Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by No0T, May 20, 2017.

  1. TR5L4Y3R

    hmmm let me think ...
    personal radar, engagement radar, jet boost (not jetpack), passive nanite healing capacitor for engineers and medics maybe even a shieldbooster, flashlighs to detect cloakers, infantry ammo printer (only for primary and secondary)
    smoke screen or smokegrenadelauncher
  2. LaughingDead

    We don't need abilities that tread into another classes roles, but if the devs want the max to simply hold a point or choke, they should have abilities centered around that.
  3. Okjoek

    I actually agree. Maxes have gotten the shaft more than they should have. I'm sure all the MLG HA players love it, but the MAX is supposed to be a fantastic force multiplier and their selection is incredibly limited. Worst move was getting rid of the charge that allowed you to retreat rapidly.
  4. Nilithium

    Oh, the luxury of not having loud ASF footsteps, with faster reloading, continuous firing, not useless at a range chainguns... The first being important for melee kills.

    /looks at dual AF-41 Ripsaw NC MAX and weeps gently
  5. BadCoding

    Just some thought process, feel free to pickup or discard anything:
    -near immune / immune (except head) to bullets ?
    -take a look at headshot multiplier -> yes / no / reduced value / snipers ?
    -all ranges covered (should they / by what concept / by what weapon type) ?
    -role of the archer ?
    -directional damage / defense ?
    -side = more vulnerable, back = even more vulnerable or just the back or generic infantry concept of all sides even ?
    -MAX vs C4 nanite costs + forced to flak armor
    -installed systems can be damaged to partially function / be broken unless (auto)repaired to a certain %-amount ? -> hit zones on a max affecting suit functionality
    -energy source ?
    -support / close combat / ranged combat / allround combat / intel suits ?
    -individual weapons instead of generic "you must always use 2 weapons" -> multiweapon plattform vs utility / support tools vs extra armor to counter certain damage types vs active effects vs advanced hud vs weapon improvements (weight / energy [grid] limit ?)
    -different options for the classes to deal with and counter the max opposed to "Shoot him !" ? -> range / rooms full of enemies ?
    -improved max rezzable / not infinite rezzes / timer on when allowed to rezz again ?
    -transportation issue: requires logistics no one provides unless caring and worth the effort -> redeploy made possible / unequip suit to gain some nanites back / other solution ?
    -non-gear related bonuses on gear to balance things out ? (AI weapons increasing bullet resistance, AV weapons acting as Flak-armor replacement so that armor can carry an active choice rather than a passive one ? / more tanky = less speed & jump height ? / implant booster [increases effect / reduces time until an implant takes effect; solo implants effect allies around] in exchange for one arm slot ?)
    -MAX at it's worst / best concept and when to pull ?
    -faction presence based costs (zone) ?
    -tertiary gameplay (equip swap) -> gameplay role = tied to Sunderers / base ?
    -role in player base construction ?
  6. Daigons

    I would so spend some real cash to purchase some party DJ equipment and effects for my MAX. Party time after taking a base.

  7. MonnyMoony

    I'm not hopeful - have Maxes been anything other than nerfed from the start?

    They have been made to trigger AV mines - yet get none of the advantages of vehicles (especially collision damage).
    They had charge removed making evading roadkill cheese and C4 almost impossible.
    Zoe was nerfed and made useless - I don't think I have seen a single Zoe max for at least a couple of years if not more.

    I think they have only received one new weapon option over the past couple of years and no new toys/gadgets - aside from the ability to equip some of the new implants.

    Out of all the classes - I'd say Max is in need of the most attention following the upcoming damage model pass.

    AA maxes need a more skill based but more deadly AA option. They also need something that doesn't sacrifice everything and in the process and leave them totally vulnerable to all other units. Of course we don't want an AA Max walking into a room and clearing it - but at the same time, it should also be possible to defend against a single C4 fairly you saw coming a mile off.