Great Design SOE, Bases surrounded by walls and hills

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ent|ty, Jul 24, 2013.

  1. ent|ty

    Thats just wonderful, except for example at Eisa Station, the enemy can simply roll up on to the same hill and SHOOT DOWN into the BASE BELOW.

    Can the defenders scale the same hill and defend it? NO, ITS TOO STEEP.

    Great design. just awesome.

    Also, why have walls around bases if you can't go onto them and use them?

    Just like the 'protection' added to towers months ago to 'protect from air and tank spam" (which only worked short term until tanks and planes learned to shoot through smaller orifices), the same LOS that protects the defender, also BLOCKS THE LOS of the defender.

    These 2 things pretty much adds up to the same stuff we see over and over in base design by SOE. Most bases favour the attacker, and most modeled in the 'fish-in-a-barrel' design.

    Also, your lattice on Esamir sucks by the way. Way to ruin strategic choice in a game, and have the war rage on for hours and hours and hours over the same base.

    Esamir: Battle For Eisa.

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  2. HadesR

    Can only really comment on The Octagon atm .. But god the spawn room placement makes that an Attackers camping paradise .. Oh they have two spawn rooms you can tele between .. but they are both on the same side of the base with their LoS blocked by the same wall ..

    They take time and effort designing new bases .. Then herp derp them with the spawn placement .
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  3. Linedan

    Not only that, the other side of the base (northwest/north) has a high ridge that looks down into the base. It's sniper heaven. The watchtowers are useless because they're just big sniper kill funnels.

    Why there aren't two spawn rooms on opposite sides of the base, I have no idea. One east, one west (or north/south, whatever). Space them out and let them be spawned into separately. The two rooms being next to each other like that, I don't quite see the point.

    EDIT: Just wanted to add, the dual-tower base is awesome. For those who haven't seen it yet, check out Esamir's basically two standard four-pad air towers joined together by a long catwalk structure, with A point in one tower and B and C in the other. It's a nice design.
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  4. Callahan

    They take time and effort designing new bases, so we can fight for hours in colossal grind fests over the same four, in 48+ battles in each lane. I'm just not having any fun at all. This is the most disappointed I've ever been in a game in my life. It feels like I've just **** 300$ down the drain.
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  5. HadesR

    I didn't get that far lol .. Logged on > saw the base was under attack > deployed over to camped spawn rooms / no LoS to the campers / little to zero room to actually make it out even if wanted to > Tried to stealth out but SOE induced ESP's make that next to impossible > Gave up

  6. Linedan

    I'd rather see the place have one big two-floor spawn room rather than two spawn closets, if they're going to put them both on the same side. Ideally it should have two separate spawns IMO on opposite sides, but eh. I think amp stations and tech plants should have had those a long time ago.

    It's too bad because otherwise the place is designed fairly well for infantry fighting. Lots of useful cover even in the open (stacks of crates, etc.), lots of buildings, catwalks, the watchtowers, the walls. But that spawn placement is terribad.
  7. chilly154

    You will never like planetside 1 then. This feature was ask in beta. So people can ***** all they want. but at the end they should of went to test servers. Acting all surprised about this change.
  8. Callahan

    PS1 didn't have a 1-3 second TTK. PS1 wasn't limited to a handful of vehicles. PS1 vehicles weren't made out of paper. PS1 had a myriad of continents. PS1 didn't have people poofing out of existence and into vehicles. PS1 didn't have walls that were little more than partitions to keep the baddie vehicles out of the base. PS1 didn't have a horrendously implemented lattice system. PS1 wasn't solely centered around slamming yourself into the same lanes over and over again for hours on end. PS1 had a metagame to it.

    I could go on, but you're too busy slavering at Higby's feet.
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  9. HadesR

    Just from the short time I was there I feel they would have be better off removing the inner wall, in it's place have a series of two storey buildings ( Their height would serve the same purpose as whatever the wall intends to do ) .. These building could then be interconnected by either 1st floor or roof top walk ways.
    Add a few ground floor standard height walls in certain locations and job done ..

    Will it still be camped ? Yes

    But by having buildings Imo you give the defenders goals .. 1st by gaining a foothold in a building, then by slowly capturing adjacent rooms. Having raised catwalks would split the fights up and allow for multiple entry points.
  10. chilly154

    Plantside 1 was in development for years before it came out. When planetside 1 first released. You were spoiled with maps and contented . Planetside 2 was only development only for 1 year. In PS1 you did slam you're self in the same lanes over and over because most of the time the bases and some of the resources of the maps were copy and paste. Not a lot of people ever did use the walls in planetside 1. When I was there they didn't The walls we have now is more defensible then the walls in planetside 1 had. We have far more turrets on the walls and cover then planetside 1 did.

    Planetside 2 is going to be better game in the future then planetside 1 was in the past. Planetside 1 was a good game. Planetside 2 has far more potential then planetside 1 has. Far better engine then planetside 1 has. Far more complex lattice system then what planetside 1 can have.

    Planetside 2 is improving!
  11. Callahan

  12. treeHamster

    The problem is that PS2 started as one game, and they're changing the ENTIRE thing at a turtle's pace in an open release. This game would have been better off in another year of Beta.

    By November, the lattice should be complete on Amerish, and the progress on the game should pick up. If you've watched, it's taking around 5 (maybe 6) months to migrate the game to the lattice from their horrendous hex screw up.

    If they weren't overhauling the top level of the metagame, the development of content and new stuff would go a LOT faster. Heck we'd probably have Searhus by now. Once they finish the lattice on Amerish (should be drastically easier than Indar and Esamir because the continent was pretty much already designed for a lattice battle flow), we should start seeing things like base redesigns, content drops, class overhauls, and other things happen a LOT faster.

    Don't fret just yet, there is just one more continent to lattice. That will hopefully be done by the end of next month (since Indar and Esamir both took about 2 months, Amerish should only take 1 month).
  13. ent|ty

    I just want to get up on those walls, so I can actually defend from them, rather than feel like I'm trapped inside my own base.

    Right now, they can park tanks and sundies on the other side, and just blast anyone who pops around the corner.

    The battle becomes 'the battle for the end of the wall".

    The wall blocks all LOS to outside the base. The same wall that supposedly protects us, also hinders us.

    Give me a wall to go up on and defend from.

    And don't put bases in holes, or surround them with mountains and hills, that only the enemy gets to go up on.
  14. Obscura

    Future as in 1-2 years from now? People don't have that kind of patience to wait for a game to become worth playing. They will give up and find something else to play.
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  15. ent|ty

    "WHO is improving! Be patient everyone!" He he.
  16. Harbinger

    You are surprised SOE designs something badly?
    These walls are terrible. They make it so defenders can't shoot out at attackers. Just allow us to walk on the freaking walls. THAT'S WHAT WALLS ARE FOR. TO DEFEND ON.
  17. Pikachu

    The blocking of sight is bugging me tol. They could ad some of those force field windows that could be found on a few of the old tower bases.
  18. Paisty

    The cover is another example of lack of thought. The 15 - 20 LA's defending just shoot straight down into the shooting galleries that are the outside control points.

    Piss poor design on so many things in the New Improved Esamir, I had to check the date and make sure this wasn't a bad April fools joke.
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  19. Paisty

    We do the paying here, it's not SOE paying us to test.

    Also WTF good would it do to test an empty map.

    Even worse SOE does not care about feedback, just look at the roadmap "votes"
  20. Tekuila

    Or you could leave the spawn room if you want to fight.