It seems you still haven't understood the problem. It is not the games fault that your hardware runs hot, its YOUR fault that your cooling is insufficient / not working. Hardware is designed and equipped in such a way that it can be utilized 100% without running too hot or malfunctioning. This is not the case for your system, so something is not working as intended and you have to repair it. We already gave you several pieces of advice what could be wrong. A little warning because others told you to check the thermal paste. This may not be a trivial task if you have never done it, and it may void your warranty or you could damage your graphics card.
That very important reminder brings up another point. If the card is still under warranty, OP should contact support. If the card is actually defective and thus running far too hot, it should be replaced or repaired. Messing with the heatsink(s) does void the warranty depending on the manufacturer, so look into that before you touch.
Wow... I never knew certain games have the sole ability to lift GPU temperatures to insane heights like that. Yea, Sony, please bring down the GPU temperature setting thingamajig in PS2. Kthx. rofl.
I'll quote something i said in another forum thread and another person quoting me "Dude the only way for this game to become "optimised" is if SOE makes it for DX11 (which has totaly superior multithreading and dual card support) and most people have a DX11 or DX10 card (i myself own a Nvidia GTX 560 which is DX11 capable)" Dragam said v This - barely anyone uses cards that doesnt support dx11 at this point... they would have to use hardware older than 4 years... in which case they would have to upgrade anyways. The Clear cut descion that SOE needs to make is to jump into the age of DX11 hardly any games (anyone know of any DX11 games?) use DX11 or even DX10. DX11 would have more Multithreading, Dual Card support, and better graphical redering, and i belive all of the PhysX stuff they are trying t achive would take up less FPS.
My car won't do the standing quater mile in less than 25 seconds, can i get the length of the standing quarter reduced? What you mean i need to buy a faster car if i want to do that? Technology (and games) move on, keep up or be left behind fella, don't ask them to hold back progress for the sake of mass appeal.
Thats EXACTLY what im saying there. thanks for putting that in normal person terms (or normal ish person terms)
It's a common belief that games are primarily rendering-driven, and in some respects this is true. From a player's point of view rendering is most of what matters. It's the window you have into the world of the game, so it's understandable this is the view most people who haven't coded games before would have. It's also true that in some game the rendering is indeed the primary processing bottleneck. This is not the case in Planetside 2 and is also not the case in most MMO's - but most MMO's aren't super action based. I'm not saying that DX11 won't make anything better, far from it. I'm saying that going to DX11 won't make the game suddenly multi-core awesomeness. It also won't make multi-GPU support magically better either. Multi-GPU rendering requires the CPU to be running at 2-or-more-times the number of frames that the GPU is running. If the CPU can process 60fps, then adding video cards won't make that faster. In all cases, the game has to use the CPU to process everything the graphics cards need to process. These suggestions also tend to say that using DX11 or some kind of GPU processing helps take the load off the CPU, and technically this can be true, but the cost is input latency. John Carmack recently posted an article about latency that anyone technically-minded should take a little time to read. It's excellent (because he's a very smart guy) and we use many of those strategies already. There are two primary strategies to multi-core coding, and these are "wide" or "phased". Using a "wide" multi-core strategy means splitting the tasks across multiple cores and handing them all off at the same time. We already do this for several systems, and we're adding more to this as we move forward. When you split these tasks up, what you're doing is taking a list of things to do and handing it to 4 or 8 people and having them all calculate independently and give the results back. The success of this strategy can vary depending upon many factors, including cache strategies for the processor, inter-object dependencies, and mutex overhead. If you pass off a huge number of tasks, but the startup and clean up time is large you may end up actually slowing things down on some (if not all) processor architectures. This strategy has the best (lowest) latency but is also the most complex to code and (done wrong) adds significant unpredictability and instability to the code. The "phased" strategy splits up tasks into discrete parts or "phases" and then you do each of these tasks on a different core. Each core does it's work and passes the results to the next core, who passes it to the next core, and so on. This was actually the first strategy I heard of for dual-core machines because it's easy in many ways, but the latency of the game isn't improved, even if the frame rate is. This is because there is still a linear path for the game logic. This is also the only real way to get the GPU to do work for the CPU, so when you want to pass the GPU additional work, you're making the overall frame rate faster but you're introducing a significant latency problem if the GPU you're using is also doing rendering work at all. This is because the GPU is typically 2- or 3 frames behind the