Good news! Full, accurate weapon stats in-game are on the way!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Braken, Dec 24, 2012.

  1. Braken

    Higby tweeted 2 hours ago:

    "Lots of people have been asking for numerical stats for weapons instead of the stat bars. We will be doing that in the new year."

  2. general_azure

    Finally... having to mine through the game files to figure out what those guns actually do, did not really make me want to buy more. Any idea whether we'll get hard info on vehicle weapons or gun upgrades like compensators as well ?
  3. Braken

    Well, I assume he means ALL weapons, including vehicle ones. However, no word on detailed cert info.
  4. Wrel Developer

    How would one go about perusing their game files as it stands?
    Took a quick peek at the folder, but couldn't find a file that jumped out.
  5. Uben Qui

    I miss the days where developers used to talk in informative paragraphs, instead of one sentence tweets. :(
    • Up x 3
  6. BuzWeaverPS2

    I'm looking forward to Symthic's version too. I really enjoy their FPS game weapon charts:
  7. general_azure

    You can either use the python snippets provided here to unpack the game data files yourself, or just look up the extracted numbers in this datasheet.
  8. Braken

    Tell me about it, they have these perfectly good forums, but they never use them...
  9. wolfva

    Welcome to the Information Age....where information is the hardest thing to find.

    About time they're going with hard numbers. Never understood why they went with a bar system to begin with, unless they were tryign to be confusing. Hey...wait a minute....
  10. Malsvir Vishe

    Hard numbers? Thank you!
  11. Wrel Developer

    Outstanding, thanks so much.