Great Holy War Against Sensor Shield Users

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Insignus, Jun 14, 2017.

  1. Insignus

  2. Campagne

    Amusing, but meh.

    A sort of niche issue at best.
  3. Weylin

    I never really used the Valkyrie much due to its lack of any defining features, didn't know about that 200m sensor strength though.
    Any thoughts I had about pulling sensors was dismissed when they added these implants, since it has been now rendered unreliable.
  4. Kristan

    Sensor Valk is nice, but too fragile. I have swapped to sensor ANT. Twice less radius, but much sturdier and you can just man the gun and provide fire support. Also works like a charm if you're medic, so nearby troops are healing, giving extra exp.
  5. Pelojian

    don't forget you aren't sniper bait like in a scout radar flash that's the main reason when i pull for scout radar i use an ANT.

    as for the reddit post sensor shield isn't a new implant, it's a new old implant with different upgrade mechanics.
  6. UberNoob1337101

    Scout radar Vult?

    Maybe we can talk about this when Valkyries stop being gimmicks, definition of redundant and a poor man's Galaxy, because I don't think Valks can be used in any real unique way other than a cheap throw-away transport with ejection seat built-in.
  7. stalkish

    Good, glad the radar reliance 'pros' are finding things difficult.
    We had the same problems when thermal was 'adjusted' crying because now people have to actualy look for targets, not just play follow the dot on the radar.

    It was glorious for a few days when radar was broken completely.

    SA =/= staring at a minimap.
  8. Insignus



  9. TR5L4Y3R

    short question: can the default ant tank a brick of c4?
  10. TR5L4Y3R

    what if hp stood same but armor only vulnerable to AV weaponry and/or it gets turbo?

    other than that yes it simply is a small transport with rumbleseats
    • Up x 1
  11. UberNoob1337101

    That would be nice. I'd also be really happy if I could place MANA AI turrets on the rumble seats and use them, but I don't know if that's possible.
  12. TR5L4Y3R

    manaturets on valk would be too op .. you could practicaly mow down infantry and tanks like the thing would be a ragtag liberator with the added benifit of being repairable from the rumbleseat .. that's too many benefits .. and i have seen engineer squads fighting off esf's squadrons by merely keeping their valk alive
  13. Kristan
