Great video that shows the differences between PS1 and PS2 bases and capture mechanics.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Badgered, Feb 20, 2013.

  1. Badgered

    • Up x 1
  2. GhostAvatar

    Where is the TL;DR version?
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  3. Zaik

    50 minutes is way too long for something that's most likely been essay'd 50 million times on the forum already.
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  4. Stadulator

    beaten to death for sure
  5. Vastly

    All well and good in theory. The meatgrinder sucked in practice. It's a shame we don't have the 50 minute video of someone spamming Thumper grenades at a door for a bit of perspective.
  6. Badgered

    Seems like bad play and the same behavior players exhibit in PS2 when attempting to farm XP. Not saying the game was perfect, but I'd much rather have prolonged indoor infantry battles as the climax of taking over a base rather than being spawn camped by armor or spawn camping the enemy in my Magrider. Yawn.
  7. Vastly

    It was actually very similar because vehicles sat outside the base doors making sure noone on the inside came out. The only real difference was that attacking infantry had to go inside and were farmed in turn. The closest experience PS2 has is pushing out through camped biolab teleporter rooms and that's pretty much all a PS1 base had to offer in terms of indoor combat.