Still rejoicing over the .75 removal, can't wait to see fellow VS either 1.) not playing HA, or 2.) not making that obnoxious Orion/BG firing sound every 2 seconds. Not sure if this LMG change will be enough to entice people to use other classes, though...
average VS player autism in a nutshell. if i, as a semi-hardcore TR player, can freely shoot both NC and TR guns, VS sobs cant shoot anything but 1n. *claps*
To many VS are panicking about the loss of .75 ads. i get the same performance out of my Bull as i do my Orion. Since they are removing the .75 ads and lowering the recoil Orion is going to turn into quite the head hunter.
yeh i dont think itll make it any less powerful. Might stop some of the bullet dogding going on which good players seem to be able to really exploit. But lower recoil? given the already good accuracy of the orion, players will stop dodging and land 4 headshots out of 6 shots and just land 4 straight headshots
Well it's not all bad news. Isn't the FSRM on the Pulsar LSW getting lowered? About time that thing got pulled out of the trash bin. I'll be interested to see how the Battlegoosing Vanus get on if(?)/when these changes go live.
I think people are complaining too much as well... Sure, it sucks that one of our last faction traits has gone, but it hasn't killed those guns, and it's made others (which aren't as bad as people say, and have been unfairly ignored) more competitive. From what I've seen, the improved hipfire means we'll be able to HF further away (so retaining 100% speed compared to 75%) and when we need to ADS, we're no worse off than others. That said.... I think the LMG balance pass is complete BS. It's not a LMG balance pass, it's a nerf vs guns pass, because the stuff they're changing on other weapons is variations on silly, unnecessary, pointless etc. without making some of the many changes that ARE needed. And don't even get me started on buffing the Anchor, which is already as OP as Orion is supposed to be...
If a player only plays VS because of the Orion/BG then I'd prefer they go somewhere else; I'd rather have diversity.
It's a mess with the SVA when you look at it properly, the LSW's first shot recoil shouldn't get touched at all. See this table i made of SVA+LSW as on PTS. Since compensator is highly desirable on LMGs (not like you're going to hipfire well anyhow at 4.00+ moving CoF), they're just making both weapons virtually identical, except LSW will be slightly better in CoF both hipfire and ads. So we're effectively losing one LMG as it is. FRSM was never the LSW's problem (same first shot recoil as CARV and EM6), it's just that with live server stats and same damage model, players were bottlenecked into thinking that the LSW was bad because it's not an SVA. Unless you want 2 guns to have the same stats (why have 2 then?), the issue can but lie in the other stats. There is enough room to fiddle with those on the same damage model, DBG just isn't taking that route. I have trouble understanding how they can nail it so well in terms of balance (Blackhand, Archer, Spiker revamp, the proposed change to Polaris/EM1/Rhino) at times, and screw up so hard on others, like these Orion/SVA/LSW changes.
Orion/BG/SVA with .75 ads is an unfair advantage and is long overdue for a nerf, but anyone who thinks that those VS heavies spanking you now, won't still be spanking you afterwards is in for a very unpleasant surprise. You will still die until you improve your own play, the only thing that is going to change is you wont have the ".75 ads OP" excuse to make yourself feel better.
Says the person that has over twice the kills with the NS-15 than the CARV. Face it, you just want the VS to get nerfed because you can't hack it as infantry against them.
VS just had the most 0.75 ADS LMG's. There is only 4 in the game. NS-15M(NS) Orion(VS) BG(VS) SVA-88(VS) 3 out of the 4 are VS. 0.75 ADS shouldn't be on ANY LMG what so ever.
Tthree out of the four of those (i.e. all the VS ones) had some of the worst accuracy stats, DPM, and attachment options in the game. It was a trade off, better ADS movement for terribly everything else. It's almost like no one ever looked at that and instead only focused on the movement speed and cried nerf for no reason until they they got what they wanted.
You do know that I've been all for those weapons being buffed to compensate & for the VS arsenal to be improved.
*movie guy announcer voice* Planetside 1: Awesome guns everywhere, real asymmetrical balance, factions are essentially balanced. Planetside 2: With the constant Nerfing of Nanites, the factories are breaking down - Currently unknown by the majority of Auraxians, the days of high technology will soon be at an end. Planetside 3: Warfare redefined, this time, without all those firearms in the way of Balance™.... *cuts to trailer*
They've been half buffed at best while the rest of our LMG's are still sub par. Not only that, you've never once called for the Carnage, BR GR-22, or Bandit to loose it's 0.75 ADS. Wonder why that is?