That sums up my first day experience with Planetside 2 yesterday. As soon as my drop pod dumped me into my first battle I was instantly impressed. I was placed in a squad that was attacking some kind of facility and the squad leader was very patient with my numerous questions. Then I saw a flying tank. Of course, as a new player I didn't immediately know what I was looking at but my squad leader was quick to point out that it was a hacker and that tank aren't supposed to fly. I only got worse after that. Between all the phase shifting ghost soldiers and the assault rifle sniping robots I logged off disappointed that such a great game was so quickly being ruined by hackers.
Your squad leader wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed. The flying tank was just a lag/server problem. As were the phasing in/out soldiers.
just remember kiddos lag can easily be blamed on hacks when your bad, every fps since the creation of the first fps, will have hackers, but they are such a tiny minority, and so blatently obvious that they are actually rather easy to spot.
Ive seen a lot of flying tanks and teleporting people, but all of it is lag related. the only reason for me dying as often as I do is for me being bad nothing to do with hackers.
SoE has been having some very serious server issues. There is also a bug where enemies appear to teleport and are unable to be hit. These two things are responsible for 99% of hacker reports.
Just remember, most people think they should never die, and that everyone who ever kills them is a hacker. They cant possibly just be bad at the game right?