[Suggestion] Give us the observer camera

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Moukassin, Oct 20, 2014.

  1. Axehilt

    Yeah a delay would be absolutely mandatory for an observer cam. But adding that delay seems like a reasonably time-consuming technical hurdle for a feature that wouldn't add a lot to the game (compared with spending those same dev-hours on bug fixes, polish, and new features that affect actual gameplay.)
    • Up x 1
  2. Degenatron

    It's a fair request. I suspect that the waiting list has gotten very long. Think about it, if there are only 50 players only the list, and each one gets a week, then that's a year long waiting list.

    There's probably more than one account, but there's probably more than 50 people waiting too.

    I think a published waiting list would be a nice, easy QoL improvement for you guys. They could host it in the Player Studio forums.

    Good luck getting the camera!
  3. Zazulio

    I feel like I said that.
  4. Ronin Oni


    Bullet points for readability ;)
  5. MrJengles

    Battlefield managed a demo record for 64 players lasting entire rounds (yet another way 3 & 4 were dumbed down). Shouldn't games be improving over time instead of regressing?

    Didn't SOE say they recorded all actions in a territory once for a whole battle? Or were planning to?

    Yeah, it would mean recording a lot more players but also for a shorter space of time. And it could be monetised. And what the players do with it is free marketing.

    I'm sure it's very challenging and technical, but I'd guess it's possible if SOE wanted to do it. It's just on a long list of things that would be nice...
  6. Archiadus

    The 3 minute delay works in LoL because it's fast paced, unlike PS2 where you can have Sunderers / mines that stay in one position for a lot longer than 3 minute, the only way that it could work would be if the delay would be significantly longer and even then it still wouldn't be perfect.
  7. Moukassin

    Thanks a lot to those who supported us to get the observer camera! And thanks radarX for the quick response!
    Here is what we could do with it:

  8. SpaceZeal0t

    The term for that is "ghosting"