[Suggestion] Give the GD-7F and GR-22 2x red dot sights

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Deadeye, Apr 12, 2013.

  1. Deadeye

    I've been wondering for the longest time why the NC Engineer's GD-7F and the Medic's GR-22 don't have 2x red dot sights. Virtually every other gun has them, even other low range guns like the SMGs and Shotguns. I like to use the 2x sights on my guns for daytime medium range combat but that's not available on these two guns.

    Please add the 2x Red dot sight to these guns, SOE, there's no point in them not having them.

    Post here, guys if there's any other guns that don't get 2x sights that you'd like to see them on.
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  2. daskleineviech

    Fine on the TR front, but I second that. There's no reason the two NC pewpews shouldn't get a "standard" attachment like the 2x.

    Also: extended mags for NS-15M. Thx, k, bye.
  3. Killy80

    I actually wondered about the GR-22 and the 2x red dot the other day.
    But you know what? The GR-22 is damn cheap. They won't give it 2x red dot so people are forced to save for weapons with higher costs, making eventually more people buy them with certs.
  4. OddChelsea

    The GD-7F however is far from cheap and has the same problem.
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  5. EnviousCipher

    Why would you want a 2x on the GD-7? Too much recoil to be bothered with. Just like the Lynx, i wouldn't put anything but a 1x on it, it is a CQC weapon after all.
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  6. Deadeye

    I just like to use the 2X. I find the 3.4x hampers CQC too much but the 2X is nice for some bigger buildings. Shotguns and SMGs are CQC that get 2x, why not the 7F or GR-22?
  7. Syphers

    40 bullets clip for the NC and VS carbines kthx
  8. EnviousCipher

    Well, to me it would be useless on the GD-7F, and its still really easy to get mid range kills with the 1xNV, even without the foregrip. I just think its pointless to put scopes on that don't play to the weapons strengths.

    Can't speak for the GR-22, but it would be a waste of 30 certs on the GD-7F. Recommend ADV Laser sight, Soft point and the 1xNV.

    No. The fast reload more than makes up for it, at least on NC.
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  9. Syphers

    As if the reload speed was truly a detrimental factor as LA, it's already an hit and run class with the highest mobility, getting a safe reload is not a problem. I'd rather get 10 extra bullets than save 1 pathetic second on my reload time
  10. Zaik

    all hipfire oriented weapons do not have 2x sights.

    even the anchor doesn't have it.

    makes no sense to me whatsoever, that seems like it would be the best sight for them to use. maybe that's why?
  11. TheBloodEagle

    It's just as strange from some TR weapons. I think sights are more like personal preference and the way they have it now seems too contrived if it was for "balance".
  12. EnviousCipher

    LA isn't the only unit that can use carbines dude, that and in a high density battle there is not always a good place to hide.

    The quick reload is awesome.
  13. whitupiggu

    There is a GD-7F with a fast reload? Where can I find this? I want it.
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  14. NC_agent00kevin

    Agreed. GD7F is a hipfire weapon. How its listed above is how Ive found it to be most effective.
  15. Xhaleon

    The reasoning is very much that the 2x reflexes are the most versatile sights, just ahead of the 3.4x ones. Having very good CQC performance means it gets gimped by being restricted from having the happy medium, and be forced to use the useless 1x or too strong 3.4x. Ha, you could almost say that the NS-11A is restricted from having the 2x reflex too, since the sight is misaligned.

    At least it means we don't have to spend any certs on sights though, just roll with irons if your faction doesn't have a crappy sight picture.
  16. EnviousCipher

    Stop with the willful ignorance.
  17. Bill Hicks

    That doesnt make sense. The gauss saw is a very good long range weapon and it even gets a 6x scope.
  18. whitupiggu

    I don't see how a 2.7-3 second reload could be considered fast. With only 30 rounds and a ridiculous rof you'll be hitting that long reload a lot more often than you would on a TR carbine.
  19. EnviousCipher

    With NC's ridiculously low COF you rarely hit the bottom of the magazine by the end of engagement anyway. If you're hitting the long reload, you're doing it wrong.

    Besides, the Lynx's (and i refer to the Lynx as its the only carbine worth having on TR) long/short reload are both longer than the GD-7F's long reload. Sure it has 10 rounds more, but in a high intensity fight i don't have the option of waiting for the ridiculously long short-reload on that thing. I'd take lower cap and faster short reload in a heartbeat thanks.
  20. Zaik

    in what world are the 800+ rpm carbines not mirrored? all cof stats are the same on all of them except VX6-7 being slightly more accurate all around and GD-7F having more bloom per shot than anyone else for no apparent reason.