Grenade Launchers

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Dreadnaught Wrex, Apr 21, 2013.

  1. Dreadnaught Wrex

    Any one else think it is insane how much damage a grenade launcher can do to a MAX? At least half your health. Its insane that the game literally doesnt want to you play anythign outside of the 5 main classes.
  2. Ztiller

    Yes please. This subforum definetly needed more exaggerated drama.

    "This weapon is effective against us/This class have a weakness, why does SOE hate this class so much?!"

    //Every PS2 Subforum
    • Up x 2
  3. Klondik3

    I say neeeeeerf it!
  4. basilbroketail

    Thing is as bad as it is, so long as it doesn't one shot a Max i'm fine ( granted having a pocket engineer helps tons ), if i get hit with a GL , then I know they're not carrying a shotgun usually and they're further then 10 feet away from me ( ala barely within tossable C4 range unless your LA ) . Also the GL takes time to reload it, by the time they're able to loft another grenade i'm able to charge out and or use cover and have flak armor absorb the hit .

    Currently there's a thread on the GB that's stating that maxes in general are somehow OP because we work well with a ......
  5. Dreadnaught Wrex

    I am not one to start these threads for the most part. It just feels like that, everything feels really squishy. Just a frustrating thing to get instantgibbed by engineers camping a door way.
  6. Adeon

    Current grenade launchers are awful. Players using it to one shot infantry, it absolutely stupid. I think grenade launchers should be usefull against vehicles and MAXes. So i think grenade launchers should not one shot infantry, has lesser projectile drop and deals more damage to vehicles and MAX units. Also a few ideas:
  7. Ghosty11

    If UBGL and other explosives are causing you problems, then switch out your kinetic armor for flak armor.
  8. Goldy

    I believe this to be a fallacy, Flak armor reduces the splash damage of explosives. Not direct hits.

    So, grenades and C4 and "perhaps" rocketpods, but it's possible to get directly hit with that.. Are the only 3 weapons that deal their dmg viva splash.
  9. Zaik

    i can only survive two times as many direct hits as every other infantry class in the game from this i am so underpowered plz fix soe
  10. Anvildude

    For a resource and cooldown cost? Yep.