[Suggestion] Give heavy assaults a deployable shield.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by gary the sewer hobo, Sep 7, 2014.

  1. gary the sewer hobo

    The heavy assault should be given its own deployable that replaces the overshield. This should be in the form of a deployable shield, similar to the one from tribes: ascend.

    They should come in 2 forms: resist and nanite mesh. Lets start with the resist: When placed down the resist shield will reduce the damage of all enemy bullets that pass through it by 75%. The shield can be walked through by both enemys and friendlys and grenades will pass through unimpeded. Enemy dumbfires and tank rounds explode upon hitting the shield and the splash damage radius and damage is significantly decreased. The owner gains XP equal to the damage dealt for each enemy bullet that pass's through the shield AND hits a friendly, this includes the heavy itself. (for example: an enemy fires a gauss saw through the shield, the gauss saw does 200 damage, this is reduced to 50, the heavy gets 50xp.) The shield will last until it has been placed for 1 minute. Each cert rank increases the timer and size of the shield. The last rank allows 2 shields to be placed and active at any one time.

    Onto the second type, the mesh generator:
    The mesh generator absorbs all enemy bullets that hit it and reduces the damage of friendly bullets by 50%. However, enemy's can't pass through it and all grenades bounce off of it (even sticky grenades) or detonate on impact (EMP grenades, conc grenades etc). It also is immune to splash damage and splash damage will not pass through it, the effects of concussion and flash grenades are not felt by anyone on the opposite side of the shield when they detonate. For example, the VS are holding a point room, there is a nanite mesh shield deployed in a doorway, a TR heavy throws a conc grenade at the shield, everyone on the opposite side of the shield are unaffected anyone outside of the shield are affected as normal. The same happens with all explosives. (tank rounds, rocket pods, dumbfires etc). It is essentially a deployable spawn room door. The shield lasts until it takes 5000 damage or when the owner places a second shield. The owner gains 10 XP for every 5 shots that hit the shield and 50xp when an explosive is reflected. Each rank increases the size and maximum damage of the shield.

    Both shields take 5 seconds to deploy, this is decreased by .5 seconds with each cert rank.
    All numbers are examples and will likely be changed.
    So what are your thoughts? Is it a good or bad idea and why?
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  2. Morti

    edit for bad reading comprehension, derp

    They could use the shield part of the mana AI turret to implement this, too!

    I like it
  3. GhostAvatar

    Should be the Engineer who has this, deployable cover and all to replace the mana turrets.
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  4. gary the sewer hobo

    That's a good point, I just feel the heavy is lacking in the teamwork department.
  5. Disconsented

    HA is already the be all end all class of PS2 they don't need more toys
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  6. MrSilk

    I don't play as heavy assault, but I think this is a great idea.. Make it a deployable like the medics shield regen bubble.
  7. GhostAvatar

    Thats because it isn't a support class. It is the front line soldier that should be storming the objective. Allowing the support guys to come in after and bolster the defense of the objective. Thats how they are supposed to support the team.
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  8. ConradHorse

    Better not :) Besides, believe me or not, I rarely use it and never upgraded it as HA although it's my primary profession. Still I get the Nanites of kills.

    That's what I was thinking, too, without seeing this topic. So me must be on the same wavelength, guys. I think that engineer should be able to deploy a shield or even be able to deploy more shields with certs. A little wider and a little taller than mana but destroyable with blast from the back, like mana. But more HP. And of course no crenels :)
  9. Kociboss

    They are actually working on deployable shield for engi.

    Source: Dont remember. Reddit or Roadmap.
  10. gary the sewer hobo

    I agree, it does make more sense for it to be given to the engi. I would edit my post but it won't let me for some reason.
  11. Rift23

    Engie should have also had the rocket launcher (as its primary) for a proper BF rip-off but whatever, IMMA MASTAH CHEEF!
  12. gigastar

    Deployables arent the sort of thing you would expect on the main combat class.

    Especially when we have the engie, who works exclusively with deployables.