[GoodNews] TR-NC Faction Marking Changes

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by CuteBeaver, Feb 9, 2015.

  1. CuteBeaver

    While hard at work on my camo guide (on test server) I noticed there were sweeping changes for both TR and NC after the latest test server patch. DISCLAIMER : Stuff like this can change on test so what I am about to show could be different then what actually makes it to live servers.

    SOE Daybreak:) has toned down the intensity of red being used for the TR. They also allowed camouflage to cover up the solid red back patch. **Dances happily** That solid red .... MONSTROSITY --- was just killing allot of my attempts to hide properly as TR. When originally making my camo guides concept I wanted to include all three factions... Sadly I had given up after hours of trying to conceal TR and NC with any degree of confidence. Now these changes give me hope that ambition will once again be possible. To me the NC look unfinished but its already a massive step forward.
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  2. Fry_Poncho

    Yay! I can haz hidingz naow!
  3. vanu123

    Meanwhile VS is covered in teal and it looks terribad. If they are going to make us look more like a bullseye at least make us look good and not like trashy NC.
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  4. I_am_the_kiwi

    Now i get to look stylish whilst slaying people, RIGHT ON! Having said that I think certain camos make my butt look big :(

  5. Leivve

    Are you female or male?
  6. AlterEgo

    All they have to do now is make the NC look like this guy from the trailer:

    Looks much better than our current Lego Warrior 2012 Edition.
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  7. AlterEgo

    Also add the old Terran model!
    Where are THESE guys?
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  8. Lord_Avatar

    Do these changes apply to all classes, or are they Infiltrator exclusive?
  9. CuteBeaver

    All classes get the changes. For example NC Engineers will no longer have the bight yellow backpacks.
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  10. Lord_Avatar

    Awesome. As long as players are virtually the only dynamic element of the gamescape camo will be of limited use (as the human eye is hard-wired to prioritize movement above all other stimuli), but this is good news nevertheless. :cool:
  11. TheBlindFreak

    Good god, FINALLY.

    I remember when NC infils got that stupid bra. I questioned the decision and T Ray pretty much told me to deal with it.
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  12. Auzor

    After two years, NC loses the fluo-yellow road safety markings?

    Pity they waited for PS4 release for it.

    Maybe they could make the "silhouettes" more distinct between factions somewhat; if it needs compensating.

    All hail our new Daybreak overlords.
    This also means spotting will become more important, and maybe infiltrator tools.
    (new infiltrator tool: spots enemies within X m, keeps one enemy spotted, etc. )

    (Dear Daybreak overlords.. add mouseyaw, pretty please?)
  13. Souleater

    Back when the game launched INF silhouettes were distinct enough to tell cloaked factions apart. I the range of helmets has blurred the lines partly. But oddly i feel the cloaked shape isn't as distinct as it used to be. Could just be my imagination.
  14. Heyitsrobbie1984

    maybe these guys might have a new art direction. fingers crossed guys :D
  15. Liewec123

    very cool news, i just checked out the PTS and can confirm its updated the same way for male chars :)

    it might be wrong to say, but this is one of the reasons i didn't like Tray,
    need faction colours? lets give you a bra and crotchless pants...

    glad to see we're finally getting some decent infiltrator looks!
  16. CuteBeaver

    Yeah I hope they keep the changes Iv been having fun with camo's.

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  17. Liewec123

    lol XD for the first half of the video i thought you were just recording trees!
  18. Moonheart

    I'm happy for TR/NC.

    Now, for myself, I always thought that one of the fun part of being a stalker is to allow me to wear that flashy holo camo I got in the anniversary bundle without being shot at every corner :p