Gold club.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Chewy102, Dec 17, 2013.

  1. Chewy102

    If you found a golden snowman, post your proof here and maybe a story.


    After just half an hour looking with my flash, to not draw to much notice, I found this guy on top of Yeti Mountain. It's the 2nd snowman I found so far. Some poor Harasser team almost beat me to him but he didn't want to bother with getting out of his vehicle to climb on foot and missed out by about 100m-150m.
  2. Spude

    So, how much XP did it give you ? or what ?
  3. Admiralty

    What'd u get from it?
  4. Hibiki54

    You get a golden snowman ornament for your vehicles.
  5. Erik

    :( was hoping for something more exciting. Still fun though.
  6. Chewy102

    5,000 XP I think is what you get for a gold snowman with the gold snowman hood ornament. Without boosts of any kind you get 5 certs (1,250 XP) for a normal snowman and 20 for a golden snowman (5,000 XP).

    I don't know if you get anything else for killing more than one golden snowman but XP. Not worth it to hunt them for cert gain when you have countless guys hunting you down, enemy and friendly. I asked one harasser team if they got lucky to get shot before getting a word out only to be TKed soon after with a snow ball to the face asking them WTF.