Good thing they nerfed NC Max Reload speed

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kaktwox, Apr 27, 2013.

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  1. Singed

    It's not even a very good looking shield. Personally I preferred the one shown on FNO that looked like the shield on the NC mana turret.
  2. Van Dax

    Hey guys atleast you got new animations, they just made us glow and altered stats. I hate how neglected vanu feels sometimes.
  3. JP_Russell

    Nah, I like this one more. Looks more riot shield-esque.
  4. Revanmug

    It's neat, true. But let me ask you something...

    How many time are you going outside as a NC MAX in front of a tank?
    Yup, that's what I thought. It is pretty awesome for a situation that doesn't and won't ever happen with the new AV weapon...
  5. DashRendar

    I can see its usefulness in a 1v1 (how often does that happen in a max suit?), and thanks to the reload while shielded, it now has one actual tactical use. I sure hope the shield extends to the harasser buggy and not just the max itself, otherwise the other two max abilities are god mode from a buggy and the nc ability is useless. Shield ability useless in AA role, while others increase effectiveness (as if it needs it). The shield ability may help the nc max cover some of its lost ground thanks to the nerf, but the other two max abilities take them to even new heights which make it irrelevant.

    The nc max ability should have been -50% RoF, +50% dmg, +25% health, -25% mobility all at once. The aegis I am not convinced on yet. Need to see actual gameplay and not VR wanking.
  6. Wintermaulz

    This could easily happen to say:
    AV max's (hur dur)
    AA max's (block all those rocket pods then proceed to burst them down)
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  7. Revanmug

    You are standing in the open with AV guns? You should rethink your way of playing. It would make you more effective for your faction.

    I'm sorry, I'm not blind. I burst them before they get too close while simply walking off.
  8. Zaik

    current implementation of aegis shield + new flak armor makes the NC max next to unkillable, but completely unable to kill anything.

    let's be real for a second though, there is no way that aegis shield will have a 20k health pool at live. this is just a way to get people to test it because anyone in their right mind knows it's going to be completely useless at 4k health without sprint, reloading, and having one arm able to shoot.

    i tried it. the shield does not allow you to guide the sparrow, so only the falcon can really be used. the current shield lower + shooting falcons + pulling shield back up takes longer than the reload speed on any non vanguard tank. so yeah, AV applications = none atm, it's just a big stalemate where you can't die and can't damage the tank, eventually they just try to run you over because they know you can't lower your shield until they shoot, but as soon as they do you can lower and immediately raise it again and it will have regenerated most, if not all of the damage they did.

    as for AA, already covered that above. technically the ttk on a MAX from direct hits by rocket pods(same as lightning rear, 6 rockets or ~ 1 sec on the ESFs screen which gives you about .4 seconds to see it, react, and pull up shield which takes longer than .4 anwyay) wouldn't allow time to pull the shield up reactively, just like everything else. but 99% of esf pilots are bad and just spray them everywhere even though they're hoverspamming so it's not that big a deal.
  9. Jachim

    Guys, the shield is garbage. If you need to [insert something the shield wasn't designed for but charge was here]

    But obviously Lockdown is great because it helps increase damage. [No mention that you cannot charge to get to safety not to mention you're locked in place...]
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  10. Tekuila

    Oh the possibilities running through my mind.
  11. Plunkies

    Wow so the shield turns a 4 second reload vulnerability into a two second reload vulnerability. How horribly overpowered. Not like extreme increases in dps that the other factions get.

    The shield has almost no practical application. A slow start up combined with sacrificing all offensive capability to absorb a limited amount of damage from the front. It's terrible. And it would remain terrible even if the shield never breaks from any damage. It's poorly implemented and does nothing that charge doesn't already do a hell of a lot better.
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  12. Laraso


    I was starting to get a little worried with all of the "shield sucks" threads I've been seeing. That video alone erased all my doubts about the shield. That thing is seriously amazing and it's way more than I was expecting. Anyone who can't see the value of having a shield as durable as that is just dumb and should have their posting rights revoked.

    If you pay attention, the protection activates immediately as soon as you use the ability. The start-up animation is purely cosmetic.

    I think I'm starting to become stupid by reading the posts on this forum. Perhaps I should stay away from a while.
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  13. LanceHavenbay

    Fairly sure it is a placeholder.
  14. LanceHavenbay

    Or you should realize that 1v1 the shield is Ok at best. Even 1 more infantry and you are ******. This is a war game, not a "grab your MAX and try to camp one man" game.

