and should feel bad about it.
  16. Pelojian

    no the only people that should feel bad around grenade spam are the grenade spammers themselves, they control when they use grenades and they are the ones spamming them.
  17. Imp C Bravo

    Melee to throw pick up and toss a grenade back.
  18. Lemposs

    You put yourself into a situation where you are vulnerable to being spammed by grenades, you will get spammed by grenades. Those people aren't at fault for anything, but seeing a situation where they can easily put a lot damage and suppression on the enemy.

    Don't blame the people for taking a great opportunity created out of others foolishness.
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  19. ColonelChingles

    HE tank shells were designed to clear rooms... and probably blow the entire room up while they were at it! :mad:
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  20. Pelojian

    stop blaming the victims when spam happens solely because of the spammer and not any factors outsidethe actons of the spammer.

    anywhere in the game indoors you are at risk of grenade spam, the fault lies with the spammers, they control where and how grenade spam happens because they are the ones doing the spamming.

    you don't blame victims for your own actions.