God Saw

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Schwak, Oct 7, 2013.

  1. HerpTheDerp

    First line and you're already talking nonsense.

    Saves me reading rest of your post, I guess. So thanks
  2. TheTreeness

    I'd only agree with the move COF, the recoil is fine, hipfire is fine its supposed to be a ranged LMG and you are supposed to be penalised for bringing that to CQC fights. HVA vertical recoil penalty can be dealt with so that's a non-issue and that ROF increase would make this, definitely, the most OP infantry weapon in the game by almost topping the Orion TTK while topping the SVA-88 TTK while also having extreme range effectiveness.

    Gauss SAW (Proposed 550 RPM Buff with NW5 Non-HA Classes)
    0.654.. (Bodyshots)
    0.3272.. (Headshots)

    Orion (NW5 Non-HA Classes)
    0.64.. (Bodyshots)
    0.32.. (Headshots)

    These are minimum TTKs which are impossible to reach since I didn't factor in distance/bullet velocity.
  3. Bill Hicks

    LOL @ people who call the gauss saw a long range LMG. The gauss saw is only really good for defensive midrange. ( basically camping and not moving while shooting ie spawn room gun) Anything else is skill.
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  4. Bill Hicks

    Sorry your paper comparison ignores real world. The Orion and SVA-88 are already the number 1 and 2 LMGs in the game by FAR.
    Also: " having extreme range effectiveness" lol I had to laugh at this. The guass saw is mediocre at range. I can waste people at range with the orion almost as good.

    The buffs he suggested would only MAYBE bring on par with the Orion/ SVA 88
  5. TheTreeness

    That's because high RPM weapons are the easiest to use and the Gauss SAW is the hardest to use LMG in the game while being extremely rewarding for complete and infallible accuracy. The fact that you have a better time using the Orion at range than the Gauss SAW shows your lack of investment in the weapon.

    In case you accuse me of not using it at all.
  6. Bill Hicks

    I have 10k+ kills with the gauss saw. You have no idea what you are talking about and never used the gauss saw against real good people. It falls short.

    The fact that you tried to explain why the gauss saw is falling behind in every recorded metric with " That's because high RPM weapons are the easiest to use and the Gauss SAW is the hardest to use LMG in the game " shows a lack of... everything
  7. Pie Chasm

    If you have ever lost to a SVA-88 at stationary ADS range, you deserve to be slapped by a trout.

    10000 kills, or no.

    10000000 even.

    You know it's true.
  8. TheTreeness

    When you achieve 30% accuracy and a minimum of 30% Headshot ratio with the Gauss SAW then you can talk to me. Until then your personal experience with the Gauss SAW means nothing as the NC6 relies on headshots and consistent accuracy to show the true beast.

    Post your stats, I gave up mine about time you gave up yours.
  9. KnightCole

    Where are our HS% with a given weapon even at? Ive only recently been deliberately aiming for heads. It would be quite evident if one looked up my last month's kill sheet. Many more HS kills then before. Of course I wouldnt be talking about my time with the EM4 in the last few days, those are obvious HS kills. I mean with my EM6...been aiming for heads alot with it, getting overall, good results.
  10. JesNC

    IMO the Gauss SAW excels at exactly what the name implies: supporting your squad with continuous automatic fire. It has great accuracy while immobile, high damage and a large magazine, which makes it a total beast at holding down doorways and defending cap points.

    And it's still workable while running and gunning, although if that's your main playstyle I'd suggest one of the other LMGs.

    My overall rating: 8/10
  11. HerpTheDerp

    Literally every weapon in the game with automatic fire mode can "support your squad with continuous automatic fire".
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  12. Schwak

  13. Bill Hicks

    People who stationary ADS are called dead people.
  14. Bill Hicks

    Its ok at defending at cap points. Buts its stupid long reload time makes sure that they enemy will advance on you as you reload.
    I can do better with with a orion and ammo pack at me feet.
  15. TheTreeness

    I'm not bad or a hacker and its nothing to do with the skill quality of Briggs as I'm having similar success on Connery with my TR alt, CshTree.
    IRNV scope lets me clearly see the hitbox of infantry which makes it very easy for me to land headshots, I wasn't a good FPS player when I started PS2 (My old weapon stats on AshTree will attest to this) so I started focusing on improving my accuracy (burst fire discipline, ADADAD/Crouch-Firing, strafe-stop firing) and watching the best infantry player, Glorin/Glorinn/Glorinnn on Connery.
  16. LownWolfe

    Anyone can, its called spray and pray. You throw enough **** at the wall and something will stick.
  17. TheTreeness

    I used the IRNV with the Gauss SAW and never compromised for bodyshots, the initial learning process was very painful but as I got better I started to steamroll my opponents. If you want to attain a higher HSK, try using the IRNV scope and don't compromise for bodyshots unless thats the only thing that's visible.
    Glorin set the standard for HSK at ~30%, but the more I play I'm beginning to believe that 40% is possible, it just requires a very meticulous shooting discipline something that is extremely hard to do (based on personal experience).
  18. Pie Chasm

    I see dead people....

    aka snipers.
  19. KnightCole

    The Gauss SAW could use a nice ADS Accuracy buff. I always AADADADADAD now, even when firing from 100m lol. I always feel like someone is aiming at me.
  20. HerpTheDerp

    People who play sniper INFs are the biggest baddies of PS2, no joke.
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