    Against even a small squad, several shielded MAXs would get rolled. It has very high explosive resistances, but the small arms absorption needs to be upped by about %400.
  15. Laraso

    The guy in that video was virtually invincible. The NC MAX will easily win 1v1 fights, regardless of where they are or what they are fighting. There's no way to kill a shielded NC MAX 1v1 with the shield. You can lower the shield whenever the enemy reloads to recharge it. You could keep that up indefinitely until they were completely out of ammo. If you increased the shield strength by 400%, a single NC MAX could easily defend bases against small squads completely solo. As you can see from the video, Nano-Accelerator can activate while using the shield, meaning that even if you do take damage, you can just raise your indestructo-shield and repair any damage you may have taken.

    Increasing the durability of the shield any more would be near game breaking. You'll start seeing a dramatic rise in NC MAXes, way beyond how it was before the NC MAX shotguns got nerfed. Fighting an NC MAX will go from being occasional to being the norm. Most NC infantry will be comprised of Nano-Accelerator shield MAXes.

    The shield shown in that video is stupidly durable, to the point that I might even call it overpowered. You're asking for a durability buff?
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  16. MintiFresh

    Doubling your damage output doesn't mean **** when you can't live long enough to use it. The root is trash, and SOE didn't listen when a ******** of people told them to get that idea the hell out. Now there's another worthless ability that will never see use, while NC maxes become all the more superior to every single other max unit in the game.
  17. LanceHavenbay

    -Concussion grenade.
    -Flash grenade
    -C4 on the ground and allow the Max to walk past* the C4
    -Bounce grenade off the wall. If he turns around, shoot him/rocket him
    -You are not supposed to 1v1 a MAX anyways.
    -TR/VS MAX do not need a shield because they can mow you down with Lockdown/ZOE in less than half a second and continue doing so for about 8 seconds.

    More than one player fighting that MAX allows for an extremely* easy flank against said MAX. The second he lowers his shield, he is now vulnerable to two attack fronts.

    Splash damage would negate nanite; more than likely in a battle you would be hit by at least 1 stray bullet even when shielded, if not from an enemy, than from a teammate. Especially if your teammates are crouching behind you.

    Game breaking is that I can almost instantly kill anything* with a ZOE/Lockdown MAX. I can use a Burster MAX as a minigun against infantry, destroy tanks from the rear almost as fast as rocket pods, chase targets, set up an impassable barrier that stacks extremely well with allies.

    1 C4 block that slips past a shield Phalanx = The entire Phalanx is dead, plus anyone following it. Not to mention that MAX not only moves slower, but it only truly viable in CQC and therefore food for anyting that can get the high ground. This is not a bubble around the MAX, it is a shield on the very front. It only blocks damage from the very front.

    If you have forgotten about Rocket Pods, Liberators, Grenades, Snipers, Teamdamage, LMG spray, C4 etc. I shake my head for you.

    If we balanced the game for 1v1 for every weapon, shotguns would take 3-4 shots to kill someone up close, MAX suit would have no reason to exist, Tanks would have no reason to exist, Aircraft would have no reason to exist, C4 would have no reason to exist, neither would any AOE weapon, any large clip weapon are any ability that allowed a class to gain high ground.

    Think about that for a second.
  18. LanceHavenbay

    Betcha ten bucks I could set up a squad of 12 people, 4 AA MAXs, 4 AI MAXs, 2 Engineers and two Medics. Lock down/ZOE the MAXs and you would never touch us.
  19. MintiFresh

    Congratulations, anyone can get a squad of multiple X up and do well with it. However, one person in an NC MAX with a riot shield will be absurdly effective by him/herself without any squad assistance, which is what the problem is.
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  20. Siveon

    These NC soldiers make me laugh, every time they get a clearly OP new feature, their delusion just automatically kick in overdrive and they "cry me a Reaver" on the forums.

    The shield lets you move: meaning you can use it to back off to a safe area or just push forward while absorbing the same amount of HP has another max(20000 hp).
    It regenerates in seconds: by the time you fire off all your bullets the shield is fully recovered.
    It activates instantly: the animation is just cosmetic. The moment you press the key, they shield soaks up everything.

    In the video that was show earlier he wasn't event trying to attack, yet you NC completely ignore this. That and for some reason you think its acceptable that you can go 1on1 versus a tank.
    It just makes me laugh that you cry because "the enemy can just run away", oh yeah a NC MAX is coming lets all just run away and leave the objective... then what we also run away and just leave the base?

    NC MAX was and still is the best in CQC and this will make you an Overlord, pared of with a good engineer you can hold an entrance versus a whole squad.
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