CPU on PC's (these are sometimes called "pre-rendered frames"). We use a couple of tricks to limit this because the pre-rendered frames also introduce additional latency (again, see John Carmack's article for more about this), but it can never be completely eliminated. The "phased" strategy is also known as having a "separate rendering thread" - and this is also a big part of the "power" of the DX11 multi-threaded changes. In older DirectX pipelines the rendering thread had to wait for results (most of the time) when communicating with the drivers, but DX11 reduces this interdependence. Planetside 2 uses both of these strategies, each chosen for how appropriate it is for the task in question. It takes quite a bit of time to make changes and then monitor how they work in real-world situation and then evaluate the results to ensure both stability and consistency across platforms. In my office, I have four PC's right now (besides my dev box - which I don't count as a real performance test) - two AMD and two Intel machines. I wish there was a faster way to do this, but there isn't. Rushing multi-core changes out are a recipe for instability and generally a bad idea. This discussion can go on for a long time, but honestly it's really technical and I have been writing up part of this as I have time throughout the day and weekends. I hope this helps describe just a little bit about where we stand, and I know this doesn't answer everything. I'll try to answer more, and we really are watching and reading these threads on the forums. Please understand that there are hundreds of posts a day, so we simply don't have time to respond to them all, and especially not in this (or greater) detail. Thanks again, and I hope to see you all on the battlefield. If you're TR or VS, I hope to see you in my sights. [edit: somehow I changed the font size for a paragraph]
I have the same issue with my ATI 5770. At times, the video card will get hot forcing me to lowering my resolution (already lowest settings) and a beeping sound is released from my computer.
He is. The right mix of thorough theoretical understanding and engineering cut-corners mentality. I've been following his VR stuff a little bit but hadn't seen that post. For those interested, you can find it here.
You probably shouldn't run FurMark on your 660Ti if they give you a new one. It's considered a "power virus" and is known to destroy GPU's to the point that Nvidia had to implement new measures to prevent those kind of programs from destroying cards. I don't understand why people even run them, since they don't simulate real world games, but just overheat the GPU as much as possible. With the fan curve I have set on my GTX 660Ti, running PS2, it never gets above the 60's C. Skiptrace: The CPU next to your frame rate means that's what's limiting you, not what's doing the rendering. The GPU is doing the rendering, while the CPU does other stuff. The CPU is currently doing physics calculations, which is one of the reasons there's such a huge CPU bottleneck right now, and why the game is so GPU intensive.
facepalm That shows your bottleneck, not what is rendering the game. What this means is that, you CPU is weaker then your gpu in this game. Let's say your gpu is capable of 40 FPS. Then let's say you're CPU its capable of 20 FPS. You will get only 20 FPS, but since your gpu doesn't need to create all 40 FPS, the gpu Usage will go down. Since your card is even downclocking, and you said your CPU is your bottleneck, this means your CPU us to wreak for this game. Maybe after the optimizing you will get better FPS, but your gt 450 isn't the issue.
Still awaiting that thorough (or just any kind of blurb at all) on why we're also being sent exponential hierarchical instructions for particle / lighting / animation / vector + attachment datas for 100's of players at a time who not-only aren't even in Line of Sight to begin with, but won't just suddenly pop into sight within the limits of 20-30 frames, much less that 2-3 "frames-ahead"... Is it because the rumors are true and SOE only just figured out last year in Beta how to Multicore that same player data per-"Hexagon" of in-game server territory?...and handling more intuitive culling routines is beyond their Net Code planning/scope b/c this engine was primarily made for the next Everyquest which is the antithesis of a twitch shooter? ...yes I know, that's a terrible amount of assumptions but that's just some people's logic "phases".
Another solution is underclocking your CPU with MSI Afterburner program. Lowering core clock frequency works for me.
Underclocking your CPU with MSI afterburner? what? when did they add that? annyways, yes that might reduce temps, but it will also cripple performance even more. his temps are very high in all those games posted, somethings wrong with his PC. I recommend cleaning it out.
Your CPU already underclocks itself dynamically to save power... If you're having heating issues with an i5M your laptop must have a serious cooling problem(like clogged with dust or the heatsink broke off).
Greatly appreciate the concern. I ran it for literally a few minutes to see peak unreasonable temps. Both AMD and Nvidia have implemented changes that protect against overloading the cards via things like Furmark. There's a thingamajig on the Nvidia cards themselves that regulates power draw introduced I think with the 500 series. I would certainly not use Furmark on an older card for any significant period of time. They did give me a new one, it's on the way
Why isn't OpenGL used when it's known to be faster then DirectX. Last i checked, Carmack the "very smart man" uses OpenGL.