Good TR Medic build?

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by IberianHusky, Jun 19, 2014.

  1. IberianHusky

    So I am going to start certing into my medic, but I am not sure what I should cert into. I know res nades are a given, and I already have my med gun pretty much certed out, but I'm not sure if I should cert into nanoweave or grenade bandoleer. Also, should I cert into for my ability?
  2. MorganM

    Finish off the med tool first. Top priority. Being able to revive people faster AND full health is a huge benefit not only your allies but you as well. You have to factor in more than just the reduction in time to revive someone. Also factor in you are eliminating the time it takes to wait for them to jump up and then top them off. Being able to execute the revive and move on to the next person is a huge improvement. If you aren't topping off your allies after you revive them without a fully certed tool you are doing everyone a diservice and pissing them off. People will swear at you over /y , proximity, and even TK you for it.

    I like the Cycler TRV as the RoF is epic yet still not hard to control. 1x Reflex or IRNV is all you need. If you think you need zoom beyond that you have the wrong gun equipped. T1 Cycler (default gun) is a fine weapon though. I got the TRV via the questionaire but if you are strapped for certs / SC you can stick with the T1 for a long time. Forward grip helps a lot. Again you'll want at least the 1x Reflex and IRNV. 2x is nice to have but usally gets you killed once you get into CQC.

    Wouldn't bother with the grenade bandolier. Rarely need more than one and if you do you are rarely far from a resupply point. Nanoweave or Flak will save your butt more often than an extra revive 'nade will help.

    Nano vs Flak is a personal choice. Ideally you will have both eventually and swap as the situations change. Do you typically eat bullets or eat explosions? The answer determines which suit slot you should cert into first.

    I actually like the new shield regenerator + med kits. I roll with 3 medkits. That way I can deply the generator in a choke point and still heal myself 3 times. Usually there's another medic near by anyway to heal me but not always. I use medkits WAY more than C4; wouldn't bother with it. If you need C4 you should go swap classes.

    A good pistol is nice to have. I have the black Commisioner and it's a hand cannon; love it. Get used to switching from med tool to pistol ... not your rifle. You switch to the pistol nearly instantly and can engage someone if you get cought with your tool out =^.^= Trying to switch to your rifile almost always results in you dieing before you even get a shot off. Commi will kill most ppl in 2 or 3 hits if you are close enough! The Repeater is a fine pistol too so don't feel like you MUST get a 'better' one. I'd still switch to that over my rifle every time because you'll win more than you loose.

    Cert up your AoE heal even if you use the shield gen frequently. Sometimes you just need it... a lot of times you need it. Especially if there's already a medic in the area using the shield generator; you should then use AoE so you guys synergize your loadouts.
  3. SharkSpider

    There are a few solid choices for medic. If you tend to go for forward grips and aiming down sights I recommend using full nanoweave, the shield bubble, and taking medkits. This gives you the fastest access to full health of any class, and along with a TRV or TAR it makes you capable of competing with heavy assaults in firefights. Definitely puts the combat in to combat medic.

    If, on the other hand, you prefer hipfiring with laser sights I recommend going for the health AoE, nanoweave, and C4. This type of medic is actually more of a support role because you haven't maximized your 1v1 capabilities, but it's very good at what it does because you're always mobile. Stick with your CQC-oriented allies, gun down anyone trying to flank, and use that C4 to take part in AV and anti-MAX duty.

    Grenade bandolier medics are more situational. You either run them to farm certs on revives or you do it because you're with an extremely tight knit squad filled with players you trust to make good use of a revive to half health in situations too dangerous for you to get to them. I'd hold off on this until you have the experience to know exactly why you're equipping it without having to ask anyone.
  4. WarmasterRaptor

    I still use the default gun or the S variant for my TR medic. Sometime a shotgun for ultra close quarters scenarios.

    Otherwise, AoE heal can wait a little in the cert lines, but the Med gun is a must for the 100% health quick rez and fast healing.
    Can't talk 'bout the shield bubble, didn't tried it yet, and still not really attracted to it.

    Rez nades are awesome especially with a bandolier.
    Running with 3 of them, you can make a squad/platoon hold it's own for hell of a while if not outright win a fight.

