[GOON] Biggest Swaggest Outfit IN THE WORLD

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by Admiral Snuggles, Dec 18, 2012.

  1. Epic High Five

    Anybody can invite! We have open recruitment on the recruitment window or if that's not working (who knows with that thing) just refer to the CoB website to see who is on to hit up for an invite


    If they don't respond, spam it again! We're always hopping around and we're an ADD lot but we're happy to have anybody.

    After that, check the message of the day and hop in the mumble and join in on the fun! Mumble is where all the action is
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  2. NoJumpers

    Welcome again. I can't wait to work with you guys Saturday to kill some damned cultist freaks :D
  3. Gaghskull

    This weekend was an odd one for [GOON]. While it was double XP, it was also some of the strangest events we've seen thus far. Knowing about the enigmatic thing known as "lobster drawers"

    Find ways to get vanguards to leap over each other.

    And the noble game of C4 stacking.
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  4. ovakin

  5. Epic High Five

    I do take care to resolve these things and I wish you would've taken it to me directly, but I appreciate you bringing this to my attention and I will discuss it with all parties involved
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  6. ovakin

    You are right, posting it here because of an action of an individual doesn't seem fair to others in your outfit. I'm glad that I got a respond. Deleted the post.
  7. Epic High Five

    I appreciate the courtesy on your part. Periphery is a long standing and great member of GOON who spends pretty much 100% of his time in the most terrifying battle bus on Auraxis, which is a nice way of saying he's got a lot of TK's so don't judge him by his planetside.tk page or anything
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  8. EViLMinD


    A couple days ago, one of your members, B0DACIOUS, team killed me because I accidentally shot at members of GOON. There was an enemy Infiltrator present and I was shooting at him. Unfortunately, some of my bullets hit one of your members. My FF was completely understandable, though. Anyone with a brain could see this. I couldn't have done much damage, either; plus, I immediately said sorry. I DON'T attack teammates for no reason.

    Afterwards, I msged B0DACIOUS asking why he did it. His response was that I was now a target of GOON. Really...

    Let me make it clear that I have no beef with your outfit. None. I DO, however, have a problem with backstabbing trolls who hide behind their friends.

    I'm just giving you a heads up that what happens between your mate and I has absolutely nothing to do with you. Wrongs must be made right, ya know.
  9. Epic High Five

    We don't actually have a formal KOS list or anything so I'm not sure what he was on about. I'll check into it and take action as necessary. I'd also like to note that ***-for-tat is probably the worst way to go about this, as Wisdomcube has proven time and time again. I'm not the boss of anybody here though, just the space dad, so obviously do as you please with the understanding that GOONs are very protective of one another about TKing

    Let me have a chat with him and take whatever actions may be necessary, and let me state formally here that I'd greatly appreciate it if day to day matters like this are handled through /tells or PMs as opposed to being posted on the outfit thread. These matters are always swiftly resolved and in no way GOON-specific.

    edit - also, we don't really use this thread as an outfit. I check it from time to time and have an alert set up but if it's a pressing matter anybody would be much better served to PM me or send me a /tell in game
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  10. EViLMinD

    Thanks for the response. I'll respect your request and leave the creep alone for one day. But, he crossed the line and needs to be slapped for it.

    Like your outfit, I'm very protective of my own (me). Moreover, I detest intentional griefers when there's no valid justification. Revenge for an unjust killing, I do get however. This is why I'll kill those who grief me. I don't want to. I'd much rather attack enemies. Much rather. Fighting allies sucks, man.

    What your mate did was stupid. You don't troll players with my level of experience and unlocks (and sour disposition) and then threaten an outfit kos. You don't do that. Not right. Not wise. Not cool.
  11. Gaghskull

    We here in GOON love our weird creations. Every Sunday is PROSE OPS. Where GOONs share poetry, songs, and anything else we can create. It really is a magical time. But then once in a awhile someone comes up with something much more magical.
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  12. Colonelveers12

    *sniffle* that was just beautiful
  13. NoJumpers

  14. Gaghskull

    GOON is here and man do we rule. Typically on Fridays or Saturdays GOON runs TRIVIA OPS. Those are the most important ops of the week besides drunk ops (that's every night). For trivia, some goon offers up a small prize and creates trivia questions that the rest of the outfit must answer in outfit chat. Whoever answered the most at the end wins the prize! This past weekend, in honor of double XP, was a little special. Amazing goon and all around guy Reubensandwhich offered up not one, but two amazing prizes.

    First, 4500 in station cash. (This was won by me, which was then spent on cosmetics. Rule #1 in GOON is looking swag at all times:cool: ).
    Second, 1500 station cash only for Server smash, so that we could continue to blare horns and wear cowboy hats for other servers to find. One day, every single NC account used by server smash will have camo. And all of them will have been bought by Goons.

    There's been talks about running more amazing prize nights for trivia ops, so come on down and join the outfit that doesn't just look swag, have the swaggest stats, but offers amazing prizes just for participating!
  15. Colonelveers12

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  16. Epic High Five

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    I had search for this thread. :eek: That means this thread is not active!I would like permission to run some adverts to keep this thread active from time to time. Is that OK? I think the original poster needs to update the post so we don't have that much confusion on where to go...
  18. Epic High Five

    Go for it! It's tough to keep this one active when we're an outfit associated with another forum entirely. I'll start you out:

    Noted GOON revenge shows us that we're all inferior people who should bow to him
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    :eek: :eek::eek::eek: I'm active on 9 other forums entirely... (though it varys):rolleyes:
  20. Epic High Five

    Somethin wrong wit yo head. SA is all u need. beefsteak. BEEFSTEAK.

    Also like all my posts nerd I'm trying to keep my Like:post Ratio over 1.0 b/c I'm MLG and all these responses I'm having to make are nuking mah laydurrrr
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