Global Domination Event...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SikVvVidiT, Sep 14, 2013.

  1. SikVvVidiT

    So let me get this straight.. These developers KNOW they have a major issue with people swaping sides during alerts... And supposably have a fix rolling around in their mines that Higby let us in on... Yet instead of pushing this event back and try it after you patch your "Fix" for the population imbalance, you're going to go ahead and push this event on us....


    What do you think is going to happen (players) when it becomes evident one side is going to win? What happens when it's evident during alerts...

    I just cannot believe the logic or lack thereof that this development team continues to display. It truly is mind blowing...

    /in before fanboi love
  2. Delnar_Ersike

    You'll probably get more people supporting you in forumside, seeing as a lot of people are only here for the negativity.

    The reason is quite simple: the devs want to keep people excited about PlanetSide 2, especially considering the slow decline of player populations over the past year (you'd often get 20,000 people playing globally 6 months ago, whereas these days, you're lucky if you get 15,000 people playing globally). Previously, SOE had used new content for this purpose, but with the recent focus on optimization, the next couple of patches will be very light on new content, so the devs had to think of something else instead.

    The only odd thing about it is why SOE didn't include any method to account for overpopulation/underpopulation for scoring, as well as player alts ghostcapping during server lulls and earning more points for their faction than during server primetimes, when bases switch much slower.
  3. RHINO_Mk.II

  4. CaligoIllioneus

    To make things worse, last patch they nerfed the only alerts that are fair to the underpop factions...single-continent facility alerts. They almost never happen now...I am disappointed there weren't many complaints about it on Forumside, honestly. I felt it was a quite atrocious change and it made me care much less for alerts.