Glitchy reviving. Am I doing something wrong?

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Siilk, Oct 6, 2014.

  1. Siilk

    Ok, a dumb question. I barely play as a Medic but sometimes I just have to when the situation is calling for having one around and no one seems to care to switch. But when I play as as medic, I found that quite often I can't revive fallen friendlies. The "jolly roger" indicator is there, the corpse is fresh(not enought time for the player to respawn on his own), no other medic is trying to revive the guy. So it seems that it should be possible to start reviving him. Yet there's no reviving animation neither there is a revive indicator popping up, nothing. As if I was trying to revive a rock. And the guy stays dead(duh).

    Every once in a while I will manage to revive someone but it's like one out of each 10 killed friendlies or so. Consecutive attempts on the same corpse gives the same result(or rather lack thereof). So what is causing this? Am I supposed to cert a medi tool to revive reliably? Or is this caused by lag or a known bug? Or is that how declining the revival looks from the receiving end? I am really confused...
  2. TheKhopesh

    Reviving has always been negatively (and usually severely) effected by performance issues.
    The October update has seen to it that we will not have smooth reviving for some time now. :(
  3. Siilk

    Oh, I see. Thanks for the info. :)
  4. MajiinBuu

    Just in case... right-click to revive