    And if you run with the AoE heal, pass the medkits, get C4.
    You'll always find something fun to do with this. Grants a limited vehicle counter that the medic doesn't have by default.
  5. Sagabyte


    2: Get XP boosts. It helps for the medtool.
    3: For guns, it's really a preference issue. Personally, I believe that the default gun, TORQ, and SABR-13 are all you need to be a good medic. All guns are awesome.
    4: AoE heal is nice, so cert it out.
    5: Shield Regenerator is for pushing a base and securing a room. It's great for making a small deployable base. However, the AoE heal is a little better as it can heal you.
    6: Use your implant of choice, but don't use regeneration (as you already regen. On that same token, skip the medkits too)
    7: Use the pistol you want.
    8: Hang back in infantry pushes; you are the most important part of any push along with engineers.
    9: Use Res grenades and perhaps equip grenade bandolier to res multiple people and get all the certs.
    10: You may want to stick with nade bandolier or nanoweave in terms of armor.

    I've spent 1/3rd of my time in game playing medic, so you can trust me on these points.
  6. Tyrant103

    I personally would cert into Advanced Shield Capacitors rather than Grenade Bandoleer or NW.

    It's also the cheapest of the 3 coming in at 341 certs for being maxed out.

    While full NW will only save you by 2 bullets @ lvl 5 for 1211 certs.

    While the other certs can be more quickly put into your ability (Nano-Regen Device)

    This may make Med-kits unnecessary and c4 a more viable option. Being cheaper it will let you use the other-wise non available certs, to be invested into weapons, attachments, or into those options you are currently considering but at a slower pace.
  7. Admiralty

  8. IberianHusky

    So I have decided to cert into AOE heal, nanoweave, and C4, because I don't like to feel completely helpless against vehicles.

    For my weapon I'm not sure if I should stick with my T1 or get a TRV. I already have a TAR but I prefer something that can get access to a 2x sight and can be used relatively easily at most ranges. I will probably get a TORQ eventually, but not until I've finished certing out C4 and nanoweave. I need something a bit more cost effective. I currently use the T1 with a 2x sight and grip and that seems to be getting the job done pretty well.
  9. Luminiouscow

    The TAR as your CQC-MQC weapon.

    The SABR-13 as your MQC-LQC weapon.

    The TX1 Repeater always as your secondary.

    Grenade Bandolier

    Nano Regen Kit (whatever it's called)

    Revive Grenades

    Any implant

    C4 or Restoration Kit (The reason I chose restoration kit is because you can stack heal your health when used with your nano regen kit)

    Am I missing anything?
  10. thingymajigy

    TAR is the short range hipfire
    TRV is the short range ADS Both TAR and TRV can extend to medium range with a foregrip
    T1 is very good as a all-rounder, the TORQ is similar but not worth 1000 certs

    You have to think about your pistol as the CQC rifles have such a long reload

    revive nades--a bit meh, only cert if you are happy with everything else
    C4--Only get the second brick only after you have certed everything else

    Nanoweave helps when you're reviving teammates, because you are easy target and it will help you survive.
  11. Certs-For-Days

    This is my standard Medic loadout:
    Primary: Cycler TRV or NS-11P
    Secondary: TX1 Repeater
    Tool: Maxed out Medic Gun

    Ability: Shield Bubble (this is a MAJOR cert grinder)
    Suit: Nanoweave
    Grenade: Revive Grenade
    Utility: C4 (because of your Implant)
    Implant: Regeneration

    Hope this helps!
  12. BlueSeventy

    Basic Guide to Medic:

    Cert Order:
    1. Med-Tool -> Rank 5/6
    2. Med-Ability -> Max
    3. Suit Slot -> 2/5
    4. Primary Weapon Customization -> Max
    5. Suit Slot -> Rank 4/5
    6. C4 -> 1 Block
    7. Med-Tool -> Rank 6
    8. C4 -> 2 Blocks
    9. Suit Slot -> Rank 5/5

    Medic Loadouts:

    Cert Grinding (Find Crowded Fights)
    Default Weapon {T1 Cycler)
    Secondary of Choice
    Shield Bubble
    Flak Armor

    Standard Loadout
    TAR (1x, Forward Grip, Soft Point Ammo)
    Underboss w/ Laser Sight
    Nanite Regen Device (Aura)
    Nanoweave/Flak Armor

    This is how I did it, and it was a great experience for me. Just my .02, not exactly a guide per se.