Glancer still bad.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DeltaGun, Mar 27, 2013.

  1. Compass

    Remember back when Prowlers had bugged anchor?

    The bugged Prowler round in this video goes slower than a fully charged Lancer.

    If you tell me you can't hit poop with the Lancer, then I humbly request our railgun Prowlers from that badawful patch back, because they are clearly not overpowered.

    If you can't hit a target with an 800m/s weapon, that is operator error.
  2. DemoEvolved

    The Glancer should have zero spread by design. That is fundamental to this weapontype design.
  3. Mythicrose12

    Unless vehicles get lock on warnings, most move fairly predictable. The velocity of the lancer allows you them to get hit at ranges they thought they were 'safe' from harm. Two other HA and I were at the crown this weekend and doing decent enough damage as TR moved forces from the Crown to attack Ti Alloys. Most were 2/3 dead or burning before finally moving somewhere we couldn't get them. If we had a fourth lancer, we likely would've been destroying that TR armor column.

    Like any dumbfire weapon, you have to learn when to make your shots. The CoF is annoying, though. You can have the scope centered on a stationary tank and still miss from time to time. I think it's more or less to prevent us from sniping infantry (never mind a Beamer is more powerful than this launcher for that). This is certainly a group weapon. Striker and Phoenix are more solo friendly from what I've seen.
  4. DeltaGun

    How is that a comparison?

    The Prowler

    1. Does triple the damage of the Glancer (vs Aircraft)
    2. No delay between shots, or a charge up time.
    3. Reloads faster than the Glancer.
  5. Ronin Oni

    nice knowin yah then
  6. PLooschacK

    I agree with one or first comments - with today's patch, the only issue left is that it's close to impossible to utilize it's range w/o any kind of zoomed scope. But maybe there are some gifted snipers that can aim at single pixels blinking on the horizon...
  7. Lowback

    I will never understand this "better in teams" crap. It is just silly to say that unless lancers confer a benefit that multiplies damage by some factor to successive hits by other faction members. The relative power to kill armor will increase just as quickly with more strikers, phoenix, or even default launchers.

    If they want the lancer to be a team-oriented weapon, it needs to confer some kind of effect so that the next lancer hit does more damage. By doing THAT, it'd be a proper way to balance the damage increase. People have a chance to get their *** out of there after the first/second laser hit. If you're standing around to eat another 4 shots, you freaking deserve to die!

    People should like my post if they want this to be seen. The forums have a sort-like-reddit mode and the developers prefer that format.
  8. asmodraxus

    Maybe the Glancers BASE damage (150) should be equal to that of the striker (500) they were the same in PS1 which seemed somewhat more balanced in AV weapons, hey if it was 500 maybe they could get rid of the awful charge up as a way of balancing it?

    As it stands the base damage is 10% of all of the lock on weapons other then the Annihilator or the Striker, the other Dumb fire weapons generally out damage by an even larger figure shot for uncharged shot, the DoT is worse on paper, so this weapon is not so much a sidegrade but actually a downgrade to the free rocket.

    The only thing that the Lancer has that are good are the projectile speed and range, except all lock ons have better range 800 - 920 (when locked) whilst the Glancers 525 suddenly is not so good.
  9. Zeke342

    Also, the Lancer has an unpredictable CoF even when ADS. Regardless of aim, or leading the player can STILL miss the shot fully charged or single shot. The Prowler only has to compensate for bullet drop and leading... which is predictable and simple to compensate for. The Lancer should NOT have a CoF when aiming down sight.. it makes no sense that it does.
  10. Compass

    Your proposed issue was "hitting" the target. With a laser that fires at 800m/s, it is relatively easy to properly determine action on a large target such as a Liberator.
  11. Morpholine

    4. Has no COF.
  12. DeltaGun

    I said hitting moving targets, and I was referring to armor which is a much smaller target than a Liberator.

    Besides, the Liberator in your video was hovering so slowly I could probably have landed a S1 rocket or two.
  13. teks

    +1 arquin
    Its working exactly as SOE intended now.
    It is supposed to be a sidegrade while the other two launchers were going to be upgrades.
    Its all part of the plan to phase VS out entirely.

    /end sarcasm
    Don't buy this launcher.
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  14. XParagonX

    So TR and NC get launchers they can use without teamplay, well Vanu has to use teamplay to use their launcher effectively.

    Very nice.

    1 striker makes 1 esf run for his life.
    1 phoenix snipes infantry.
    1 lancer makes a good door stop.
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  15. ScorpDK

    Actually, given some practice and enemy movement prediction, you can easily lead an enemy ESF and blow them out of the sky with several charged-up blasts. Problem is many people expect this thing to be an anti-material rifle that is hitscan and hits for a ton of damage right off the bat.
    Now, it is true that the gun isn't that powerful, but at the same time you can fire it from relative safety if you're tactical about it, and still ensure a near 100% hitrate. I tried it out around the crown, plentiful amount of mossies, libs and Sunderers presented themselves before me, so I sat down in the shade below a tree, unfolded my lounging chair, and went on to practice my shooting skills with this.
    I destroyed several ESF, assisted (and got the kill on several) in blowing up Sunderers at Ti Alloys from long range, and even distracted some prowlers that were chasing after my allies. They came for me, and a Scythe joined in to finish them off with a hail of rockets.

    It's not a One Man Swiss Army Knife, that solves all problems, but it is alot more effective than it was before. Now they can sit down and tweak smaller values on it, like tightening the CoFs a bit more, increase the zoom level a little ...
  16. Zaik

    I remember when the annihilator was first released.

    people thought it was terrible. Then they watched some BCP video or something of a platoon using them and calling targets and immediately all went out and bought it.
  17. DeltaGun

    The shep bought it. The bad ***** among us switch back and forth between the Nemesis (G2A) and Hades (G2G) as necessary when doing such ops. ;)
  18. Zaik

    Now you have one with no immunity counters like IR smoke or flares. A squad of 10 lancers, an engineer, and a medic would do the exact same thing that an annihilator squad would do but slightly better due to not needing lockons.

    Charge level 3 moves at 800m/s, there's absolutely no reason to not hit any vehicle within 500m. Maybe a flash or twisting mosquito, that's it.
  19. Alpharius111

    To guys saying it'll be good in squads at long ranges: have you even tried it in VR at long ranges? The cof is so bad, i doubt it'll be more effective than a squad using S1 at that range. And it certainly be much less effective than using anihilators. Even if it had no COF, without zoom, good luck hitting a moving target ten pixels wide. Would probably involve some manipulation with mouse sensitivity to have any hope at all hitting stuff.
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  20. Barosar

    If teams you're better off being in a team wielding something else.